

  unit 3教学设计一、教学内容及分析本单元以生活中发生的有趣事情及富有科普意义的不明飞行物ufo作为话题,其语言功能是谈论过去发生的事情,学会讲故事,进而培养学生热爱科学、探索科学、热爱生活的情感。是在学习了一般过去时态和现在进行时态的基础上,通过讲故事的方式,学习过去进行时态,继续巩固一般过去时态,学习when、while引导的时间状语从句,进而加深对一般过去时态和过去进行时态意义的理解和应用。section a:活动1a至2c主要通过听说的方式,描述ufo的发生过程, 在情景中呈现并学习了过去进行时态的意义及其结构,学习了when和while引导的时间状语从句。活动3a至活动4通过读写的方式,通过任务驱动,讲述了ufo故事的结尾,然后通过小组交流活动,应用巩固过去进行时态。section b:在section a的基础上进一步升华,应用前面学习的知识谈论学生身边常发生的事情,增强语言的真实实用性,教材编排按照先听说后读写循序渐进的方式,便于学生掌握和巩固。self check目的是检测重点词汇、目标语言的应用,是学生单元复习和小结的指南。教材以循序渐进的方式逐步呈现、操练、巩固、提高和复习新的语言,通过任务驱动的方式,从生活中来,到生活中去,体现语言的工具性和交际性。听、说、读、写贯穿整个学习过程,让学生体验合作交流的学习方式,感受语言学习之乐。二、学习者特征分析本单元的主要目标是学习掌握过去进行时态,巩固应用一般过去时态,学会讲故事或描述身边发生的事情,它是在学生已经学习了现在进行时态和一般过去时态的基础上继续学习的。对于八年级的学生,学生已经有了一定的词汇量,特别是要用好多的动词,学生有了一定的基础,这样便于教学内容的突破;更好的是教材选编了一些富有科普意义的ufo,更能激发学生的好奇心和学习兴趣,所以本单元的学习,学生应该能轻松的掌握。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力: (1)、vocabulary(词汇)a、new words and phrases barber shop,bathroom,bedroom,kitchen,ufo,alien,experience,accident,cutting hair,climbing,jumping,shouting,land,get out of,take off,follow,happen,scared,strange,amazingb、recycling shop,store,library,supermarket,museum,tv station,police,boy,girl,reporter,called,took a photo,eating lunch,crowded(2)、grammar(语法)a、structures(语言结构) adverbial clause with when,while questions and statements with past progressivereview past tenseb、target language(目标语言)what were you doing when the ufo arrived?i was sitting in the barber’s chair.the barber was cutting my hair.while he was buying a souvenir, a girl called the police.(3)、functions(功能)t alk about past events. tell a story.2、过程与方法 本单元通过听说读写各种活动,了解了ufo,学习了ufo的故事发生过程,巩固掌握一般过去时态和过去进行时态,能够讲述或者复述故事,描述自己身边发生的事情。3、情感态度与价值观:以有趣的ufo,激发学生探索自然,热爱科学的兴趣。以描述身边发生的有趣事情,激发学生热爱生活,享受生活,热爱学习的情趣。四、重点难点 理解和掌握过去进行时态的意义功能,能区别一般过去时态和过去进行时态意义,熟悉句子结构,能应用运用这两种时态;掌握when,while的用法和区别及其引导的条件状语从句。五、教法选择、学法指导与资源准备 根据学生特点及其对基础知识的掌握、教材编排特点以及语言教学的特征,我准备将教材作如下整合。第一课时,先从现在进行时态引出过去进行时态,两种时态对比,加深学生对两种时态的理解和知识间的前后联系,然后进行操练,进而教学when和while的用法,加深巩固和理解,接着教学section b 1,2a,2b,2c;第二课时教学ufo专题,完成section a;第三课时安排阅读复述教学,将教学内容进行升华;第四课时进行故事编排的写作教学,并进行单元复习小结,完成self check。采用以下教学法:情景创设呈现语言教学法、活动交流交际法、视听法、读写法、任务型语言教学法、成果分享教学,自学探究教学法等。培养学生自学探究意识,对学到的知识应该加以归纳、分析、比较,找出异同点;加强对新语言的操练。资源准备:ufo视听材料,听力材料六、课时及教学内容安排教学内容课时安排教法选择资源准备教学评价presentation was/were + doing,section a 4,section b 1a 、1b 、2a 、2b 、2cperiod 1情景创设教学法任务型教学法交际法视听法听力材料练习题新旧知识对比,加深理解;重学生交流运用。section a 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c ,3a,3bperiod 2情景创设教学法任务型教学法交际法视听法听力材料网上搜集相关图片ufo视频通过情景创设,激发兴趣及求知欲,教学过程重学生参与。section a、3a 、3b,section b 3period 3阅读复述扮演活动法任务驱动法课件练习题通过阅读复述,学习掌握主要语言。section b 4a、4b,self checkperiod 4合作交流法任务驱动法课件练习题通过写作练习,提高写作能力,巩固单元语言结构。通过练习,巩固主要新语言。 教学内容presentation was/were + doing,section a 4,section b 1a 、1b 、2a 、2b 、2c课时period 1教学对象八年级学生设计者一、教材内容分析教材安排活动4调查采访旨在通过交流活动,加强学生对过去进行时态的理解和掌握,section b又通过听力继续巩固和提高,同时加强when和while的用法。本节课通过复习引入,情境创设首先学习过去进行时态,然后通过活动4调查,加深理解,并进行操练。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)ⅰ、knowledge object1.vocabulary: scared,climb,jump,shout,rode.,when,while2.target language(目标语言)(1)—what were you doing at nine last sunday morning? —i was sleeping / doing homework.(2)—when i saw the cat,…. —….(3)—while john was walking to school,… —while john was walking to school,he saw a cat.ⅱ、ability object1.学习、应用和掌握过去进行时态。2.培养学生观察周围事物的能力。3.能够谈论身边发生过的事。ⅲ、emotion;attitude and values(情感、态度、和价值观)1. 通过角色扮演,培养学生的合作学习能力。2. 教育学生要善于观察周围的事物,发现生活中的真善美,热爱生活。三、重点、难点理解和掌握过去进行时态(重点);运用过去进行时谈论身边所发生的事和when、while的用法(难点)。 四、教法选择与学法指导借助多媒体手段,采用视听法、情景模拟、情感激励及任务型教学等方法相结合的模式,充分利用视觉、听觉等手段,通过学生间的合作交流,多种操练活动交替进行,巩固目标语言,消除课堂上所带来的疲劳,使学生认识到语言学习过程的多样性,采用多种方式,加强练习是巩固语言知识主要途径。五、资源准备 多媒体课件六、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备
