seasons in the sun歌词 Goodbye to you my trusted friend We’ve known each other since we were nine or ten Together we’ve climbed hills and trees Learned of love and abc skinned our hearts and skinned our knees Goodbye my friends it’s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Pretty girls are every where Think of me and I’ll be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time Goodbye歌词爱太好看彩虹故事被爱占有遇见,自己享爱dj 被伤过的心还可以爱谁 dj2010 合成她一定不爱你祝福你亲爱的每当我闭上双眼(R&B)2 In The Morning 超赞节奏每个人都知道我爱你这歌伤的很美超有人气节奏的好歌 中文歌词已出Beauty And The Beast - 手嶌葵again&节奏..听到30秒.你会爱上它~Because you live - 公主日记听前奏 惊艳你的耳朵伤!她一定不爱你吉特巴-全世界最伤心的人 演唱:老猫7分30秒吉特巴-错错错的人 - 风殿子吉特巴 -走天涯 -叶贝文(爱无错制作)7分35秒【定制】吉特巴 -一定要爱你-田一龙(爱无错制作)6分35秒【定制】吉特巴 -我在草原等你来吉特巴 -别在我离开之前离开-雷诺儿广场舞恰恰-为你等待-钟明秋广场舞恰恰-梦里水乡-钟明秋广场舞伦巴-天涯歌女-钟明秋【爱无错制作】广场舞伦巴-涛声依旧-钟明秋【爱无错制作】广场舞并四-你怎么说-钟明秋