

  lesson3 marco polo教案i. teaching aims:a. knowledge aims: 1) to increase students’ store of vocabulary related to beauty.2) to know more about the story of marco polo.b. ability aims:1) to develop students’ reading skills: finding out topics; finding out detailed information etc. 2) to retell the story of marco polo.c. moral aim:1) train the students to cooperate with each other2) to improve students’ understanding of spirits of marco polo and try to learn from him.d. culture awareness:to know the story of western traveller and his contributions. ii. key and difficult points:a. teaching important points:1) to figure out the main idea of each paragraph.2) practise the students’ oral english.. b. teaching difficult points:1) how to retell the story of marco polo.2) how to use the words and phrases to make sentences. .iii. teaching methods: task—based method iv. teaching aids: multi-media set v. teaching time: one period (40’)vi. teaching procedures:pre-task step 1.greetings and lead-in
  show students a short film about marco polo,stimulating their interests. task-cycle task1. pre-reading background of marco polo (true or false)1. marco polo was a french traveller.2. he spent very short time in china.3. marco polo telling stories about china in the prison.4. he was very clever and skilful in language.5. china was less developed than europe when marco travelled in china.task2. fast reading:step1. read the whole article quickly. find out the information about marco polo and fill out the following form:• name: marco polo• born (when/where):• came to china (when):• purpose: • languages (how many):• returned to italy (when):• age of his death: • the name of his book:step2. listen to the articleafter listening, please match the paragraphs with the right topics. topics: paragraphs:marco’s amazement at china 3 people‘s reactions to marco’s book 6 inventions and developments in china 4 marco polo"s return to italy 5 marco’s arrival in china 2 marco polo"s early life 1task3. intensive reading please read the passage carefully for detailed information:1.who was the chinese emperor when marco travelled to china?________, the first emperor of the yuan dynasty 2. why was the emperor impressed by marco polo? because marco _______. a. was quite clever b. was very powerful  c. could speak four languages d. both a and c3. why was marco surprised to see people using paper money? because in europe people paid for goods with _____ and ______ .4. what were the black stones marco saw people burning for fuel? the black stones were _____. a. wood b. gas c. coal d. diamonds5. why was marco put into prison when he went back to italy? because a _____ war _______and during the war he was _______ by the ______.6. did all people believe marco’s stories about china at that time? how did marco polo answer? he replied "i have only told half of what i saw!"post-taskstep1. group competition
  practise using the important new words and phrases. you will see some words and phrases later.please make sentences with them. four students a group, your group will get one point if the answer is right!
  1.travelled across, do trade with.
  sentences from the book: he travelled across europe and asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the chinese.
  2.emperor, be impressed by.
  sentences from the book: the emperor was impressed by him and they became friends.
  3.in turn, be amazed by china.
  sentences from the book: marco, in turn, was amazed by how beautiful and powerful china was.
  4.walls, be covered in.
  sentences from the book: the walls were covered in gold and silver.
  5.surprised to see, paper money.
  sentences from the book: marco was surprised to see chinese people using paper money in the markets.
  6.be confused by, burn for fuel.
  sentences from the book: marco was also confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel.step2. role-play students work in pairs, one student plays the role of marco polo, the other one plays the role of a journalist. then do the role-play. hints: you can ask… … travelled across … ?… be amazed by… ?… be impressed by… ?… be confused by … ?… be surprised to see..?step3. summary and homework.marco polo was born in ______. he later travelled to ______ and was ________ by the emperor _______. he served in china for _____ years and experienced many _______ things. soon after he _______ to italy, he was _______ prison, where he told his stories to a _______. the prisoner then_____ his stories in a book called _______________________.1. write a report on marco polo from a journalist’s point of view.2. retell the story according to the form. reflection:
