

  XX届高考英语unit 23 conflict单元精练复习教案
  unit 23 conflict
  重点单词1.________ n. 记忆 ________ n. 纪念碑
  2._______adj. 正义的;公正的 adv. 只是;不过 ________ n. 正义;公正
  3.________ n. 移居;移民 ________ v. 移居入境
  4.________ vt. 提供;(在房屋等内)布置家具 ________ adj. 配有家具的 ________ n. 家具
  5.________ n. 种族;赛跑 ________ adj. 人种的;种族之间的
  6.________ n. 酒精;酒 ________ adj. 含酒精的 n. 酗酒者;酒鬼
  7.________ n. 班级;阶级;种类 ________ vt. 分类;分等
  8.________ n. 营养;营养学 ________ adj. 有营养成分的;营养的
  9.________ n. 外科医生 ________ n. 外科;手术室
  10.________ n. 理论;原理 ________ adj. 理论的
  11.________ vt. 说起;谈到 ________ adj. 引人注目的
  重点短语1.________ ________ 把……交给            2.________ ________________ 向……告别3.________ ________ ______ 处于可能受伤害的境遇;使暴露于(险境)
  4.________ ________ ________ 瞬间;即刻
  5.________ ________ ________ 保护;维护
  6.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 与某人详细讨论某事7.________ ________ 提议;提出 8.________ ________ ________ 从那时起;以后9.________ ________ 让步;屈服 10.________ ________ 派人去叫
  重点句式1.i have already been in_contact_with my lawyer in_order_to ask for advice.
  2.seldom_has drumming caused such conflict.
  3.no_sooner had they moved in, than the noise began.
  4.it_was only after careful consideration that we gave yang ming a warning.
  1.memory; memorial 2.just; justice 3.immigration; immigrate 4.furnish; furnished; furniture 5.race; racial 6.alcohol; alcoholic 7.class; classify 8.nutrition; nutritious 9.surgeon; surgery 10.theory; theoretical 11.remark; remarkable
  1.hand over 2.bid sb goodbye 3.be exposed to 4.in a flash 5.stand up for 6.talk sth over with sb 7.put forward
  8.from then on 9.give in 10.send for
  1.expose vt. (常与to连用)暴露;使暴露;使曝光;揭露
  expose 可以用于引申,表示"使受(危险、风险等)"。exposed还常用作补足语。
  exposure n. 暴露;揭露
  1)you shouldn"t ________ the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。
  2)don"t ________ the film to light. 不要把胶片曝光。
  3)the boy hid himself behind the curtain, leaving his feet ________. 男孩藏在窗帘后面,露出双脚。
  【答案】 1)expose 2)expose 3)exposed
  her youth and beauty will ________ her to a lot of dangers.
  a.expose b.expand c.expect d.explode
  【答案与解析】 a expose"使暴露",常与to连用。 题意:她的年轻美貌将使她面临许多危险。expand "使膨胀;扩张"; expect "期待;盼望"; explode"爆炸"。
  (XX辽宁十校一联) —how did she get infected?
  —because she ________ the viruses without any protection.
  a.had exposed to b.exposed to
  c.had exposed d.had been exposed to
  【答案与解析】 d be exposed to"暴露在……",根据上文的get infected可知要用过去完成时。
  2.remark n. 谈论;评论;言论;评述 vt. & vi. 评论;说起;谈及
  remarkable adj. 值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的
  remarkably adv. 不寻常地;突出地
  remark on / upon 评论;谈论
  1)that ________ was intended as a joke. 那句话本来只是个玩笑。
  2)don"t make / pass rude ________ about his appearance. 不要对他的外貌胡乱品评。
  3)everyone ________ ________ his absence. 人人对他的缺席都评论了一番。
  4)the editor ________ ________ article was well written. 编辑说那篇文章写得很好。
  【答案】 1)remark 2)remarks 3)remarked on 4)remarked that
  remark 所表示的"说话"含有评论性的意思。
  state 是指把某件事情详细地陈述出来。
  1)it is rude to ________ upon the appearance of other people.
  2)the busmen have ________ that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.
