

  unit 1 festival around the world
  part 1 teaching design
  第一部分 教学设计
  period 1 a sample lesson plan for reading
  (festivals and celebrations)
  in this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to imagine, talk and share what they know about festivals. then they will be helped to read an exposition(说明文)entitled festivals around the world. examples of "warming up" designs are presented in this book for teachers’ reference.
  to help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about festival around the world
  to help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this unit
  wordsharvest, starve, trick, gain, gather, award, admire, blossom, fool, apologize, drown, wipe, weave, weep, remind, forgive
  expressionstake place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fin with, turn up, keep one’s word, hold one’s breath, set off, remind … of…
  patterns1. discuss when they take place.
  2. festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere.
  3. the most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring.
  4. the country is covered with cherry trees flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.
  5. in european countries it is the custom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit.
  6. if they are not given anything, the children might play a trick.
  7. because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty.
  multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams
  1. warming up
  warming up by discussing
  good morning, class. today we are going to read about festivals and celebrations. but first, i’d like to have you work in groups and list five chinese festivals that you know. when do they take place? what do they celebrate? and what people do at that time?
  warming up by watching and listening
  hi, every one. look at the photos and listen to me telling you about some western festivals. (用原版)
  some western festivals
  valentine’s day , february 14 情人节
  candy, flowers and other tokens of affection are exchanged on this day, in honor of two martyrs, both named st. valentine.
  april fool’s day, april 1 愚人节
  franksters feel that it is permissible to play
  all sorts of tricks on this day.
  mother’s day 母亲节
  the second sunday in may, set aside to honor mothers.
  father’s day 父亲节
  the third sunday in june, set aside to honor fathers.
  halloween , october 31 万圣节
  a special day for making merry, wearing costumes and playing old-fashioned games. a favorite with children.
  easter 复活节
  a christian holy day in march or april when christians remember the death of christ and his return to life.
  thanksgiving day 感恩节
  generally the fourth thursday in november, set aside for national thanksgiving, especially for our democratic form of government. it is a legal holiday in all states.
  labor’s day 劳动节
  the first monday in september. set aside to honor labor, it is a legal holiday in all states.
  christmas day, december 25 圣诞节
  this is both a legal and religious holiday, it observes the anniversary of the birth of jesus. all states and all those of the christian faith celebrate this holiday.
  warming up by learning vocabulary
  turn to page 96, and go over the vocabulary list for unit 1. find out the relationship between the spelling and the pronunciation.
  2. pre-reading by imagining and sharing
  hello! now you can celebrate everyday! everyday is a holiday. imagine somewhere someone is celebrating right now. our world is filled with mystical celebrations and powerful memories. come and tell the class what holiday it is today.
  3. talking and sharing
  work in groups of four. tell your group mates what festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town?
  4. listening to the recording
  now please listen to the recording of the text festivals and celebrations. pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. i will play the tape twice.
  5. reading and underlining
  next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
  collocations from festivals and celebrations
  hold festivals and celebrations, catch animals, have food吃饭, light fires, make music, bring a year of plenty带来富足的一年, honour the dead纪念死去了的人, satisfy and please sb.讨好取悦某人, do harm to对……有害, clean the graves扫墓, light incense, in memory of 纪念;追念, light lamps, play music, lead sb. back to earth, on an important feast day, in the shake of sth., offer sth. to sb., have the origin as an event, ask for sth., dress up乔装打扮;穿上盛装, play a trick诈骗;开玩笑, hold festivals as an honour to sb., a national holiday, gain …’s independence, gather… for…, a season of agricultural work, decorate churches with 用……装饰教堂, get together聚会, have meals吃饭, win awards for sth., admire the moon, give gifts of moon cakes, an energetic and important festival, look forward to期望;期待;盼望, eat dumplings吃饺子, give sb. lucky money给某人压岁钱, in red paper, dragon dances, celebrate the lunar new year庆祝阴历的新年, take place发生, day and night日日夜夜, loud music, colourful clothing of all kinds, an important religious and social festival, be covered with 由……覆盖., have fun with each other彼此玩得开心, enjoy life享受生活, be proud of为……自豪, forget sth. for a little while暂时忘记某事
  6. reading and transferring information
  read the text again to complete the table listing festivals and their celebrations.
  festivals and celebrations
  ancient festivalsfestival of the deadfestival to honour peopleharvest festivalspring festival
  celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting and harvest; capture of animals.…………
  for reference:
  festivals and celebrations
  ancient festivalsfestival of the deadfestival to honor peopleharvest festivalspring festival
  celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting and harvest; capture of animals.honor the dead, satisfy and please the ancestorsan honor to famous people or the gods, happy events for food gathering and end of agricultural work.look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring
  7. reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the text
  type of writingthis is a piece of descriptive writing.
  main idea of the passage
  festivals and celebrations of all kinds, such as festivals of the dead, festivals to honour people, harvest festivals and spring festivals, have been held ever since the ancient times.
  topic sentence of 1st paragraphtoday’s festivals have many origins.
  topic sentence of 2nd paragraph
  festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors.
  topic sentence of 3rd paragraphfestivals can be held to honour famous people.
  topic sentence of 4th paragraphharvest and thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events.
  topic sentence of 5th paragraphthe most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of the winter and the coming of spring.
  topic sentence of 6th paragraphfestivals let us enjoy life.
  8. closing down by making a diagram and retell the text
  we shall end the class by going over the text once again to make a diagram and retell the story with its help.