  review by a guessing game
  (3min)1. greeting. 2.the teacher asks ss to do some actions, then ask and answer questions like this: t: what is he/she doing?s1:he/she is reading.s2:he/she is watching tv.3. write some answers on the bb.4. explain is/am/are + v-ing.1. greeting 2. follow the teacher:some students do actions,the others guess the actions. 让学生表演动作,然后通过问答形式进行猜测活动,旨在复习现在进行时态,同时也活跃了上课气氛,为本节课的学习打下基础。
  (7min)1. show some action pictures. then ask: what is he/she doing now?2. then say: if the actions happened yesterday. how can we talk about them? ask: what was/were he/she doing at 8:00/… yesterday?3. write some answers on the bb. 4. explain was/were + v-ing.1. answer the questions.2. answer the questions.3. repeat the answers.4. listen and take notes.创设情景,运用对比,呈现新语言。
  make a survey
  (6 min)1 read the instructions. then ask one or two students to answer the questions.2 give help and check their work.3 share their answers. 1 listen.2 work in groups and make a survey.通过调查采访训练目标语言。   task4   presentation   (6min)1 ask: what were / was … doing when you got home last sunday? write some answers on the blackboard.2 then say: my father was doing housework when i got home. it can also be said: while my father was doing housework, i got home.3 explain the notes:when , while , 1 answer the questions.2 listen.3 take notes.检查巩固中继续呈现新知识:when和while的用法。   task5   1
  (4 min)1 help read the sentences.2 read the instructions.3 check the answers.(c,d,b,a)1 read.2 finish the task.3 correct the answers.完成教材,为后面的听力做铺垫。   task6   listening   2a   (4min)1 read the instructions. then ask the students to read the action phrases..2 play the recording twice.3 check the answers.1 read.xkb1.com2 finish the task.3 correct the answers.通过听力训练目标语言   task7   listening   2b   (4min)1 read the instructions. then help the students read the questions and answers.2 play the recording twice.3 check the answers.1 read aloud. then make them in order.2 listen and check the answers.通过听力训练目标语言   task8   2c   (5 min)1 read the instructions. then ask one pair to give a example.2 give help and check their work.3 share their answers.1 listen .2 work in pairs.任务驱动,通过合作操练,巩固when和while的用法   task9   exercises   (4min)1 show students some exercises.2 correct answers.fill in the blanks.填空练习训练句子结构.   task10   summary   (1min)guide ss to summarize the language points we learnt in this class.summarize the language points we learnt in this class.通过小结,归纳、整理、深化subject + was/were + doing + … 句型的用法。when&while   task11   homework   (1min)give students homework. a.1.copy new words and phrases.2. write a passage using the information in activity 4b. 1.write 2c down.2. write a passage using the information in activity 4listen and choose one of the exercises.教学流程复习导入——新语言结构呈现——语言知识小结——合作交流——词汇教学——听力练习——练习巩固——归纳小节——巩固提高——课堂总结七、板书设计what was/were … doing at … last …? what was/were … doing when … last …? 现在进行时态句子结构:过去进行时态句子结构:过去进行时态意义:when , while , exercises: 教学内容unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? section a 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c课时period 2教学对象八年级学生执教者一、教材内容分析本节课选自人教版新目标八年级下册unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived section a 1a至2c。 