

  XX高考二轮复习英语考案: 介词和连词
  【专题考案】1. the teacher is writing ____ a piece of chalk on the blackboard while the students are writing ____ink in exercise books.
  a. with, in b. in, with c. in, in d. with, with
  2. the worker can make chairs ____ wood, and also can make paper ____ wood.
  a. from, of b. of, from c. of. of d. from, from
  3. mary dropped in ____ mr smith, but he wasn" t at home, so she went to drop in ____ mr smith"s office.
  a. on, on b. at, at c. on. at d. at. on
  4. the teacher is not only strict ____ his pupils but also strict ____ his own work.
  a. with, with b.in,in c. in, withd. with, in
  5. his grandfather died ____ the wound that the enemy soldier had given him .and then his grand-
  mother died ____ hungry and cold.
  a.from,of b.of,from c.from,from d.of.of
  6. if you run ____ two hares you will catch neither.
  a.into b.after c.off d. out of
  7. this is a common mistake ____ students.
  a. between b.over c. among d. about
  8. my father began to work ____ a bus driver when he was twenty years old.
  a.for b.to c.at d.as
  9. _____ hearing the news, i was wild ____ joy.
  a. at, in b. on, with c. after, by d. /, over
  10.i don" t think xiao li is ____ the other students ____ mathematics.
  a. after, on b. after, with c. behind, in d. behind, at
  11. nobody knows it ____ me.
  a. except for  b. except that c. besides d. but
  12. the window is never opened ____ in summer.
  a. but b. except c. except for d. but for
  13. it happened ____ the long march.
  a. during b.in c.at d.for
  14. we go to school ____ a bike.
  a.in b.on c.by d.ove
  15. it"s very kind____ you to repair the bike ____ me.
  a.for.for b.of,of c.of,ford.for,of
  16. fresh air is good ____ your health.
  a.at   b.for  c.of d.to
  17.the boy is waiting ____ his sister and they will go to the hospital to wait ____ their sick mother.
  a.for,on  b.on,forc.for,for d.on.on
  18.the group is made up____five students. and they are studying hard to make up____ the lost time.
  a.of,of  b.for,forc.of,ford.for,of
  19.the pla man saved the boy ____ death.
  a. of b.from c.to d.on
  20. he will come ____ three days.
  a.before  b.after c. in d. later
  21. he went to beijing and returned ____ three days.
  a. in  b. beforec. later d. after
  22. he will return____ three o"clock.
  a.after  b.in c.on d.at
  23. he wrote the article ____ three days.
  a.at  b.in c.on d.by
  24.i agree ____ what you said.
  a.to  b.on c.with d.at
  25. do you agree____ this plan (arrangement)?
  a.at  b.with c.on d.to
  26. finally they agreed ____ the terms of the contract.
  a.on b.to c.with d.at
  27. do you often hear____ your brother?
  a. of  b. from  c. out of d. about
  28.1 heard ____ the book long ago, but i have never read it.
  a. out b.from c.of d.with
  29. the plane flew ____ the city.
  a. across b.past c. through d.over
  30. we walked ____ the tian an men square to the museum of chinese history.
  a. across b. through c.by d.past
  31.i was wandering ____ the streets when i caught sight of a tailor"s shop.
  a. across b. through c.byd.past
  32. our bus drove ____ the great hall of the people.
  a. across  b. through c. pastd.over
  33. ____ the sun, nothing would grow.
  a. for  b.withc. underd. without
  34. the teacher is busy ____ teaching.
  a.with  b.for c.on  d.of
  35. the teacher is busy ____ correcting papers.
  a. for  b.in c.on d.of
  36. we left xi" an _.___ a very hot summer afternoon.
  a. on  b.in c. during d.by
  37. she felt disappointed when she found out they had gone swimming____ her.
  a. but b. except c. except for d. without
  38. his teacher was angry ____ him ____ his being late.
  a.at,with  b.at,for c.with,for d.with,about
  39. my father was disappointed ____ the news.
  a. by  b. about c. atd. on
  40. mr wang went to nanjing ____ october,1998 and came back home ____ the morning of nov.5.
  a.at;in  b.on;atc.in;ond.by;from
  41.my uncle lives ____ 105 huanghe street. his room is ____ the fifth floor.
