快好知 kuaihz

Reunion (《飞虎之潜行极战》电视剧主题曲) - 林峯/欧阳靖 林: We are bulletproof so fire away I will take a hit for you 就像我跟你们从没有别离 We are bulletproof so fire away 若要闯一起外闯 We fight as one There's nothing they can do 欧阳: 有啲嘢系唔使讲大家心照 一班兄弟简直同一个心跳 互相关照无论任何情况 有福同享 有难同当 无数嘅回忆一直留住喺脑海 究竟系缘分定只系好彩 点都好每人有自己嘅过去 之前所有嘅误会当粉笔字抹走佢 喺战场上唔止系一班棋 每次准备出发一齐出生入死 讲到尾真心不能代替 愿意牺牲一切有今生冇来世 有人博攞彩有人博出位 我哋之间只有两个字兄弟 飞虎嘅态度永远不变 就算各自各路终有一日必会再见 林: We are bulletproof so fire away I will take a hit for you 就像我跟你们从没有别离 We are bulletproof so fire away 若要闯一起外闯 We fight as one There's nothing they can do 欧阳: They say life's a movie and ours is action packed Promise I'll watch your front Trust that you'll have my back Forever side by side and that's a fact Until the final scene and even after that They say life's a movie and our is action packed Promise I'll watch your front Trust that you'll have my back Together we ride or die and that's a fact Until the final scene and even after that 林: We are bulletproof so fire away I will take a hit for you 就像我跟你们从没有别离 We are bulletproof so fire away 若要闯一起外闯 We fight as one There's nothing they can do 欧阳: 有啲嘢系唔使讲大家心照 一班兄弟简直同一个心跳 互相关照无论任何情况 林: 就像我跟你们从没有别离 欧阳: 有啲嘢系唔使讲大家心照 一班兄弟简直同一个心跳 互相关照无论任何情况 林: We fight as one There's nothing they can do