讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。
Part II: Patterns of Essay Development (短文的分类和写作手法)
Chapter 15 Division-Classification (关于分类的短文)
This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on division-classification.
You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize division-classification.
Wait Divisions
By Tom Bodett
Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Division-Classification
Considering Purpose and Audience
With big data (including outputs from many models, such as CMIP5), such writing is common.
Let’s find some research papers on this.
Chapter 16 Argument (论证式短文)
This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on argument.
You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize argument.
Ban the Things. Ban Them All
By Molly Ivins
Strategies for Argument
1. Use Tactful, Courteous Language
2. Point Out Common Ground
3. Acknowledge Differing Viewpoints
4. When Appropriate, Grant the Merits of Differing Viewpoints
5. Rebut Differing Viewpoints
Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Argument
Considering Purpose and Audience
Your main purpose is to convince your readers that your particular point or opinion is correct.