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  unit 10 where did you go on vacation?单元教材分析 本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》七年级下册第10单元本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此"where did you go on vacation?" " did you go to the beach? yes,i did.no,i didn’t."等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。单元知识结构1.词汇:new york city; central park,exam,were,rainy, delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc 2.句型: where did you go on vacation? i went to summer camp.did she go to central park?yes,she did.no, she didn’t 3.语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。单元总体目标 1.master the vocabulary 2.master and use: where did you go on vacation? i went to summer camp·did she go to central park?yes,she did.no, she didn’t单元教学重难点一览
  难点1.vocabulary and expressions2. grammar focus:where did you go onvacation?i went to summer camp. did she go on central park?yes, she did.no, she didn’tuse the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in english with the following sentences:where did you go on vacation?did you go to…?yes. … /no,…单元学情分析学生在第五单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。假期活动such as; go abroad, go hiking, go hiking, summer camps, and so on接近学生的生活,they are all interested in talking about it.单元教学建议
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  随堂记录首先进行集中识字,为本单元的学习作好铺垫。其次,充分利用听力材料和阅读材料,训练和提高学生的听力和阅读水平。在听读的基础上创设语言情景,加强读写训练。培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。单元课时分配本单元共4课时:section a(一)1课时section a〔二)1课时section b(一)1课时section b(二)1课时
  period one教学内容section a中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. grammar focus教学目标知识与能力1. match the vocabulary:new york city,central park,exam.2. master and use:where did you/ they /he / she go,vacation? i / they /he /she went to the mountains\new york city\beach\summer camp.did you go to the beach? yes,i did.no, i didn’t.过程与方法通过例子who went to the movies last saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助媒体来提高学生的主动性。情感态度价值观学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。教学重、难点及教学突破重点l. the vocabulary:new york city, central pads,exam.2. language:where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? i/they/he/she went to the mountains/ new york city/ beach /summer campdid you go to the beach? yes,i did. no, i didn’t.难点use the language to talk about past events.教学突破对于本课的单词短语通过卡片或图画来引出学习。language: where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来引出。
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  随堂记录教学步骤step 1 organizationorganize ss by saying hello to each other.step 2 free talkask the question :who is on duty? is everyone here today?step 3 presentation la1.(ask questions about what studentsdid last saturday)(1)who went to the movies last saturday?(point to one student who raises his or her hand.)sara went to the movies last saturday.(repeat.write this sentence on the board. underline the word went.)(2) ask:who visited a friend last saturday?(point to one student who raises his or her hand.)carlos visited a friend last saturday.(repeat.write this sentence on the board. underline the word visited.)2.(point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.)say,we use these words to talk about things that happened in the past.(write these pairs of words on the board:go--went, visit --visited)ask: can you point out the words that talk about the past?this activity introduces the key vocabulary.step 4 practise la1.focus attention on the picture.ask:what at can you see?say, each picture shows something a person did in the past.name each activity and ask students to repeat;went to themountains,went to new york city, went to summer camp,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to the beach,visited museums.2.point to the numbered list of activities.say each one again and ask the students to repeat.3.now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures.say,write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activity.point to the sample answer.4.check the answers.answers:1.e 2.b 3.d 4. c 5.a 6.f 7. gstep 5 listening(lb)presentationthis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
  1.play the recording the first time.
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  2.play the recording a second time.say,there are three conversations.
  the people talk about what they did on vacation.listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture.
  please write only 5 numbers. point out the sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain.
  3.correct the answers.
