快好知 kuaihz

To The Top歌词
我从以前就爱唱歌 我天天追求我的梦想 我从小时候弹钢琴 我跳芭蕾舞给妈妈看 Na I wanted to get to the top But i was not happy happy I wanted to just come straight home There i was truly happy happy 你天天想成为大明星 但是你不懂这种压力 我只能够告诉你 别着急想清楚 要努力你会成功 Famous is not so funny after all When the money comes next comes the fall It seems like a fairytale Cause it is come back home Eat our food and be loved Famous amos ya wanna be a star Better make it quick You better take it far Many many girls they wanna be celebrity Holy mol