快好知 kuaihz

A Walk In The Rain歌词
I don't feel a thing and I stop remembering The days are just like moments turned to hours Mother used to say if you want, you'll find a way Bet mother never danced through fire shower Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain I walk in the rain, in the rain Is it right or is it wrong and is it here that I belong I don't hear a sound Silent faces in the ground The quiet screams, but I refuse to listen If there is a hell I'm sure this is how it smells Wish this were a dream, but no, it isn't Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain I walk in the rain, in the rain Am I right or am I wrong and is it here that I belong Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain I walk in the rain, in the rain Why do I feel so alone For some reason I think of home╰>中译: 我感觉不到任何事 我已经停止了记忆 时间飞逝 妈妈曾经说 如果你想要,那么总会有办法的 妈妈从未在火雨中跳舞 在雨中散步,在雨中,在雨中 我在雨中散步,在雨中,在雨中 这究竟是对是错 这里到底是不是我的归宿 我什么也没听到 地面上安静的面孔 无声的尖叫,但我拒绝去听 如果有地狱 我肯定这正是它闻起来的味道 希望这是一个梦,但是不,这不是