快好知 kuaihz

The Cells歌词
It s all click when the mortgage clears 当卖身契约还清时一切都会雨过天晴 All our fears will disappear 我们的忧惧都会消失 Now you go to bed 当你现在入眠 I m staying here 我却还在这里 I ve got another level that I want to clear 我得到更高的职位我却只想逃脱 My skin feels like orange peel 我的皮肤粗糙得像橘子皮 My eyes have been vacuum-sealed 眼睛干燥得跟真空包装似的 My organs move like a squirm of eels 内脏辗转蠕动像滑溜的鳗鱼 We should be more adventurous with our meals 也许我们应该对每一餐更有冒险精神 They annoy me those who employ me 那些雇用我的人让我抓狂 The could destroy me 他们让我崩溃 The should enjoy me 他们本来应该让我欢欣 We eat Chinese off our knees 我们把中国菜放在膝盖上吃 And look for each other in the TV screen 在电视屏幕里寻找着对方身影 The sun goes up and the sun goes down 太阳升起又落下 I drag myself into the town 我把自己拽入城市里 All I do I want to do with you 我只想跟你一样随心所欲 Everyday I m at my desk 每一天我坐在办公桌前 At my desk I m like the rest 在我的桌前 像个多余的人 All I do I want to do with you 我只想跟你一样随心所欲 Music On the city s skin they move on ma