Running One歌词 to be number one giorgio moroder - to be number one this is what we've worked for all our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose to give it all when competition calls time records the victory in our hearts to win or lose is not the only thing it's all in how we play the fairest g歌词Riding On the Rocks 尼伯龙的指环片尾曲try to 试着相信 试着安静 不要逃离 好么张悬 喜欢张惠妹 如果你也听说我们都是快乐的牛羊比比爸爸极速60s 中的 漂泊车手 Lowrider✿ Missing u许巍 蓝莲花男巫的媚惑 Geek In The Pink我的世界有你囚禁 We Made It振奋一下好吗 Generation爱神Lilium 妖精的旋律(elfen lied)opForever Friends 烟花的歌勇士 像风一样小步舞曲玛丽兄弟迷路的孩子Give My Love 最后之舞出山我HIPHOP忧郁的男声Magic boulevard魔力大道独家说爱Hard to breath难以呼吸残酷的天使行动纲领小提琴 DJ情醉 新诛仙主题曲 唯爱不变