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丨〈 I Remember Me 节奏蓝调 〉丨歌词
Jennifer Hudson - I Remember Me 珍妮佛哈德森 – 我还记得我 I remember me, staring at myself 我还记得我,我看着自己 See these same two eyes, see these same two feet 同样的双眼,同样的双脚 I remember you, You who I used to be 我还记得我,你,过去的我 You still look the same, but you don t hurt like me 你看起来一点儿没变,但你却未经伤痛 Look at my reflection, somewhere my affection 看着自己的影子,突然不知我的情 Disappeared, isn t here, nothing left to say 哪儿去了,不见了,无言以对 Memories they fading, but I m the one who makes them 记忆会变模糊,但它始终是我铸成的 So i keep the love close enough to say 所以我会怀着爱心说 What if this life is all that we re given 如果今生就注定是这样又有什么要紧的 We just can t stop living, scared of what we see 我们不能放弃生活,不能害怕面对生活 Cuz in this world, anything can hurt you 因为在这个世上,任何事情都能伤害你 They push you, then forget you 他们把你推倒,然后淡忘你 Stole my history 偷走我的回忆 But I remember me, I remember me 但是我还记得我,我还记得我 It don t matter where