  (1) went to the mountains
  (2)visited my uncle
  (3)stayed at home
  (4) went to new york city(5)went to summer camp
  tape script:
  conversation 1
  xiang hun: hey, tina. where did you go on vacation?
  tina: i went to the mountains.
  xiang hua: cool.
  tina: where did you go, xiang hua?
  xiang hua:i went to new york city.
  conversation 2
  girl: where did you go on vacation, sally?
  sally:no where. i stayed at home.
  girl: and where did you go, brad?
  brad: i visited my uncle.
  conversation 3
  boy 1:where did you go on vacation, tom?
  tom: i went to summer camp. it was great.
  pronunciation note
  write to play---played, visit ---visited on the board.say,we studied the pronunciation of these --- ed endings in unit 5.they are both spelled --- ed,but we pronounce one /d/ and the other /id/.ask students to repeat these pairs:play-played,visit一visited.step 6 pair work 1c(task 1)
  this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
  1. point out the example conversation.
  ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.2. say,now work with a partner. you’re your own conversation about the pictures.
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  3. say the dialogue in the picture with a student,do a second example to the class.
  4. have students work in pairs.as they talk,move around the room monitoring their work.offer language or pronunciation support as needed.step 7 consolidation
  this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.1.say, get into getups of three. one of you will he nancy,one will be marco, and one will be julie. ask each other about the vacations. you can talk about the activities from the chart in 2b or about any other activities you like.2.as ss talk, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering support as needed.
  3. have a group of ss present their conversation to the class.
  step 8 test
  loot at teststep 9 summary grammar focus1. review the grammar box. ask ss to say the questions and answers.2. review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visited). then say the past form sentences with the form below.igo to the summer camptheygo to new york citytheygo to new york cityhestay at homeshevisit her uncle
  go to central parki he she they step 10 homeworkpractice the dialogue according to the picture on page 1本课小结本课学习了1个生词、两个地点短语和英语句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用一般过去时询问和回答有关过去的事情。练习设计
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  随堂记录随堂练习设计按要求完成句子。a)i went to the mountains.(改成一般疑问句)b) tina went to new york city.(就划线部分提问)c)did you go to the beach?(作出肯定回答)d)did they go to summer camp?(作出否定回答)个性练习设计翻译短语:(l)呆在家里 ______ (2)去纽约城_____(3)参加夏令营______(4)去爬山 _____(5)去海滩______ (6)参观博物馆_____板书设计
  unit 10
  go - went sara went to the movies last saturday
  visit – visited carlos visited a friend last saturday.play- played he played football last saturday.
  period two教学内容section a中3a.3b.4教学目标知识与能力1. match the vocabulary:were rainymaster and use:how was your vacation?how were the beaches?where did you go?过程与方法学生通过上一节课的学习,对where引导的过去时态的特殊疑问句,已经掌握。能自然地与本课知识相衔接。让学生回忆他们的假期情况,引出一般过去时态的句型,并且进行大量练习。采用学生提出问题,学生解决问题,借助媒体来提高学生的主动性。情感态度价值观教育学生渗透合作精神和社会公德意识。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the vocabulary:were rainy fish2. language: where did you go on vacation? i went to the mountains/ new york city /beach /summer camp…how was your vacation?how were the beaches?
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  随堂记录难点use the language to talk about past events.教学突破对于本课的单词短语通过卡片或图画来引出学习。language: where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来出。教学步骤step 1 free talkask the question:where did you go last sunday?step 2 presentation
  (用班里的学生为例做练习)point out the pictures in the photo album. ask students to describe what they see.step 3 practice(in picture 2 there is a beautiful beach.there is a man.he looks unhappy.)read the first two lines of the dialogue to the class.point out the answer was in the first line. then point out the blanks in the rest of the lines of the dialogue.read the conversation to the class saying the word blank for each blank line: how blank the beaches?then say,write the word was or were in each blank. ask students to complete the activity on their own.point to picture 3 and ask students to say what they see.then read the words under the picture.pronounce any new words and explain what they mean,if necessary say:in this picture a girl is on a bus.the girl is taking a bus trip.ask,what does relaxing mean?does it mean you are excited or quiet?how do you look when you relax?students don’t know the meaning of relaxing, demonstrate by leaning back in your seat and half一closing your eyes.say a dialogue with a student.point tothe food picture. ask,how was the food? do a send example,if you wish.move around the room monitoring their work.offer language or pronunciation support as needed.have two students perform the example conversation,or perform it yourself with one student(you ask the questions).point out that the conversations starts off with the sentences in the speech bubbles.for example,
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  随堂记录a:where did you go?b: i went to…a: what was the weather like? b: it was hot and humid.step 4 practicesay:first fill in the chart with the information about your last vacation,say where you went,what the weather was like, what you ate,and what else you did.as students fill in the chart move around the classroom, monitoring progress and offering help as necessary。本课小结本节课学习了3个生词,和句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地运用句型where did you go? i went … .练习设计1、动词的适当形式填空:a: where _____ you ______ on your vacation?(go)b:i _______ to the stores.(go) what about you?a: i ______ at home (stay)b: what ______you _______?(do)a:nothing much.b: why ______ you _______at home?(stay)a:i just _______ to go out.(not want)2. make a conversation and act.板书设计
  unit 101. were rainy 2. where did you go on vacation? i went to...