  a.at;on  b.at;atc.on;ind.of;to
  42. i don"t think you can work out the maths problem ____ the teacher"s help.
  a. since  b. unlessc. becaused. without
  43. he is running ____ the wind towards the east of the station ____ tom is running ____ the right.
  a. down; and; on b. against; while; on c.for;with;in d. with; while; to
  44. in hangzhou mr green was so struck ____ the beauty of nature that he stayed ____ another night.
  a.at;on  b.with;atc.for;ind.by;for
  45. many people are still ____ the habit of writing silly things ____ public places.
  a.at;at b.in;in c.into;ofd.during;at
  46. - do you go there ____ bus?- no, we go there ____ a train.
  a. in; on b.on;on c.by;ind.by; with
  47. i made the coat ____ my own hands. it was made ____ hand, not with a machine.
  a. in; in b.in; with c. with; byd. with; with
  48. the trees ____ front of the house are ____ the charge of old li.
  a. in; in b. at; in c. in; byd. from; in
  49. the old man died ____ cold ____ a cold night.
  a. from; at b.of;in c.of;ond. for; during
  50. does john know any other foreign languages ____ french?
  a. except b. but c. besidesd. beside
  51. he looked quite healthy ____ he was ____ the age of seventy.
  a. when; at b. because; in c. if; ford. though; at
  52. - how long has the bookshop been in business?
  a. after b.in c.fromd.since
  53. did you have any trouble ____ the post office?
  a. to have found  b. with finding c. to find d. in finding
  54.to tell you the truth, i have nothing to do ____ it.
  a.about  b.with c.for d.of
  55. something must be done to prevent our city ____ by thick smoke.
  a. to be polluted  b. from polluting c. from being polluted d. polluting
  56.____ the students likes the paintings. which is wrong?
  a. the teacher as well as b. nobody but c. the teacher besides d. all except
  57. henry,____ mary and tom, is coming to china for a visit. which is wrong?
  a. together withb. like c. and notd. but in addition to
  58. taiwan is ____ the east of fujian.
  a. in b.atc.tod.on
  59. his father will be back from london ____ a few days.
  a.since b.inc.ond.after
  60. we offered him our congratulations ____ his passing the college entrance exams.
  a.at b.onc.for d.of
  61 .the word "write" has the same pronunciation ____ the word "right".
  a. of b.asc.tod.from
  62. the train leaves ____ 6: 00 p. m. so i have to be at the station ____ 5:40 p. m. at the latest.
  a. at; until b. for; afterc.at;by d. before; around
  63. go ____ the gate and you" 11 find the entrance ____ the park ____ the other side.
  a. through; to; on b. along ;of; on c. down; to; at d. up; of; by
  64. one ____ five will have the chance to join in the game.
  a. within b. amongc. ind. from
  65. because of her devotion _____ music, she has become friendly with mr. zhang.
  a. in   b. to    c. with   d. on
  66. what idea can a man who is blind from birth have_____ color?
  a. in   b. /    c. with   d. of
  67. some people say that we live _____ the age of computers.
  a. in   b. at    c. with   d. for
  68. ---may i attend your lecture, mr. green?
  ---welcome _____ open arms.
  a. with   b. by    c. in   d. for
  69. _____ defeated, they didn"t lose heart.
  a. in spite of  b. except for    c. though   d. until
  70. i saw jack yesterday. he told me that he would stay here _____ the end of this year.
  a. at    b. by    c. for   d. till
  71.the train leaves at 6:00 p.m. so i have to be at the station ____5:40p.m.at the latest.
  a. until b. after c. by d. around
  72. the boy ought to have gone to school ___, but he slept ___noon.
  a. in the morning, at b. that morning, at
  c. in that morning, until  d. that morning, until
  73. the doctor will be free ____.
  a. 10 minutes later  b. after ten minutes
  c. in ten minutes  d. 10 minutes after
  74. _____most students, she was always well prepared and never came to class late.
  a. like b. as  c. for  d. to
  75. let"s walk over ___the shop on the other side of the street.
  a. in b. to  c. under d. by
  76. the number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200. this means it has risen ____20 percent.
  a. by  b. at  c. to d. with
  77. ____production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
  a. as  b. for  c. with  d. through
  78. does john know any other foreign language ___french?
  a. except b. butc. besides d. beside
  79. i know nothing about the young lady ___she is from beijing.
  a. except  b. except for c. except that d. besides
  80. ---you are so lucky.