  【答案】 1)remark 2)stated
  (XX天津十校联考)in your scientific lecture, you should ________ your findings in logical order and clear language.
  a.remark   b.raise   c.present   d.put
  【答案与解析】 c 题意:在你的科学讲座中,你应该按逻辑顺序并用清晰的语言介绍你的发现。remark "评论"; raise "举起;抚养"; present "介绍;展示"; put "放置"。
  3.classify vt. 分类;归类;编排 vi. 属于……类
  be classified into 被分类为……
  classified adj. 分类的;机密的
  classification n. 分类;类别
  classified advertisements 分类广告
  classify sb / sth as sth 划分;界定
  1)people who work in libraries spend a lot of time ________ books. 图书馆工作人员花大量时间为书籍分类。
  2)she ________ as one of the greatest actresses of our times. 她可以列为我们这个时代最伟大的女演员之一。
  【答案】 1)classifying 2)classifies
  in modern society, people ________ ________ ________ (分类) their economic level.
  【答案】 are classified by
  (XX苏州调研)in a library books are usually ________ by subjects.
  a.classified b.defined c.separated d.governed
  【答案与解析】 a 题意:在图书馆里,书通常按照科目分类。classify"分类",符合题意。define "给……下定义;明确"; govern "统治;控制"; separate "分开;隔离"。
  4.appoint vt. 任命;委派;指定;决定
  appointed adj. 指定的;决定的
  appointment n. 任命;任用;约定;预约
  1)they ________ him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。
  2)we must ________ someone to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
  3)the time ________ for the meeting was 10:30. 规定开会的时间是10点30分。
  4)our visitors arrived at the ________ time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。
  5)his promotion to manager was a popular ________. 他升任经理是众望所归的。
  6)i have an ________ with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。
  【答案】 1)appointed 2)appoint 3)appointed 4)appointed 5)appointment 6)appointment
  【答案】 the teacher appoints him (to be) monitor.
  (XX浙江五校联考)it"s said that no decision ________ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.
  a.will be made b.is made
  c.is being made d.has been made
  【答案与解析】 a 根据语境可知,决定还没有做出,故用将来时的被动语态。题意:据说,直到所有的选手都经过面试,才能最后决定未来的任命人选。
  5.distribute vt. 分发;分布;散布
  常用结构:distribute sth to / among sb 分发/分配某事物
  1)they ________ those books ________ their students. 他们把那些书分给了学生。
  2)the mother ________ candy ________ children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。
  3)those students ________ ________ ________ three classes. 那些学生被分为三个班。
  【答案】 1)distributed; to 2)distributed; among
  3)were distributed into
  distribute, pide和assign
  distribute 侧重指"分配;分发"。
  pide 强调把整体分成若干部分,常指平均分配。
  assign 指有权威的人根据一定的原则/计划把工作/任务分配给某人或把某人分派到某工作岗位。
  (1)用distribute, pide和assign填空
  1)all 25 cans of milk have been ________ among the persons present. 所有25听牛奶都分给在场的人了。
  2)even though i put up more capital than you, let"s ________ the profits between us. 虽然我比你多出了资本,我们还是平分利润吧。
  3)two soldiers were ________ to guard the gate. 两名士兵被派去守卫大门。
  【答案】 1)distributed 2)pide 3)assigned
  (XX豫北五市联考)the doctors________ the medicines to the people in the flood area.
  a.distinguished b.distrusted
  c.distributed d.disturbed
  【答案与解析】 c 题意:医生们向洪水灾区的人们发放药品。distinguish "区分"; distrust "不信任"; distribute "分发"; disturb "打扰"。
  6.despite prep. 不管;尽管;任凭
  1)________ ________ ________ ________ we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。
  2)he went to work ________ ________ ________. 尽管生病,他还是去工作。
  3)________ ________ ________ ________ we still lost the game. 尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。
  【答案】 1)despite the bad weather 2)despite his illness 3)despite all our efforts
  despite和in spite of
  in spite of 为复合介词,意为"不管;尽管"。
  despite与in spite of 意思、用法相同,但in spite of 语气更强。
  i went out in spite of / despite the rain. 尽管下雨,我还是出去了。
  in spite of / despite great efforts we failed to carry our plans through. 尽管我们付出了巨大努力,我们还是没能完成计划。
  ____________________________________________【答案】 despite living alone, he doesn"t feel lonely.
  (XX济南外国语学校质检)________fire, all exits of this building must be kept clear.
  a.in place of b.instead of
  c.in case of d.in spite of
  【答案与解析】 c in case of "假设;万一"。题意:这幢楼所有的出口都必须保持通畅,以防(万一)发生火灾。in place of "代替"; instead of "取代"; in spite of "虽然;尽管"。
  7.intend vt. 计划;打算
  intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事
  intend...as... 打算使……成为……
  intend sth for sb 为某人准备/预备某事物(通常用被动语态)。
  1)what do you ________ ________ ________when you have finished your studies in the uk? 当你完成了英国的学习后,你打算做什么?