本节课的中心话题是ufo,主要语言功能项目是讲述故事,描述过去发生的事情。课文讲述了ufo的发生发展过程,学习了过去完成时态意义、结构和when、while的用法。教材设计富有科幻性,利于学生对新知识的掌握。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度、价值观)ⅰ、knowledge object1.vocabulary: ufo,barber,barber shop,bathroom,kitchen,alien,get out,land,take off,bought,got,when,while2.target language(目标语言)where were you when the ufo arrived? i was in ....what was/were … doing when the ufo arrived? when …. while ….ⅱ、ability object1.复习巩固过去进行时态和一般过去时态的意义、功能及用法,感知了解ufo的故事经过。2.掌握when、while的用法。ⅲ、emotion;attitude and values(情感、态度、和价值观)1 通过ufo的神奇,激励学生的求知欲和探索科学自然的兴趣。 2 学习复述故事。三、重点难点初步理解过去进行时态的意义功能和句子结构,能够做简单的描述难点:掌握when、while的用法四、教法选择、学法指导本节课,通过情境创设,引出话题,呈现新知识。让学生在听说的任务驱动中,观察、总结、归纳出过去进行时态的意义功能及语言结构,然后进行复述、操练。五 资源准备 听力材料、网上搜集相关图片或视频、多媒体课件六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备   task1   leading in   (3 minutes)1 greet the students.2 show some pictures about ufo and alien and ask: what’s this? (ufo and alien)3 play a video about ufo.4 say: when the ufo and alien comes, people usually feel strange and get nervous. today let’s learn something about mystical ufo.1 greet the teacher.2. answer the questions3 look and listen.通过创设真实的语境,引出话题,帮助学生理解,为下一环节做好铺垫。   task2   1a   (5 minutes)1 point out the picture and know the ufo and the places.2 read the instructions. help read the statements.3 check the answers .1 listen and answer questions.2 read the statements then finish the exercises.3 correct answers.感知图片,认识图片中的人物和活动,为后面做好铺垫。   task3   1b   (5 minutes)1 help the students read the responses.2 read the instructions. play the recording.3 check the answers .1 practice reading the activities.2 listen and match.3 correct answers.借助听力,帮助学生理解和掌握目标语言   task4   1c   (4 minutes)1 read the instructions. then help the students read the example.2 check and help.3 check.1 read the example.2 ask and answer in pairs.3 talk for the class.合作交流,训练目标语言。   task 5   2a   (5 minutes)1 point to a picture. read the instructions.2. read the statements. play the recording.3 check the answers.1. read the statements.2 number the statements.3 correct the answers.完成听力训练,巩固新语言,同时认识ufo。   task 6   2b   (6 minutes)1 read the instructions. 2. read the statements. then let ss to finish the exercises by themselves. next play the recording.3 check the answers.4 explain the differences between when and while.1 listen. 2 complete the sentences. 3 correct the answers.4 take notes.完成听力训练,巩固新语言,加深理解when和while,同时认识ufo,。   task 7   exercise   (5 minutes)show some exercises. then check the answers.finish exercises.设计练习,为下面做好铺垫。   task 8   2c   (6 minutes)1 point to the picture. read the instructions. 2 ask ss to work in groups of 4. move around the classroom and offer help as needed.3 ask several groups to act out.4 answers: talking with a police,riding a bike,taking photos,playing with a toy.1 listen.2 work ingroups.3 some groups act out. others check.小组活动交流,训练目标语言。   task 9   grammar focus,summary and exercise   (5 minutes)1. check.2. explain the key points.3 summarize the languages notes.4 show some exercises. then check the answers.1 read the sentences aloud. 2 listen.3 take notes.4 finish exercises.要点语言结构总结,设计练习巩固。   