Children’s Dawn Blessing歌词“一直以为,喜欢音乐的人,心灵必也会受到音乐的洗礼。美好的音乐,会荡涤人心中的尘垢,让人格得以提升。”非常在意这句话,是因为纯净的音乐会清洗我们内心的烦躁,尘垢和污秽。
Artist Note: I first wrote this prayer in English. Then it was translated to Lakota.
With translation to a metaphoric language, some of the English wording gets altered in the translation.
Knowing this, I then asked for the prayer to be translated back to English from Lakota.
The result was the words used for this prayer.
On the recording the Lakota is spoken first, then the English,
but for our purposes here I will list the English translation first.
Grandfather, give blessing to all children who live upon earth and also give blessing to the seven generations that are coming.
Give a clear mind and will to the children who walk toward the future, so that they understand and know peace all over the universe.
Let them have generous affection and well-being, so that all that grows and live