快好知 kuaihz

Her Mantle So Green歌词
As I went out walking one morning in June, To view the fair fields and the valleys in bloom, I spied a pretty fair maid she appeared like a queen With her costly fine robes and her mantle so green. 六月的一个早晨我出去散步, 欣赏盛夏的朗朗原野和山谷。 我看到一位金发少女,宛如女王 穿着精致长袍,披风绿得那么悦目。 Says I, "My pretty fair maid, won t you come with me We ll both join in wedlock, and married we ll be, I ll dress you in fine linen, you ll appear like a queen, With your costly fine robes and your mantle so green. “可爱的女孩儿,愿意到我身边来不? 我们将相识相爱,牵手到老。 我将为你披上精致的礼服, 你看起来像女王,披风绿得那么悦目。 Says she now, "You Young man, you must be excused, For I ll wed with no man, you must be refused; To the green woods I will wander to shun all men s view, For the lad that I love fell in famed Waterloo." “小伙子,我只能说声对不住。 我不会嫁给任何人,将走向绿林深处, 避开所有男子的注目, 因为我爱的人阵亡在著名的滑铁卢。” "O, then, if you won t marry, tell me