end of the road歌词 We belong together And you know that I am right Why do you play with my heart Why do you play with my mind Said we’d be forever Said it’d never die How could you love me and leave me and never Say goodbye When I can’t sleep at night Without holding you tight Girl, each time I try I just break down and cry Pain in my head Oh, I’d rather be dead Spinning around and around (Chorus 2x) Although we’ve come To the end of the road Still I can’t let go It’s 歌词宁愿不爱正版清新的女声节奏感 早上来点感觉喜欢听安静的歌曲的请进炎と永远 心然版仙剑一·白河寒秋心然吧吧歌·DearestWe Made You(320K)v‘推荐≈°醉花荫Bad Girls(320K) v‘原版≈°Bad Girls v‘推荐版本≈°阿慧的岛屿 Demo喜欢爱情电影喜欢安静你或许会喜欢where do we goI Can’t Smile without You 你是我的微笑爱尔兰独立民谣Damien Rice 9 crimes≤ 你还不懂 ≥山奥少年の恋物语Touch my body Remix 中文版情衷西索 在大苹果树下繁华之城别念闯祸 yoyo(缠绵往事)...经典大提琴曲天籁吟唱版天择梦回秦淮.玉梨缘亘古的思念御剑千山梦自我分裂 零苍之涛主题曲·千年之宿命