  2)i intend that john ________________________________them with their work. 我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。
  3)i ________ ________ ________ ________to the concert with me. 我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。
  【答案】 1)intend to do 2)should go and help 3)intend tom to go
  this article ________ ________ ________an introduction to rock climbing only.
  this book ________ ________ ________middle school students.
  i didn"t intend her ________ ________the painting until it was finished.
  【答案】 1)is intended as 2)is intended for 3)to see
  (XX东北三校模拟) the performance of the host, ________ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.
  a.had intended b.intended c.intendingd.to intend
  【答案与解析】 b intended to please...过去分词短语作定语。
  8.possess vt. 拥有;持有;具有(能力或品质);了解;懂得;受(感情)支配;受(感情)影响
  possession n. 所有物;财产;拥有
  in possession of 拥有……;掌握……
  in the possession of 由……拥有
  in one"s possession 为某人所拥有
  take possession (of) 接手;开始拥有
  possessive adj. 想独占的;不愿与人分享的;所有格的
  possessor n. 拥有者;持有人;占有者
  1)kate is a woman who ________ rare intelligence. 凯特是个具有非凡才智的女子。
  2)they do not ________ the necessary technical knowledge. 他们并没有掌握必要的技术知识。
  3)what ________ you to get involved with such a ridiculous scheme? 是什么让你参加如此荒唐的计划的?
  4)i am ________ ________ ________ some information that i think will interest you. 我掌握了一些在我看来你会感兴趣的信息。
  5)i did not have a copy of the document ________ ________ ________. 我手中没有这份文件的复印件。
  6)the town of winterset ________ ________ ________ the castle in 1947. 温赛特镇于1947年接手这座城堡。
  【答案】 1)possesses 2)possess 3)possessed 4)in possession of 5)in my possession 6)took possession of
  _____________________________________________【答案】 he is in possession of a beautiful house.
  (XX湖北重点中学联考)though having lived in china for many years, many indians still ________ the traditional customs.
  a.perform b.possess
  c.observe d.support
  【答案与解析】 c 题意:尽管在中国生活多年,许多印度人仍在奉行传统的风俗习惯。observe "遵守;奉行(法律、习俗、规章等)",符合题意。perform "做;执行"; possess "占有"; support "支持"。
  1.hand over交出;移交(权利、责任)
  hand down传给后代
  hand on传递;把……传下来
  hand sth over to把……传递给……
  hand in上交
  hand around 分发
  hand out分发
  1)when mr jones gets old, he ________ ________ ________his business to his son. 琼斯先生上年纪的时候,将把生意交给他的儿子。
  2)it"s still polite ________ ________ ________your seat on the bus to an old lady. 在公共汽车上让座位给老年妇女仍是一种有礼貌的行为。
  【答案】 1)will hand over 2)to hand over
  1)they ________ ________their exercises just in time for the teacher to correct. 他们刚好及时交上作业让老师批改。
  2)the thief ________ ________the stolen watch to the policeman. 小偷把偷的那块表交给了警察。
  3)relief goods were quickly ________ ________to the people in the stricken area. 救灾物资很快发放到灾区人民手里。
  【答案】 1)handed in 2)handed over 3)handed out
  (XX通化一模)tom brown is certain that his father will ________ the business to him.
  a.hand over b.hand out
  c.hand in d.hand around
  【答案与解析】 a  hand sth over to"把……传递给……"。
  2.have a gift for 有……天赋
  have a gift for 相当于have a talent for或be gifted in。
  1)she ________ ________ ________ ________ learning languages. 她有学语言的天赋。
  2)her mother ________ ________ ________ ________ making guests feel at home. 她母亲有能力使客人感到无拘无束。
  【答案】 1)has a gift for 2)has a gift for
  【答案】 the child has a gift for art.