  period three教学内容section b中la. 1b.lc.2a.2b.2c教学目标知识与能力1 match the vocabulary:delicious, awful expensive, inexpensive, crowded2. master and use:where did vera go on vacation?did vera like the vacation?how were the stores? they were very expensive.
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  随堂记录过程与方法通过例子the ring is one hundred million dollars.it’s expensive.引人本课,设置会话情景来激发学生兴趣,调动其学习主动性。利用多媒体图片大量练习句型,提出问题,解决问题,体现师生互动。情感态度价值观教育学生热爱生活,积极参与班级集体活动。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the vocabulary:delicious, awful, expensive,inexpensive,crowded2. language:where did you  they he she go on vacation?i\they  he\she went to japan.how were the museums/ people /stores? they were crowded expensive /friendly.难点use the language to talk about past events.教学突破对于本课的单词短语通过多媒体图画和设置的情境来引出学习。language: where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来出。教学步骤step 1 organizationorganize ss by greeting each other.step 2 presentation (1 a)ask:what do you think of this book?is it interesting?(通过对话弓l出本课要学习的新形容词expensive 等)point to the picture, this is a ring. the price is one hundred million dollars.step 3 1b writingthis activity introduces more key vocabularies.point out the six words delicious,awful,expensive,inexpensive, crowded1.say each word and ask students to repeat them,2.call attention to the fourth picture saying: this is a cake.it’s delicious!then do the same thing for all six pictures.crowded delicious3.then point out the blank line in front of each numbered word.4.point out the sample answer. as students work,move around the room answering questions as needed.answers1.f2.a3.d 4.e 5 6.c
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  随堂记录this activity provides writing practice using the target language.simple draw:the smiley face and the frowny face.say,the smiley face is for good things. the frowny face is for bad things.point out the sample answer. say, the word delicious is under the smiley face because delicious is a happy word.
  ask students to finish the activity inpidually,
  1. delicious inexpensive, crowded
  2. awful, expensive, crowded city some examples to learn these adjectives.this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.step 4 listening
  1.point out the two questions. after you hear the conversation, please answer these questions. read the questions to the class.2. play the recording the first time.students only listen.this time say, listen to the recording and write the answer to each question.3. listen to the recording the second time.correct the answers.
  1.she went to tokyo.
  2. yes, she did.
  girl: hi, vera , how was your vacation?
  vera: it was great!
  girl: where did you go?
  vera: i went to tokyo with my family.
  girl]: really? wow!what did you do there?
  vera:well, we went to a lot of museums.
  girl: oh, how were they?vera: they were really interesting. but they were also very crowded. did you meet any japanese people?vera: yeah,the people were really friendly.my parents have some japanese friends,and we had dinner at their house.girl:how was the food?vera:it was delicious.i love japanese food.this activity provides furtherlistening practice using the target languagecall attention to the chart. read the words in the chart:her vacation, the museum the stores,the people,the food.point out the sample answer. say,what does vera think of her vacation? it was great.
