7 Years 50 Days歌词 7 years and 50 days 7 years and 50 days, the time is passing by, nothing in this world could be, as nice as you and i. and how could we break, up like this, and how could we be wrong, so many years, so many days, and i still sing my song. now i run to you, like i always do, when i close my eyes, and think of you, such a lonely girl, such a lonely world, when i close my eyes i dream, i ret歌词以弗所书 1:21-22马太福音 20:25-28这是我的爱子…你们要聼祂。创世纪 42:36哥林多前书 15:50-52罗马书 6:19被替换的生命诗篇 121:1-2神要差遣你去服事谁?约翰福音 5:21-24诗篇 46:5-7出埃及记 34:2-3路加福音 12:9-10约翰福音 1:25-26马太福音 6:25-29使徒行传 8:4-24歌罗西书 3:14彼得前书 3:3-4民数记 27:18-23约翰福音 13:3-4提摩太后书 3:15-17马太福音 8:28-34彼得前书 3:20-21玛拉基书 3:10以弗所书 5:15-17哥林多后书 1:3-5罗马书 6:3-11诗篇 32:1-2使徒行传 19:2-3