  (XX南京师大附中统测)she can pick up a tune instantly on the piano; it is a ________.
  a.present  b.gift c.bravery d.honesty
  【答案与解析】 b 题意:她可以马上学会用钢琴弹一首曲子,这是一种天赋。present "礼物"; gift "天赋"; bravery "勇敢"; honesty "诚实"。
  3.send for 派人去请/找
  send for 宾语可以是人也可以是物,还可构成:send for sb to do sth "派人去请某人做某事"。
  send sb away 开除;解雇
  send sb in 派某人去(应付困难局面)
  send sth in 寄去(处理)
  send sth off 寄出;发出
  send sth out 分发;散发;发出(光、信号、声音等)
  send sth up 发射
  send sb up 取笑;讽刺;挖苦
  1)you remain here, and i"ll ________ ________ a doctor. 你留在这里,我派人去请医生。
  2)something is wrong with our tv set. we have to ________ ________ a man to repair it. 电视机出毛病了,我们得请个人来修理。
  【答案】 1)send for 2)send for
  he ________ ________ a teacher to teach him math. 他请了一个老师教他数学。
  【答案】 sent for
  (XX江苏联考) have you ________ your paintings for exhibition yet?
  a.sent out b.sent in c.sent up d.sent away
  【答案与解析】 b send in"交上去;寄去"。send out "发出;分发";send up "发射;挖苦"; send away "开除;解雇"。
  4.sort out 挑选出; 整理出
  sort out 相当于pick out或select。
  sort oneself out 处理某人自己的事
  sort out data 整理资料
  sort out sth (from sth) (从……中)区分出来/辨别出来
  sort sth into 把某物分类
  sort sth / sb out 处理某物(或某人); 整治某物(或某人)
  sort through sth (for sth) 翻查;归整
  1)climbing that mountain will certainly ________ ________ the men from the boys. 爬爬那座山就知道谁行谁不行了。
  2)we must ________ ________ the good apples from the bad. 咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。
  【答案】 1)sort out 2)sort out
  teachers always ________ ________ excellent students only by the exam. 老师总是通过考试挑选好学生。
  【答案】 sort out
  (XX西安五校联考)it is necessary that he ________ the information for my reference.
  a.carry out b.sort out
  c.put out d.get out
  【答案解析】b sort out"整理出"。
  5.in a flash 立刻;一瞬间;刹那间;突然地
  flashlight 手电筒
  flashbulb 闪光灯泡
  as quick as a flash 快如闪电般地
  a flash of lightning 闪电
  a flash of hope 一线希望
  a flash in the pan 昙花一现(的人物)
  flash of wit 突然出现的机智;灵机一动
  flash past / by 一闪而过
  1)________ ________ ________ he realized that they were presents from his parents. 他立刻意识到了那些是来自父母的礼物。
  2)on hearing the gunshot, the birds flew away ________ ________ ________. 一听到枪声,所有的鸟儿立刻飞走了。
  【答案】 1)in a flash 2)in a flash
  ______________________________________________【答案】 he came up with a good idea in a flash.
  (XX皖南八校联考)they came at night, broke into the house,stole all the money and disappeared________.
  a.in a flash b.in a fright
  c.in a mess d.in a way
  【答案与解析】 a 题意:他们夜里到来,闯入房间,盗走所有的钱,然后迅速消失。in a flash"立刻;刹那间"; in a fright "在惊恐之下"; in a mess "零乱"; in a way "在某种程度上;稍稍"。
  6.stand up for 替(某人)说话;支持;坚持;维护(权益);保卫
  stand up 站起身;起立;经得起(检验、审查等);使……空等;对……爽约
  stand up to 经受住;经得起;敢于面对
  1)all my friends will ________ ________ ________ me. 所有的朋友都会支持我的。
  2)we all must ________ ________ ________ democracy and human rights.我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。
  3)jane got angry because bill ________ ________ ________ on their first date. 简生气了,因为比尔在他们第一次约会时就对她爽约了。
  4)my wife"s health will not ________ ________ to this cold damp climate. 我妻子的身体经不起这种寒冷潮湿的天气。
  【答案】 1)stand up for 2)stand up for 3)stood her up
  4)stand up
  【答案】 i will stand up for you whatever happens.
