

  unit 6 i like music that i can dance to.i. learning objectives教学目标skillfocusexpress preferencestalk about one’s likes and dislikes and the reasonslearn to express one’s opinions learn to write a reply learn to enjoy different kinds of arts languagefocus 功能句式talk about one’s preferences, using the relative clause (p44-45) i prefer … that … i love … that … talk about people’s likes and dislikes and the reasons (p45-50)carmen likes musicians who …xu fei prefers groups that … she doesn’t like songs that … i don’t like musicians who … i only eat food that … i like …, but i prefer not to eat much food that …talk about opinions (p48-50)what about you? what do you think of …? i thought the fisherman’s wife was really funny.whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition.these are musicians who make us happy even on a monday morning.i think that sometimes, food that is bad for you tastes good.词汇1. 重点词汇 heart, photography, interest, class, whatever, miss, okay, expect, sweet, taste, itself, laboratory, cancer, increase, biscuit, main, care2. 认读词汇prefer, lyric, gentle, dislike, remind, string, sink, yellow river, fisherman, latest, entertainment, feature, gallery, photographer, display, photograph, energy, pro, con, honest, suit, actually, fry, mainly, type, barbecue, risk, exclamation, tag, contraction, shock, carmen, dan dervish3. 词组prefer… to…, remind somebody of …, dance to, sing along with, be sure to, interest somebody, make somebody adj., to be honest, suit somebody, on display, catch up 语法relative clauses with that and whostrategyfocus1. listening for specific information2. transforming information culture focuswhat do other people think of the different kinds of things?how to express one’s opinions?ii. teaching materials analyzing and rearranging教材分析与重组1. 教材分析本单元以i like music that i can dance to 为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:section a 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕the music that …这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕music进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续就music这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读配对(3a)和角色表演(3b);第四模块仍就one’s preferences以pairwork的形式进行讨论,展开口语训练(4)。section b该部分有4个模块:第一模块就one’s favorite展开思维训练;第二模块就两个孩子的对话继续对things one likes进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕上一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块仍就what would you prefer to do这一话题以口语训练形式为主展开小组活动(4)。self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块就一封笔友来信展开阅读和写作训练(2)。reading该部分共设置了3项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识(section 1);第二项任务要求学生运用所供策略完成阅读;第三项任务要求学生通过快速阅读获取信息(section 2, section 3);第四项任务通过讨论、写作等形式要求学生进行一次class survey. (section 4)。2. 教材重组和课时分配period 1 (section a: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) new function presenting period 2 (section a; grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 4) practiceperiod 3 (section b: 1, 2a, 2b, 2c) vocabulary building period 4 (section b: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4) integrating skills period 5 (self check: 1, 2) self checkperiod 6 (reading) reading comprehensioniii. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
  period 1 new function presentinglanguage goals 语言目标1. words & expressions 生词和短语prefer, lyrics, gentle, energy, interest, known, sing along with, remind sb. of2. key sentences 重点句子 i prefer music that has great lyrics. (p44) i love music that i can sing along with. (p44) rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle. (p45)ability goals 能力目标enable the ss to talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences.emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标enable the ss to enjoy kinds of music.strategy goals 策略目标listening for key words.culture awareness goals文化意识目标people’s different preferences to different kinds of music.teaching important points 教学重点enable the ss to talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式step i warming-up and lead-in (1a: p44)play the beautiful, lyric song do, re, mi in the movie "the sound of music".t: now i will play a fair-sounding song to you. join the singing, please. talk about the film and the music with the students.t: now, children, do you like this song? its name is do, re, mi. every time i listen to it, i can think of the moving film. some of you must have known that this song is from a very good film. what is the name of the film? you can tell me either in english or in chinese. ss: the sound of music.t: good. the film is moving, and its music is the kind of music that has great lyrics. then show a beautiful picture on the blackboard: a girl seems to be listening to something, with her hands supporting her face. t: in the last unit, we learned to guess what somebody was doing. now look at the pictures and tell me: what is the girl doing? s1: she must