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Chen Gong: Chinas Middle Class is Facing Crisis!

Credit Suisse said in its Global Wealth Report 2015 that although China has the largest middle class population in the world, the average wealth of a middle class adult in China is far less than in the U.S and Japan and the percentage of the different classes in China differs significantly from the U.S and Japan. ANBOUND"s chief researcher, Chen Gong is of the view of that the Chinese middle class which has low standard is facing a crisis! The wealth constituting the China’s middle class have risks, mainly in real estate, which could be "destroyed" anytime and the standard of the middle class for each country is not comparable. This is because this is merely a comparison on the income and there is a lack of the comparison on the welfare. As the overall cost of China’s society rises very quickly, therefore, as far as China’s middle class is concerned, the welfare level in China is dropping.

搜索建议:Chinas  Chinas词条  Facing  Facing词条  Crisis  Crisis词条  Middle  Middle词条  Class  Class词条  

