the colour of the night歌词 You and I moving in the dark Bodies close but souls apart Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed I need to know the way you feel Chorus : I’ll give you everything I am And everything I want to be I’ll put it in your hands If you could open up to me oh Can’t we ever get beyond this wall ’Cause all I want is just once To see you in the light But you hide behind The color of the night I can’t go on r歌词天娱传媒-王栎鑫-再说一声Sa lang Hae YoAlan-大江东去周丽淇-猜灯谜百合泪李睿超-我很穷卫兰-主角爱我萧煌奇-你是我的眼薛家燕-万家欢喜陈晓东-一半一半黄雅莉-我还能飞翔杂音苏醒-我的Style谁羡慕像我这样强的人 - 傅颖十七度 - 谢安琪贾立怡-爱存在丹尼尔-WholeWorldAround我教你分手 - 孙燿威JS-回忆的圣诞节时光机 - 小肥林心如-我以为没有看到就好安琥-醉红颜天娱传媒-陈楚生-一个人的冬天咖啡或茶 - HotCha江蕙-甲你揽牢牢滨崎步-Days罗忆诗-左手右手狄易达&贾晓晨-一种快乐一种苦曾婷芳-没有你的日子我该怎么过台北的天空 (《花落春犹在》主题曲) - 王芷蕾