快好知 kuaihz

假面舞会 五子填词歌词
假面舞会 唱:HITA For wide is the gate broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it.Small is the gate and narrow that leads to life and only a few find it. 风的嚣张,穿透以往,嘶吼在,广场中央,猎猎作响 奔赴那蓝色公爵午夜绽放散落红茶与鸢尾香的舞会上 背上翅膀,镀金假相,旋转在,露天长廊,抬头仰望 祈求那亘古而出不灭星光伫立于我身旁只一晚的荣光 Your glory. Guides me. Pray it. Never end. Love is kind.Love does not insist on its own way.Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing.Love brings all things.Love endures all things. 琴弦歌唱,用赞美装饰你的伤。人群中彷徨,面具后他眼里闪过的慌 流连目光,蔷薇睡在浮动乐章。鞋尖也感伤,吻的阴影什么模样 斑驳的画像,苍白荒凉 脱下的油彩,都将这故事遗忘 诗的十四行,你的咏唱 残留着的迹象,十二翼逆天而上 风的嚣张,穿透以往,嘶吼在,广场中央,猎猎作响 奔赴那蓝色公爵午夜绽放散落红茶与鸢尾香的舞会上 背上翅膀,镀金假相,旋转在,露天长廊,抬头仰望 祈求那亘古而出不灭星光伫立于我身旁只一晚的荣光 Your glory. Guides me. Pray it. Never end. 双手呈上,你的灵魂踏过迷茫。血字印纸上,闪耀着谁赐给你的光芒 银器微烫,烛火欢呼越跳越长。午夜钟声响,定格最美的红色张狂 誓言在回荡,断句断章 枯萎的长裙,