task 10   homework:   (1 minutes)group a:write down the conversations in 1c and 2c down.memorize the new words by heart.try to retell the story.group b:copy the phrases in 1b five times.copy grammar focus once.finish the homework..1通过大屏幕展示本节课的主要内容,简洁直观。2.作业分a、b两组布置,分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。教学流程情境创设导入——话题交流——听力练习——合作交流——听力练习——合作交流——练习巩固——归纳小节——巩固提高——课时总结七、板书设计what was/were … doing at … last …? what was/were … doing when … last …? 过去进行时态意义:过去进行时态句子结构:v-ing的实例:exercises: 教学内容section a 3a 、 3b, section b 3、   课时   period 3   教学对象八年级学生   设计者一、教材内容分析教材section a 3a、3b继续围绕"ufo"这一主题展开教学活动,通过短文阅读,任务驱动的方式,进一步感知ufo的发展过程,然后根据阅读,复述故事的发生过程。section b 3通过阅读回答问题的方式,训练学生的阅读能力。因此本节课的训练目标是培养学生的阅读以及复述故事的能力,为了本节语言点和知识点的巩固和掌握,在设计中出了一些习题。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)ⅰ、knowledge object1.vocabulary: experience,imagine,strange,follow,amazing,kid,train station,run away,anywhere,met,come in,happen2.target language(目标语言)when ....while ....—where were you at ...? —....—what were you doing there? ....ⅱ、ability object1.训练阅读能力,能够完成简单的阅读任务。2.能够复述ufo及简单事情的发生经过。 3.学会讲故事。ⅲ、emotion;attitude and values(情感、态度、和价值观)1. 任务驱动完成阅读训练,提高学生的阅读能力。2. 通过讲述故事,享受运用英语的成就感,提高学生读说能力,激发学生运用英语的兴趣。三、重点、难点 复述ufo的故事。四、教法选择与学法指导通过任务驱动,培养阅读方法,掌握复述技巧。让学生明白阅读复述分初步感知找疑、再次阅读解疑、任务阅读明线索知因果、复述课文抓要点的四环节。本节课以阅读学习语言点进而复述为核心,精心安排各种任务。教学以任务为主线,教师引导,学生解决各种问题,达到训练语言的目的。五、资源准备 多媒体课件,习题,课文泛读录音 六、教学过程   教学步骤   教师活动   学生活动   设计意图   及资源准备   task1   revision   (5min)show some pictures and ask students to make sentences. if they have trouble, ask questions like this:what was he/she doing when / while ...?....answer questions. and make conversations.复习上节课所学到的知识,并为本节课做好铺垫作用。   task2   3a   (10min)1. let the students read the e-mail message and find out the difficulties.2. play the recording . then help pronounce the new words.3. read the instructions.4. explain the difficulties. and check the answers(5 3 4 1 2).1. read rhe message and find out the difficulties.2. listen and notice the words they can’t read. and ask the teacher for help.3. numer the pictures.4. correct the answers.完成阅读教学,并为3b做铺垫。   task3   3b   (8min)1. point out the pictures and ask: what was happening in each picture?2. read the instructions. then give help.3. ask some students to retell the story.1. answer questions. 2. work in pairs.3. listen and check.复述故事,训练说的能力。   task4   3
  (10min)1. let the students read the e-mail message and find out the difficulties.2. play the recording. then help pronounce the new words.3. read the instructions.4. explain the difficulties. and check the answers().1. read the message and find out the difficulties.2. listen and notice the words they can’t read. and ask the teacher for help.3. number the pictures.   4. correct the answers.任务阅读,培养阅读能力   task5   summary exercises   (10 minutes)1 guide ss to summarize the language points we learnt in this class.2 show some exercises. then check the answers.1 summarize the language points we learnt in this class.2 finish exercises.新语言点练习巩固。   task6   homework   (2min)a: 1.make sentences with strange, amazing, follow, imagine, happen, run away and walk around.2. retell the story about linda and his dog.b:1.copy new words and phrases2.make sentences with strange, amazing, follow, imagine, happen, run away and walk around.   choose one of the exercises.教学流程要点复习——阅读教学——故事复述——练习小结七、板书设计conversationswhen whilewhere … ?what were you doing …?new vocabularies and points:exercises:教学内容section b 4a 、 4b and self check   课时   period 4   教学对象   七年级学生   执教者一、教材内容分析本节课的主要任务是完成section b 4a看图写故事,训练写作能力;4b又通过情景模拟,合作交流,巩固训练目标语言,并能提高学生兴趣;然后复习本单元的主要语言结构和新的语言知识点,涉及语法、单词的理解运用,同时完成教材self check的练习。 self check中,练习1旨在检查学生掌握运用本单元的主要单词,练习2是检查学生掌握本单元的目标语言,练习3旨在检查学生对单词的记忆和掌握。根据需要,首先本节课我确定为复习课,复习的主线大致是:语法点归纳总结,语法练习,单词归纳总结,单词掌握练习,最后综合练习。二、教学目标ⅰ、knowledge object1.vocabulary: accident,beijing international airport,flight to new york,plane.2.target language(目标语言)when ... v-ed ...,... was/were doing ....while ... was/were doing ...,... v-ed ....while ... was/were doing ...,... was/were doing ....ⅱ、ability object1. 指导编写故事,培养写作能力。2. 巩固本单元的目标语言,包括语言结构及新单词的掌握运用ⅲ、emotion;attitude and values(情感、态度、和价值观)1. 通过运用英语,激发提高学生学习使用英语的兴趣。   2. 培养学生的复习小结能力;通过复习、小结和练习,让学生们发现自己知识的漏洞,并及时查缺补漏。三、重点难点编写故事。运用本单元的目标语言结构四、教法选择、学法指导本节课主要任务目标有两个,一是通过4a、4b和ex2训练学生的写作能力和掌握本单元的主要语言结构,二是通过ex1和ex3巩固运用本单元的主要单词。通过练习,任务驱动,要让学生学会小结、反思,知道自己对本单元知识的掌握情况,并加强复习巩固,做到有的放矢。五 资源准备多媒体课件、练习题。六、教学过程   教学任务   教师活动   学生活动   设计意图   及资源准备   task 1   revision   (5minutes)1 greet the students.2 check homework.3 let students retell the story about linda and his dog or ufo.1 greet the teacher.2. collect mistakes. 3 retell and listen.收集学生作业中的错误并集体更正,同时让优秀学生做示范。   task2   4a.   (7min)1. read the instructions. point out the pictures and ask questions such as: what was the time? what was happening in each picture?2. check and give help.3. ask some students to tell their stories.4. work in groups of 4. choose one who has the best story in the group.   1. listen carefully and answer questions.   2. write the story.3. listen, learn and check.4. work in groups.引导看图,完成故事的编写,训练写作能力。必要时可给予部分学生帮助。   task3   4b.   (6min)1. read the instructions. point out the example conversation. 2. check and give help.3. ask some pairs to act out.   1. listen.   2. work in pairs.   3. listen, learn and check.角色扮演,完成调查采访活动,提高交流能力和学习兴趣。   task 4   revision   (3min)1. ask: what have you learned in this unit?2. help summarize the language points.1. take notes.复习本单元要点。   task 5   exercises   (5min)show some exercises.check the answers.finish exercises.重点单词短语巩固练习,并为下一环节打基础。   task 6   ex1 self check   (5min)1. point out the words given.2. read the instructions and let the students fill in the blanks.3. explain the notes. check the answers.1. read the words aloud.1. finish the exercises.3. correct answers.完成self check练习1,学会运用重点动词。   task7   ex 2 self check   (5min)1. read the instructions. point out the words given. then explain the information and the example.2. have the students fill in the blanks.   3. work in pairs.   4. ask some students to read to the class. check the answers.1. listen.2. finish the writing exercises.   3. work in pairs.4. listen and shire.完成self check练习2,学会运用when和while,并练习写作。   task 8   exe 3 self check   (3min)1. point out the words given.2. read the instructions and let the students finish the exercises.   3. check the answers.1. read the words aloud.1. finish the exercises.3. correct answers.完成self check练习3,掌握巩固重点单词。   task 9   summary   (5min)lead ss to summarize what we learnt in this class.summarize the language points we learnt in this class.本节课小结旨在要求学生加强复习,查缺补漏。   task 10   homework:   (1min)1. review this unit.2. make sentences with the words in ex1.listen.教学流程作业小结——复习引入——写作练习——交流分享——归纳小节——练习巩固提高七、板书设计keys to 4arevisionstructures:words:exercises:八、总结和帮助(反思及改进)
