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Loch Lomond 罗梦湖歌词
美丽的罗蒙湖畔 By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, 在你美丽的湖畔,在你美丽的山坡 Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond, 阳光明媚的照在罗蒙湖上 Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae, 我和我心爱的姑娘久久不愿离去 On the bonnie, bonnie banks o Loch Lomond. 在那美丽,美丽的罗蒙湖畔 Oh, ye ll tak the high road, 哦,你将走那地面之路, and I ll tak the low road, 我将走那地下之路 And I ll be in Scotland afore ye 我要先于你回到苏格兰家乡 But me and my true love will never meet again 我和我心爱的姑娘却再也无法相聚 On the bonnie, bonnie banks o Loch Lomond. 在那美丽,美丽的罗蒙湖畔 T was there that we parted in yon shady glen, 我们告别在绿荫蔽日的山谷 On the steep, steep side o Ben Lomond, 在罗蒙湖那陡峭,陡峭的岸边 Where in purple hue the Highland hills we view, 我们看见高地的山岳笼罩在紫雾之中 And the moon coming out in the gloamin. 月亮在黄昏的微光中升起 Oh, ye ll tak the high road, 哦,你将走那地面之路, and I ll tak the low road, 我将走那地下之路 And I ll be in S