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√ ┊She Is My Sin 「夜 愿 乐 队」┊歌词
She Is My Sin 她是我的罪 Take heed, dear heart, once apart 小心留意 亲爱的心 一旦分离 She can touch nor me nor you 她便无法触摸你或我 Dressed as one 剥去身上的皮毛 A wolf will betray a lamb 灰狼将背叛那羊羔 Lead astray the gazers 引导迷途的人们 The razors on your seducing skin 剃刀就在你诱惑的肌肤上 In the meadow of sinful thoughts 抱持罪念的草地 Every flower s perfect world 每朵鲜花都是个完美的世界 To paradise with pleasure haunted... 那快感缠绕的天堂 haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕…… A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河 I am the Fallen 我在坠落 You are what my sins enclose 你是引诱我犯罪的圈套 Lust is not as creative As its disc