Three Doors,Three Keys歌词 Three Doors Three Keys - 顺子&红节奏 Time is a wishing well Full of empty promise Our dreams turn cold Soon we don t dream at all Then tomorrow s gone And when night begins to fall We rage against the dawn It reads like an empty page Of a book with no moral And the end is known Ain t no suspense at all We come and then we go It s so far away Time stretched out before us The night brings the day Time s a moving train we can t escape Getting歌词Linkin Park – Numb说我爱你...却说谎言 - 迈克尔.鲍顿此情可待 - 理查马克斯Heal The World 拯救地球加州旅馆 - 老鹰乐队我将永远爱你 - 惠特尼休斯顿当男女相爱时 - 迈克鲍顿… Baby One More Time世界无限大 - 艾美莉亚柠檬树 - 愚人花园Because Of You 因为你 -爱的力量 - 席琳迪翁爱你在心口难开 - 劳赛尔斯卡布罗集市 - 莎拉.布莱曼昨日重现 - 卡本特也许有答案另一个旅程无限我背着你爱上你常言道真的喜欢你 - 雷安娜一点烛光 - 关正杰情人知已 叶倩文MONICA - 张国荣谢霆锋 - 黄高旗《豪门盛宴》音浪–黄立行甜蜜蜜 - 邓丽君铁窗 - 许美静