  (XX山东师大附中月考)almost no houses could ________ the big earthquake.
  a.stand up to b.stand up for
  c.stand out d.stand in for
  【答案与解析】 a 题意:几乎没有什么房子能经受住这次大地震。stand up to "经受住;经得起"; stand up for "替(某人)说话;支持"; stand out "突出"; stand in for "代替;顶替"。
  7.talk sth over with sb 与某人详细讨论某事
  talk sb over 使某人改变看法
  talk back 顶嘴
  talk big 吹牛
  talk nonsense 胡说
  be the talk of the town 大家都在议论的人或事
  end in talk 说说而已
  1)i must go and _______ ______ the arrangements of the meeting with them. 我得去和他们商讨会议的安排事宜。
  2)fred is trying to ________ bill ________ to our side. 弗莱德想使比尔改变看法,站到我们这一边。
  3)he wouldn"t come at first, but we ______ him ______. 他开始不愿意来,但我们说服了他(使他改变了看法)。
  【答案】 1)talk over 2)talk; over 3)talked; over
  let"s ________ ________ the sports meeting. 让我们来讨论一下运动会的事。
  【答案】 talk over
  (XX沈阳统考)the mayor was killed in his house and it soon became ________ talk of ________ town.
  a.the; the b.a; a c.the; a d.a; the
  【答案与解析】 a the talk of the town "大家都在议论的人或事"。题意:市长在自己家里被杀了,这事很快成为大家都在议论的事。
  8.hold out 抱有(希望);坚持;维持;忍耐;伸出
  hold out for (为得到利益)拖延达成协议
  hold out on 拒绝告诉(或给予);隐瞒
  hold on (继续)坚持;别挂电话
  hold on to sth 抓紧;不放开;保住(优势);不送(或不卖)某物
  hold up 延迟;阻碍;举起
  1)will the car ________ ________ till we reach london? 这车能坚持到我们抵达伦敦吗?
  2)"how long will our fresh water supplies ________ ________?" captain asked. 船长问道,"我们的淡水还能维持多久?"
  3)we can‘t ________ ________ much hope that the weather will improve. 对于天气是否会变好,我们不能过于乐观。
  4)the union negotiators are ________ ________ for a more generous pay settlement. 工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。
  5)why didn"t you tell me at once, instead of ________ ________ on me? 你为什么不立刻告诉我,而是对我隐瞒呢?
  【答案】 1)hold out 2)hold out 3)hold out 4)holding out 5)holding out
  _____________________________________________【答案】 he held out his hand to her.
  (XX 江苏)—is peter there?
  —________, please. i"ll see if i can find him for you.
  a.hold up b.hold on
  c.hold out d.hold off
  【答案与解析】 b hold on "别挂断"。题意:"彼得在吗?""请别挂电话,我看能否找到他。"hold up "举起;阻碍"; hold out "坚持"; hold off "推迟;战胜;克服"。
  9.come about 发生
  come about 意为"发生",可用it 作形式主语,后接that 从句,与happen, occur同义。
  1)this situation should never ________ ________ ________. 这种情况本来不应该发生。
  2)the other crash ________ ________ because the plane ran out of gas. 另一起坠机事故是由于飞机的油用完了而造成的。
  【答案】 1)have come about 2)came about
  【答案】 a car accident came about this morning.
  (XX天津耀华中学月考)please tell me how the accident ________. i still have no idea of it.
  a.came by b.came upon
  c.came to d.came about
  【答案与解析】 d 考查动词词组辨析。come by "做短暂的拜访"; come upon "偶然遇见;偶然发现"; come to "达到;共计;恢复"; come about "发生"。
  10.look into 研究;调查;审查;朝……里看
  look out (for sth) 当心;提防
  look round / around / about 四下环顾
  look through   dip into浏览
  look up 查找;抬头看
  look for 寻找
  look after   take care of 照顾
  look on...as 把……看做
  look down on / upon 轻视;看不起
  look forward to 盼望
  look up to 尊重
  1)the government will ________ ________ how to reduce unemployment. 政府将研究如何降低失业率。
  2)a working party has been set up to ________ ________ the problem. 已成立一个工作小组来调查这个问题。
  【答案】 1)look into 2)look into
  【答案】 the policemen are looking into the case.