  ---what do you mean ____that?
  a. for   b. in  c. of   d. by
  81.he is very old,____ he still works very hard.
  a. but b.if c.when d.as
  82. ____ you are dismissed.
  a. neither you go nor  b. either you go or
  c. whether you go or d. both you go and
  83. they had camped once before, ____ they knew what to take.
  a. because b. now c. so d. since
  84. why these things happened was ____ the driver had been careless.
  a. because of b. owing toc. due to d. that
  85. although, it"s raining, ____are still working in the fields.
  a. they b. but they c. and theyd. so they
  86.___we have satisfied you, you have no grounds of complaint.
  a. so b. since that c. now that d. by now.
  87. write clearly ____ your teacher can understand .you correctly.
  a. since b. for c. because d. so that
  88.you"ll miss the train ____ you hurry up.
  a. unless b. as c. if d. until
  89. francis did the task____ his brother.
  a. as good as b. as better as c. as well as d. as best as
  90.the size of the audience,____ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand.
  a. as b. what c. that d. whom
  91.i thought he hated the tv .you are right,____ he still watches the program.
  a. yet b. besides c. also d. then
  92. it looks ____ it"s going to rain.
  a. that b. as c. as if d. like that
  93.____ to new york, her father has not heard from her.
  a. because she went b. after she went c. when she went d. since she went
  94.___he daydreamed, peter saw figures in the sky.
  a. until b. since c. while d. during
  95. we arrived at the station ____ the train had left.
  a. after b. before c. since d. when
  96.____ he was in poor health, he worked just as hard as everyone else.
  a. but  b. although c. even if d. if
  97. give me one more minute ____ i"ll have finished.
  a. so b. until c. and d. when
  98. the worker hunted for jobs in new york for months,____ he could not find any work.
  a. and  b. yet c. or d. and but
  99. hurry up, ____ you"ll be late.
  a. or b. and c. so d. yet
  100. do not make the same mistake ____ i did.
  a. so b. as c. like d. that
  101. my sister is expecting me,____ i must be off now.
  a. however b. or c. so d. otherwise
  102. we should pay attention ____ to industry ____ to agriculture.
  a. either, or  b. neither, nor c. not, but d. both, and
  103. he ran off____ i could stop him.
  a. before b. after c. since d. when
  104.____ you told me, i had heard nothing of what happened.
  a. till b. until c. after d. since
  105. where have you been ____ you left home?
  a. before b. as c. since d. when
  106.____ the problem of method is solved, talking about the task is useless.
  a. until b. since c. afterd. unless
  107. we have produced 15% more cotton this year____ we did last year.
  a. as  b. than c. like d. white
  108.it is late; ____, i"m too tired to go out.
  a. besides b. except c. except for d. except that
  109. everything around us is ____ solid ..liquid ____ gas.
  a. not .. .but... b. either.. .or...c. neither.. .nor... d. whether.. .or...
  110. he will come ____ you ask him.
  a. whether b. unless c. if d. while
  111.____ he will come or not is still unknown.
  a. if b. where c. that d. whether
  112.i don" t know ____ to stay at home or go out.
  a. whether b. if c. how d. where
  113. he spoke loudly ____ the audience could hear him clearly.
  a. so  b. that c. so that d. in order to
  114. the book is not easy.____ it"s rather difficult.
  a. on the one hand b. on the contrary
  c. on the other hand d. on the other contrary
  115. you must work hard,____ you will not learn english well.
  a. if b. whether c. otherwise d. unless
  116. it rained heavily,____ the basketball match had to be put off.
  a. so that b. when c. otherwise d. therefore
  1-5 abcda 6-10 bcdbc 11-15 dbabc 16-20 bacbc 21-25 dabcd
  26-30 abcda 31-35 bcdab 36-40 addcc 41-45 adbdb 46-50 ccacc
  51-55 dddbc 56-60 dccbb 61-65 bcacb 66-70 daacd 71-75 cdcab
  76-80 acccd 81-85 abcda 86-90 cdaca 91-95 acdba 96-100 bcbab
  101-105 cdabc 106-110 bbabc 111-115 dacbc 116 a