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  随堂记录play the recording. play the recording a second time.ask students to finish filling in their answers and to check their answers.correct the answers.answers.vacation---great people---friendlymuseums一interesting, crowded food-- deliciousstore一expensive delicious---relaxingstep 5 pair work (2c task)this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.call attention to the question words.have a student read them to the class .ask where did you go on vacation? say,please work in pairs.as students talk,move around the room offering pronunciation and language support as needed.本课小结本节课总共学习了6个形容词以及where和how句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用英语表达自己的感受,培养了他们热爱集体活动的情感。练习设计随堂练习词类转换1) expensive(反义词)______ 2)crowd(反义词)________ 3 ) awful(反义词)________4)friend(形容词)________ 5)go(过去式) _______ 6) do(过去式)_________个性练习设计翻译下列句子1)你是去哪儿度的假?2)我们去了许多博物馆。3) -----那儿的商店怎么样?一 都很贵。4) 日本朋友们对我们很友好。板书设计
  unit 101.delicious,awful, expensive, inexpensive2.where did vela go on vacation? how were the stores?
  period four教学内容section b3a.3b.3c.4以及self check 3
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  随堂记录教学目标知识与能力1. new words and expressions:flew kite later felt little corner discuss difficulty过程与方法通过复习一般过去时引出本课的重点------日记。情感态度价值观学会日记的写法。教学重、难点及教学突破重点the vocabulary: flew kite later felt little comer till fry question discuss difficulty难点日记的格式。教学突破对于本课的单词短语通过卡片或图画来引出学习。language: 通过询问过去的事情引出日记。教学步骤step 1 organizationorganize ss by greeting each other.step 2 free talkask the questions:what day is it today?what day was it yesterday?step 3 presentation section b 3a1.let the students read kim’s travel diary and find the new words.2.teach the new words: later, felt,little, cornerexplain the meaning and the usage of the new words.let the students write the new words.3.say,now read the diary and circleall the good things about kim’s holiday.underline all the bad things. ask them to notice the description words that tell them whether something is"good"or "bad," you may want to ask a student to tell you what the first"bad thing" was.4.check the answers.good things:the weather(great)the beach(beautiful)playing in the waves(fun)finding the little boy/returning him to his father(happy)
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  随堂记录playing tennis (really fun)eating fried fish and garlic vegetables (delicious)bad things:kim’s kite breaking(not much fun) museum (boring and crowded)no money for taxi/walking back to hotel(tired)5.the teacher tell the students the methods of writing the diary.step 4 practice writingthus activity provides guided writingpractice using the target language.1.say,now write a travel diary like the one in 3a.2.have the students do the activity inpidually. you may want to have them write on pieces of paper, since space in the textbook is limited. as they work,move around he classroom offering assistance as necessary.
  3.have several students read out their diaries to the class(you might want to make this activity more substantial, and set it as written homework to be collected and marked.)
  4. do a surveyask students to interview friends and family members and write down where they went on vacation. ask the students to list at least one activity or place they visited in that city and whether it was good or bad ask students to share this information with the rest of the class.
  step 5 groupwork
  this activity gives students listening and speaking practice using the target language.
  1 say, now you can talk about a real vacation or an imaginary one. the other students can ask you questions. you can use the diary you wrote for activity 3b if you want.
  2. ask students to get into groups of four. one student in each group begins by telling where he or she went. the other students ask questions. then they switch roles, so each student has a chance to tell the others about his or her vacation.3. move around the room, offering vocabulary and pronunciation support as needed.
  step 6 homework
  1.master the new words.
  2.write a diary本课小结本节课学习了19个生词,和日记的写法。通过本节课的学习,学生能掌握日记的格式。
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  随堂记录练习设计1. write a diary.2. make a survey about the circumstance.板书设计
  unit 10
  how to write a diary?
