快好知 kuaihz

Kenny Rogers Lady歌词
Lady, I m your knight in shining armor and I love you. 女士 我是你身裹光彩夺目盔甲的骑士 我爱你 You have made me what I am and I am yours. 你使我的生命具有意义 我永远属于你 My love, there s so many ways I want to say I love you. 亲爱的 有千百种方式对你说 我爱你 Let me hold you in my arms forever more. 让我永远拥你在怀中 You have gone and made me such a fool, 你离我而去 我好像傻瓜一样 I m so lost in your love. 深深的迷失在你的爱中 And oh, we belong together. 而我们本该成双成对 Won t you believe in my song? 你难道不相信我歌中的真情 Lady, for so many years I thought I d never find you. 女士 多年来我一直在想 我永远都不会找到你 You have come into my life and made me whole. 而今你却闯进了我的生活 使我的生命完整而绚丽多彩 Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning. 永远的让我早晨一醒来就见到你 每一个早晨 天天早晨 Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear. 让我听见你在我耳边轻声细语 In my eyes I see no one else but you. 在我的眼里只有你 There s no other love like our lo