快好知 kuaihz

A Gothic Ghost歌词
A Gothic Ghost 该怎么触碰这些伤害, 生活到处都是一场诀别。 当梦想沉入汪洋大海, 那些未曾谋面的崭新悲伤, 那些不能预知的离别和痛苦。 就像一座开满荆棘的花园, 划破我们的血肉而过。 给我一个最后的拥抱, 我将不再畏惧荆棘, 不再害怕痛苦。 带给我光, 告诉我这只是命运或终结。 我伸出手,却握不住一片虚无, 那些爱情的甜美和失望的憎恨, 在时间的裁决下, 像流沙一样缓慢流走。 所有的一切, 都会流走。 Oh how hurting was the touch, lived as an omen of farewell... greyness fell upon an already darkened dream, when never seen the sorrow, when never seen the pain. Now we face the walk all through the garden, blood red flowers gathered round... In a sorrowful embrace we won t fear the thorns, we won t fear the pain... Let us walk towards the light, call it destiny or fate... And the wounds, let them be opened, cause the stream that flows is love and the stream that flows is hate... No existing beauty has ever had a brighter shine than thine. Now you fade away. Like sand f