Let It Be Me歌词 Let It Be Me 邓丽君演唱 I bless the day I found you I want my arms around you And so I beg you: Let it be me. Don't take this heaven from one If you must cling someone Now and forever, let it be me. Each time we meet, love I find complete love Without your sweet love, what would life be? So never leave me lonely Tell me that you love me only And say you'll always let it be me. 邓丽君:《Let It Be Me》 ——END——歌词启示录 2:20-23出埃及记 40:38罗马书 8:18哥林多前书 11:1约翰福音 17:20-23马可福音 16:7启示录 2:26-28路加福音 22:32主翅膀下申命记 32:11-12诗篇 2:1-2约翰福音 17:15-17列王记上 19:3-4哥林多前书 2:2-6以弗所书 3:13奇妙的平安约翰福音 16:33创世记 11:1-3路加福音 4:16-20提摩太后书 2:9哥林多前书 2:2-7彼得前书 2:13-14提摩太前书 1:15-16提摩太后书 3:14帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:9-10玛拉基书 1:14犹大书 1:3申命记 13:1-3约翰福音 15:18-19耶利米书 23:29-30耶利米书 4:23-26