

  to know some basic knowledge about healthy eating
  to have the students learn to grasp the language points.
  1. underline the following phrases in the text :
  1). 谋生 2). 欠债3). 怒目而视
  4). 暗中监视,侦查 5). 削减,删节6). 不久之后
  7). 增加体重 8). 毕竟,终究9). 提供某人某物
  ask the students to say something about wang peng’s and yong hui’s restaurant. have them discuss what will happen at the end of the story.
  3. read the passage and answer the following questions:
  1.when wang peng saw yong hui enter his resturant, why did the smile leave his face ?
  a.because yong hui would eat a meal without pay.
  b.because yong hui was a spy.
  c.because yong hui may come here to ask for trouble.
  d.because wang peng hated yong hui.
  2.why did wang peng feel more hopeful when he returned from yong hui ’ s resturant?
  a . because there are not enough customers in her resturant.
  b. because yong hui’s menu is too limited.
  c. because wang peng could do better than yong hui.
  d. because wang peng advised the customers to come to his own resturant.
  3. what do the following make a balanced diet ?
  a. raw vegetable and boiled potatoes.
  b. fresh fruit with the ice cream.
  c. fried potatoes and hamburgers.
  d. dumpling and fatty pork.
  4. which of the following words doesn’t mean "said" according to the passage?
  a. explained b. added c. sighed d. admitted
  4. language points
  1. 1) earn one’s living by… =live by…=make a living by…靠…谋生
  eg. he earned his living by begging from door to door.
  2) after all 毕竟,终究
  don’t scold him; he is a little child after all. 别责怪他了,他毕竟还是个孩子。
  2. 1) be in debt 欠债 be out of debt 还清债务
  be in sb.’s debt 欠某人人情
  eg. saving my life, i am forever in your debt.
  2) be popular with/among 受...欢迎
  3.1) not...but... 不是……而是……
  at the news,he did not laugh but cry. 一听到这个消息,他不是大笑而是哭了起来。
  not john but i am going to the meeting. 不是约翰而是我要去参加会议。
  2) glare at 扫视 怒视,stare at 张大眼睛死死地盯着
  "how could you do that" he said, glaring at his mother.
  he glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.
  she stared at him in surprise.
  4. 1) thought...原以为……
  i thought you were in the usa,and i did not know you were here,too.
  i never thought you would bring me such a wonderful gift. thanks a lot!
  2) spy on 侦察;窥探
  5. agree to (do) sth. 表示"同意某事或某建议",后只能跟表"提议,计划,方案,打算,安排"的名词。
  he agreed to their proposal. he agreed to get someone to help us.
  agree with sb. 同意某人
  i agree with every word you said.
  agree on sth. 表示在某事上取得一致的意见
  they agreed on a date for the next meeting.
  5. but don’t you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner?
  虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式(be用were),而主句的谓语动词用would(should, could ,might)+动词原形。例如:
  if i were you, i should study english better.
  if he had time, he would attend the meeting.
  2) neither…nor 既不…也不…
  ⅰ.read the passage and tell t or f
  1.yong hui came to wangpeng’s restaurant to have a meal. ﹝﹞
  2.wang peng told yong hui that her menu was not so good. ﹝﹞
  3.yong hui likes ice cream very much. ﹝﹞
  4.neither yong hui’s restaurant nor wang peng’s offers a balanced diet﹝﹞
  5. at last they combined that ideas and provided a balanced menu.. ﹝﹞
  1.there is little time left, so the chairman asked me to __ my speech to 15 minutes.
  a. make b. give c. limit d. explain
  2.after two years’ hard work, they at last got _________ and __________.
  a. out of debt , paid off the debts b. into debt, paid back the debts
  c. in debt, paid of the debts d. out of debts, paid the debt
  3. the new medical care policy will be ________ to us all.
  a. great benefit b. benefited c. beneficial d. for the benefit
  4. your article is too long. you must ________ to about 3,000 words.
  a. cut it off b. cut it up c. cut it down d. cut it out
  5. if knowledge can be in some way ________ with my experience, we are sure to succeed.
  a. joined b. united c. connected d. combined
  6. why are you _________ me all the time ? what do you want to spy ________?
  a. spying on, about b. spying for, for c. spying on, for d. spying on, on
  7. i shall visit you again ________.
  a. long after b. after long c. before long d. long before
  8. filled with anger, he didn’t shout or swear ,but just ________ silently at me.
  a. looked b. stared c. glared d. glanced
  9. he has _____ little education that he finds it impossible for him to be equal to _______ important a task.
  a. so, such b. such, so c. so, so d. such, such
  10. with more and more new drugs ___, doctors don’t find it that difficult to treat patients.
  a. develop b. developed c. to develop d. being developed
  1. you’d better eat some fresh fruit and vegetables because they _____________ (富含) fibre and vitamins. (rich)
  2. don’t eat the food _______________ (含有) a lot of sugar and fat, which can make you ________________ (长胖) . (contain, weight)
  3. it’s of great importance _________________________ (养成良好的生活习惯). (form)
  4. the doctor told me _______________________ (减少吸烟和喝酒的量) (cut)
  5. he said he had been to the summer palace _____________ (很久以前) (before)
  6. when he was asked how he lived till today, he said in the most difficult time he ______________ (靠卖报纸为生) (living)
  7. we find it necessary ___________________ (将理论和实践结合起来). (combine)
  8. you _________________ (本不该过着贫穷的生活). (ought)
  v. 语法专练
  a. ought to
  1. he ought to help his brother work out the problem. (改成否定句)
  2.tom ought to go to have a rest. (改成一般疑问句)
  3.such things ought to be done at once, _____________?(反意问句)
  b. 用must, have to, can, ought to, used to和be able to 的适当形式填空。
  1. in some parts of the world, you ______boil the water before drinking it.
  2. the bus caught fire seriously, but the passengers ¬¬¬¬______escape from it.
  3. he ______have stayed at home this morning. i saw him shopping in another city.
  4. you ______ smoke in this part of the hospital.
  5. you ______keep a simple first aid box at home for any accidents.
  6. if she is completely well, she ______be back at school today.
  7. my father ______be a heavy smoker, but now he has given up the habit.
  8. ------you ______have finished the article. the deadline is last friday.
  ------sorry. i have been busy these days. could you give me 3 days more?
  9. she ______ breathe, so i used the mouth-to-mouth way.
  10. he ______have caught a bad cold last night, for his forehead felt burning.
