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The Rose 不朽经典歌词
The Rose Amanda McBroom Some say love, it is a river 有人说,爱就像滔滔大河 that drowns the tender reed. 溺死那弱不经风的芦苇 Some say love, it is a razor 有人说,爱就像一把锋利剃刀 that leaves your soul to bleed. 让人的灵魂流血不止 Some say love, it is a hunger, 有人说,爱就是永远满足不了的欲望 an endless aching need. 伴随着永无休止的痛苦 I say love, it is a flower, 我说爱,是一朵花 and you its only seed. 而你,是唯一能让花朵绽放的种子。 It s the heart afraid of breaking 害怕受伤的心 that never learns to dance. 永远也学不会翩然起舞 It s the dream afraid of waking 害怕苏醒的梦 that never takes the chance. 永远也不会成真 It s the one who won t be taken, 不懂得付出的人 who cannot seem to give, 也不会得到回报 and the soul afraid of dying 害怕死亡的灵魂 that never learns to live. 也永远不知道怎样活着。 When the night has been too lonely 当孤独伴随着夜晚降临的时候, and the road has been too long, 当前方的路遥遥无期的时候 and you think that love is only 当你