Revenge Song歌词 Helen Helen Troy I drew your picture as a boy a woman mightier then all I slipped and took a nasty fall into the poisoned arms of fear my mama left me with a broken hearted souvenir and thats exactly why I’m here… I took out my revenge I wrote a postcard to unite my fractured friends inside the bubble empty hands a belly full of trouble baby hold my hand I’m gonna take my shot again I’m gonna sing to save my life I’m gonna make that girl my wife…歌词约翰福音 1:1-3约翰一书 2:1-2马太福音 24:37-39雅各书 4:2-3约翰一书 5:14-16历代志下 14:11哥林多前书 1:17-19哥林多前书 15:24-26希伯来书 5:8-9创世记 3:13-14马太福音 5:29-30以赛亚书 55:7-9约伯记 1:21申命记 11:11-12约翰福音 14:23-24罗马书 8:28诗篇 32:8-9约翰福音 21:15-17以赛亚书 64:6使徒行传 26:18启示录 19:7-8哥林多前书 15:54-57哥林多后书 5:21以赛亚书 30:18-21撒母耳记上 15:22腓立比书 1:29马太福音 6:34犹大书 1:20约翰福音 16:12-15