If You Really Knew歌词 if you had my love and i gave you all my trust would you comfort me tell me,baby and if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue would you lie to me and call me baby now if i gave you me, this is how it's got to be first of all i won't take you cheatin' on me tell me who can i trust if i can't trust in you and i refuse to let you play me for a fool you said that we could possibly spend eternity see that's what you told me (that's what you said) but if you want me you&歌词<金陵十三钗> 好听的中国风 值得一听请安静的忘记我 好中文 不多说<Criminal> 此歌一出 绝对吸引〈俏皮男士手机铃声 〉<You Love Me> 强势来袭 此曲必火<Without You> 悦耳动听的钢琴伴奏 撩人心弦<Never Cross> 舒服到骨子里的旋律 完美秒杀<爱存在> 好听 女声读不懂你的忧伤星空 完整版 终于等来了★「电音系列」非常迷幻的一首电音(可做开场)﹏≈ 电音丶HOUSE ◆风格女声电麻″〔〈哥特金属〉〕最终幻想零式zero冰冻世界泛着紫色的光 凝结瞬间的是紫样的雪很浪漫的一首歌曲 可不可以可不可以 干净温柔的男声 你会喜欢的怀念小时候了追梦人 白若溪 高清断了线的风筝耀y┇ 英伦风 ┇〈 绝对吸引人的女声 〉美丽的万物.第7秒开始尽情融进节奏里的感觉因为你的遗忘flowering is past孤单的电影票<If I Say> 柔情的旋律 舒服到心底的享受< 我很纠结> 节奏女声 经典再现我的歌 mp3里的歌曲エウテルペ◆◇迷人的声线 凄凉的感觉浸湿我的心↗mon ange