  (XX龙岩质检)it is said that the police will soon ________ the case of the bank robbery.
  a.look upon b.look after c.look into d.look out
  【答案与解析】 c 题意:据说,警方很快将调查那宗银行抢劫案件。look into "调查",符合题意。
  1.seldom has drumming caused such conflict. 击鼓发出的声音很少引起这样的冲突。
  seldom是否定副词,当它置于句首时,主句要部分倒装,即把be动词、情态动词或助动词提到主语之前。有类似用法的否定副词还有:not, never, neither, nor, rarely, hardly, little等。
  【答案】 seldom do we think how to help those disabled people.
  1)________ ________ ________ get a chance to read. 我很少有机会读书。
  2)________ ________ ________ ________ him in the street recently. 最近我很少在街上遇到他。
  【答案】 1)seldom do i 2)seldom have i met
  【答案】 seldom does he attend classes.
  (XX浙江五校联考)little ________ about her own safety though she wasn"t able to swim herself, because she was determined to save her drowning son.
  a.did rose care b.rose did care
  c.rose does care d.does rose care
  【答案与解析】 a 当否定副词置于句首时,主句要部分倒装。
  2.no sooner had they moved in than the noise began... 他们刚搬进来噪音就开始了……
  no sooner...than... 意思是"一……就……"。当no sooner置于句首时,主句要部分倒装且主句通常用过去完成时,从句通常用一般过去时。
  类似的有hardly / rarely / scarcely   had  主语  done   when从句。
  表示"一……就……"的词和短语还有:介词on / upon 名词或动词-ing形式,as soon as, the moment / minute / second / instant, directly, instantly, immediately, hardly...when...
  【答案】 no sooner had they reached the school than it began to rain.
  1)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________the station ________ the train began to move. 他一到达车站,火车就开始启动。
  2)—did you remember to give mary the money you owed her? 你记得把欠玛丽的钱给她了吗?
  —yes. i gave it to her ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 是的,我一见她就给她了。
  【答案】 1)no sooner had he got to; than 2)the moment i saw her
  1)upon / on hearing the news, he jumped with joy.
  2)as soon as he heard the news, he jumped with joy.
  3)he jumped with joy immediately / directly / instantly he heard the news.
  4)he jumped with joy the moment / instant / second / minute he heard the news.
  5)no sooner had he heard the news than he jumped with joy.
  6)hardly / scarcely had he heard the news when he jumped with joy.
  (XX天津十校联考)—was your sister mary at the scene of the accident?
  —no, no sooner ________ than it happened.
  a.had she gone b.she had gone
  c.has she gone d.she has gone
  【答案与解析】 a 当no sooner置于句首时,主句要部分倒装,且主句用过去完成时。
  1.(XX福建上杭一中高三期中考试)the painting ________to be worthless in the past now turns out to be valuable.
  a.considering      b.considered
  c.is considered  d.was considered
  【答案与解析】 b 题意:过去被认为不值钱的画,现在被认为是非常有价值的。过去分词作后置定语。
  2.(XX青岛模拟)we agreed to accept ________they thought was the best tourist guide.
  a.whatever b.whomever
  c.whichever  d.whoever
  【答案与解析】 d accept后为宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,they thought为插入语,所以排除b项;题意:无论是谁只要他们认为是最好的导游我们都同意接受。
  3.(XX河南开封模拟) the more one is ________the english speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language.
  a.exposed to b.filled in c.caught on d.kept up
  【答案与解析】 a 根据题意判断,此处应该使用be exposed to"被暴露在……"。
  4.(XX海南调研) reaching this agreement so quickly was a great ________for the meeting.
  a.appointment b.access
  c.achievement  d.approach
  【答案与解析】 c 题意:如此快地达成了协议对这个会议来说是一个巨大的成就。appointment"约会";access"进入";achievement"成就;进步";approach"方法;步骤"。
  5.(XX沈阳二中高三模拟)—could i have my ruler back, please?
  —sorry. i"ve forgotten ________i put it.
  a.that it was where b.it was where that
  c.where it was that  d.where was it that
  【答案与解析】 c 考查表示强调的宾语从句的用法。注意要把where放在宾语从句的开头。
