

  a christmas carol教案
  the fifth period
  the adverbial
  teaching aims:
  1.review different types of adverbial so that the students have a clear understanding.
  2.get the students to do a number of exercises to help them master the grammar item.
  teaching important point:
  how to help the students to master the adverbial and use it freely.
  teaching difficult point:
  the transformation between adverbs and preposition phrases.
  teaching methods:
  1.discussion method to make the students have a clear idea about what they’ve learnt about the adverbial.
  2.pair work and inpidual work to make every student take an active part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
  teaching aids:
  1.the multimedia
  2.the blackboard
  teaching procedures:
  step ⅰ greetings and revision
  greet the whole class as usual.
  t:today,we’ll review one of the members of the sentence—the adverbial.first,look at the sentences on the screen and pay attention to the underlined part in each sentence.then tell us their functions.at last,translate them into chinese.work in pairs.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  discuss the following sentences:
  1.he is doing his homework carefully.
  2.he came here by bus.
  3.she is old enough to go to school.
  4.john is in the classroom doing his homework.
  5.all problems worked out,he went away with a light heart.
  6.he returned home,tired and upset.
  7.they walked twenty miles that day.
  8.wherever you may go,you can’t succeed without a strong will.
  (teacher goes among the students and answers the questions the students may ask.a few minutes later.)
  t:have you finished?
  t:xing li,please tell us the function of the underlined parts.
  s:they are all adverbials.
  t:what part of speech does each adverbial modify?
  s:it modifies verbs and adjectives,or a whole sentence.
  t:that’s right.generally speaking,the adverbial modifies or adds to the meanings of verbs,adjectives,or a whole sentence.usually it modifies an adverb,too.for example:i like english very much."very"modifies"much",adding to its meaning.now,please give the chinese meaning of each sentence.
  (ask some students to say the meaning of each sentence.one student,one sentence.)
  suggested answers:
  step ⅱ practice
  t:now,please look at the screen.here are some exercises for you.discuss them with your partner and choose the correct answer.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  choose the correct answer:
  a.the goods will be sent_______to you.
  b.he answered me very_______.
  a.the plane is flying_______.
  b.he was_______praised for his work.
  a.he came_______.
  b.i haven’t heard from him_______.
  a.this is_______what i wanted.
  b.you should treat him_______.
  a.you must play_______.
  b.he did_______well in his exam.
  a.the coins were buried_______in the ground.
  b.i am_______moved by the story.
  (after a few minutes,ask some students to say their answers and the meaning of each answer.)
  suggested answers:
  5.a.fair公正地 "play fair"is a set expression.
  t:now,please look at the screen,and finish another exercise.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  rewrite the sentences to make the sentences in each group have the same meaning.
  1.i hope you’ll be a careful speaker.
  i hope you’ll speak_______.
  2.what she saw there made a deep impression on her.
  what she saw there impressed her_______.
  3.he doesn’t like to speak in public.
  he doesn’t like to speak_______.
  4.i was told about it in secret.
  i was told about it_______.
  (a few minutes later,check the answers with the whole class.)
  suggested answers:
  1.carefully   2.deeply
  3.publicly    4.secretly
  step ⅲ revision of adverbial clause
  t:we know that there are different types of adverbial clauses.look at the sentences on the screen,and try to tell what type of adverbial clause each of the sentences contains.
  (show the following sentences on the screen.)
  1.every time i catch a cold,i have pain in my back.
  2.he will work wherever the people need him.
  3.as i have brought an umbrella with me,it doesn’t matter whether it will rain or not.
  4.let’s take the front seats so that we may see more clearly.
  5.he didn’t plan his time well,so that he didn’t finish the work in time.
  6.were i to do it,i should get all of us to discuss the plan.
  7.try as i might,i couldn’t lift the stone.
  8.he worked as fast as a skilled worker.
  9.you must do as the manager tells you.
  (allow the students enough time to finish the exercise.then ask some students to say their answers.)
  suggested answers:
  1.adverbial clause of time
  2.adverbial clause of place
  3.adverbial clause of cause
  4.adverbial clause of purpose
  5.adverbial clause of result
  6.adverbial clause of condition
  7.adverbial clause of concession
  8.adverbial clause of comparison
  9.adverbial clause of manner
  step ⅳ practice
  t:please finish the exercise on the screen.have a discussion with your partner.then i’ll ask some of you to read your answers to us.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  fill in the blanks with a proper conjunction.
  1.john was so tired_______he went to bed immediately after dinner.
  2.when you got lost in the forest,it seems that_______way you turn,the forest looks the same.
  3. _______he was sitting at the desk,the daydreaming peter saw figures in the sky.
  4.it will not be long_______we can have a trip to the moon.
  5.we should not attack others   we are attacked.
  6.he speaks english much better_______expected.
  7. _______you have finished your homework,you may go home now.
  8. _______it was late,they continued to discuss the matter.
  9.she talked_______she had seen the great man in person.
  suggested answers:
  1.that    2.whichever
  3.while    4.before
  5.unless    6.than
  7.since/now that
  9.as if/as though
  step ⅴ consolidation
  t:you’ve done very well.now,we’re going to do another exercise to help you use the adverbial freely.look at the screen,please.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  complete the sentences:
  1.the doctor will be here_______ (一会儿).
  2.the barber’s lies_______ (邮局对面).
  3.she was slow_______ (下定决心).
  4.he had to work_______ (站着).
  5.he entered the room, _______ (鼻子冻得通红).
  6. _______ (由老人带路),the two started toward the mountain.
  7.he had impressed her that way_______ (她第一次碰到他时).
  8. _______ (你一开了头),you must continue.
  9. _______ (他一回家),i told him about that.
  10. _______ (假如他出去了),what shall we do?
  (give the students enough time to finish the exercise and then ask some students to say their answers.)
  suggested answers:
  2.opposite the post office
  3.to make up her mind
  4.standing up
  5.his nose red with cold
  6.with the old man leading the way
  7.the first time she met him
  8.once you begin
  9.immediately he came home
  10.supposing he is out
  step ⅵ summary and homework
  t:in this class,we’ve reviewed the adverbial and done plenty of exercises.now,who will tell us what can be used as adverbials?
  s:the following can be used as adverbials:(1)adverb or adverb phrase;(2)...(cf:the design of the writing on the blackboard)
  t:that’s right.after class,review the adverbial and learn the useful words and expressions we use in the exercises by heart and try to make some other sentences with them.that’s all for today.see you tomorrow!
  ss:see you tomorrow!
  step ⅶ the design of the writing on the
  the fifth period
  the adverbial
  the following can be used as adverbials:
  1.adverb or adverb phrase
  2.preposition phrase
  3.infinitive or infinitive phrase
  4.participle or participle phrase
  5.nominative absolute phrase
  7.noun or noun phrase
  step ⅷ record after teaching
