快好知 kuaihz

I don't know what he does to make U cry.我不知道他是如何把你惹哭 But I'll be there to make U smile.但是我会逗你开心的 I don't have a fancy car.我没有名车 To get to U I'd walk a thousand miles.但我可以走千里路去找你 I don't care if he buys U nice things.我不在乎他送你贵重的礼物 Does his gifts come from the heart-I don't know…他是由衷得送给你的吗?-我不知道 But if U were my girl…但如果你是我的女孩 I'd make it so that we'd never be apart.我会全心全意让我们长相守厮守 Chorus: But my love is all I have to give.我所能付出的是我全心全意的爱 Without U I don't think I can live.失去你我就活不下去 I wish I could give the world 2 U…but我希望把全世界送给你-但 Love is all I have 2 give.我所能付出的是我全心全意的爱 When U talk-does it seem like he's not.当你跟他说话时 Even listening to a word you say?他是否真的用心聆听 That's okay,babe,just tell me Ur problems.如果没有,你可以告诉我 I'll try my best 2 kiss them all away…我会尽力解你的忧愁 Does he leave when you ne