快好知 kuaihz

魔兽进行曲 N种音效游戏大餐歌词
早晨:鸡叫 黑暗游侠:I am here, as always. 恶魔猎手:At last, we shall have revenged. 火焰领主:Beware I live ... 小精灵行动音效 英雄法里奥:I must safeguard the land. 英雄吉安娜:Shhh.I am trying to think here. 精灵龙:相位变换 森林巨魔狂暴者et the killing begin! 月之女祭司:Warriors of night,assemble!(Grrr!) 蒸气坦克攻击音效 暗夜精灵建筑爆炸音效 龙鹰骑士:The sky is mine! 巨魔蝙蝠骑士:The end justifys the means! 矮人火枪手射击音效 战鹰应答音效 矮人火枪手:Shoot to kill! 矮人火枪手射击音效 矮人直升机坠毁音效 双足飞龙:Ready to soar, master! 双足飞龙攻击音效果 女巫变形术音效 女巫:Help me, help you. 剑圣:My blade seeks vengence. 女巫减速音效 剑圣疾风步音效 先知:The future is ours. 先知连环闪电音效 农民死亡音效 步兵死亡音效 大法师:This had better be worth it. 圣骑士:What would you ask of me? 山丘之王:For Kaz