be listening to music.t: what kind of music is she listening to? s2: she must be listening to the song.s3: she must be listening to the song do, re, mi in the movie "the sound of music".t: what kind of music do you think the girl likes? provide some phrases describing music such as the following: has great lyrics, is very moving, touch people deeply, remind one of one’s childhood, singers sing the words clearly…s4: she must like music that has great lyrics.s5: she must like music that is very moving.s6: she must like music that touches people deeplys7: she must like music that reminds her of her happy childhood.s8: she must like music that singers sing the words clearly.t: what kind of music do you think children like, the music that they can sing along with or the music that they can dance to? s9: i think they like both. t: very good. they may like both the music that they can sing along with and the music that they can dance to. now please read the sentences in the picture on page 44 together. ask the ss to circle the sentence they agree with. t: all these sentences describe the kinds of music each person in the picture likes to listens to. work in pairs, circle the sentences you agree with and write your own sentences. s10: i agree with the sentence: i love music that i can sing along with. because in my opinion, music brings pleasure to people not only in the way of listening to it, but also in the way of singing along with it. and the most important is one can feel it while listening. s11: i agree with the sentence: i like music that i can dance to. because i love dancing very much.ask some ss to read their sentences to the class. sample answers: i prefer music that is quiet. i like music that is comfortable to hear. i prefer music that has clearly-pronounced words. i like music that can be found in the movie.i prefer music that was composed by beethoven. i love music that shows love to the life and people.…step ii listening (1b: p44)ask the students to listen to the dialogue between tony and bettyt: now let’s listen to the tape and find what kind of music tony and betty like. look at 1b on p44. tickle the kinds of music that tony and betty like while listening. ask a student to read the three headings to the class.t: first let’s guess what kinds of music they will talk about by reading the three headings given.ss: music that one can dance to, that has great lyrics and that one can sing along with.play the tape. and then check the answers.step iii oral practice (1c: p44)ask the students to talk about the music they like. t: as we all know, different people may have different ideas on the same question, and different people may have different preferences. then talk with your partners about the kinds of music you prefer. first, who’d like to read the example in the box? ok, you two, please.ask two ss to read the example first.t: now work with your partners, talking about music you prefer with the help of the expressions here. show the following. be awarded prizes, be full of energy, interest somebody, known to many people, reminds somebody of, show love to …sample dialogue 1:s1: what kind of music do you like?s2: i like music that is played by famous bands. what about you?s1: i prefer music that makes me happy. sample dialogue 2:s1: what kind of music do you like?s2: i like music that is really cool. what about you?s1: i prefer music that has been awarded prizes. sample dialogue 3:s1: what kind of music do you like?s2: i like music that is full of energy. what about you?s3: i prefer music that interests me. sample dialogue 4:s1: what kind of music do you like?s2: i love music that is known to many people. what about you?s3: i prefer music that reminds me of happy days that i spent in my childhood.step iv listening practice (2a, 2b: p45)ask the students to listen to the recording between carmen and xu fei.t: next we are going to listen to another dialogue between carmen and xu fei. first, read the sentences in 2a. play the recording and then check the answers.step v pairwork (2c: p45)t: after listening, we know that xu fei and carmen like different music. now make conversations with your partners about what each of them prefers, using the information from activities 2a and 2b. sample dialogue 1:s1: does xu fei like the modern?s2: no, he doesn’t. he prefers musicians who write their own songs.sample dialogue 2:s3: does carmen like the modern?s4: yes, she does. she prefers music that’s really loud and energetic.sample dialogue 3:s5: does carmen like the modern?s6: yes, she does. she prefers musicians who play different kinds of music.step vi summary and homeworkt: this period, we’ve learnt how to express our preferences to different music. after class, please, 1. listen to the conversations again.2. try to talk about the kinds of music you like why you like or dislike them.
