快好知 kuaihz

瞳:我唱到窒息 只想你明白我的心 (强烈推荐 世界肺活量最大歌词
These kids trapped in a struggle and 这些孩子陷入困境 Don t know where they re heading, no 却不知道何去何从 A head full of trouble is all that they re getting 他们所有的只有满脑的困惑 And nobody knows the suffering they go through 更没人了解他们所经历的苦难 And you wouldn t believe em if they told you 而你也不会相信,即使他们向你吐露 These kids trapped in a struggle and Don t know where they re heading, no A head full of trouble is all they re getting And nobody knows the suffering they go through And you wouldn t believe em if they told you (同上) So many songs, so many times 如此多的歌,如此多的次数 The world had to hear so many rhymes 这个世界不得不去聆听如此多的旋律 About how life is for strugglers 那描述着挣扎者的生活的旋律 Minority groups, kids with single mothers 未成年的,和单身母亲生活在一起的孩子 Young homies turn hustlers, stealing for money 年轻的人(多指黑人)沦为了娼妓,或偷盗钱财 It s kinda funny how the crime rate is so high 为何犯罪率如