brown eyed girl歌词 Hey, where did we go Days when the rains came ? Down in the hollow Playing a new game, Laughing and a-running, hey, hey, Skipping and a-jumping In the misty morning fog with Our, our hearts a-thumping And you, my brown-eyed girl, You, my brown-eyed girl. Whatever happened To Tuesday and so slow Going&nb歌词Tizzy Bac-我又再度依恋上昨天TimeZ-偶像万万岁李克勤-合久必婚孙子涵-对着背影说爱你曹格-Super Sunshine范逸臣&戚薇-黑白之间陈冠希-Be My Baby成龙-国土林稷安&程于伦-我一直都在JS-爱情背包客萧敬腾-王子的新衣刘若英-亲爱的路人王啸坤-笑话李代沫-即客筷子兄弟-祝福你亲爱的许慧欣-Stereo的爱情故事本兮-Run Away张悬-南国的孩子范玮琪-一颗心的距离蔡健雅-Beautiful Love小编超喜欢Owl City-The Saltwater Room金海心-阳光下的星星张杰-恒星流星旋转门-我可能不会爱你郑钧&莫华伦-英雄郑钧-灰姑娘羽泉-朋友难当林冠吟-倒数罗志祥-敢不敢