

  unit 2 what should i do导学案
  period one
  知识目标:掌握一些重要词组argue with, want sb. to do, out of style ,in style, enough money, write sb. a letter,call sb.,a ticket to a ball game,ask sb. for sth.,buy sth. for sb.,get a part-time job掌握以下句式:what should i/he do? what’s wrong with you? my clothes are out of style. maybe i should buy some new clothes. why don’t you go with me? that’s a good idea.
  掌握情态动词could 和should 的用法,并能够运用它们提出建议
  a. 课前预习:预习本单元单词及词组。
  b. 小组合作翻译以下词组:
  1.不让…进入___________________ 2.过时的____________
  3.时髦的 ________________ 4打电话给他 __________________
  5.找一份兼职工作 _________________ 6. 在电话里谈论它 ________________
  7 呆在家里 _________________ 8.一张球赛的票 _______________
  9.争吵 ___________________ 10惊讶做某事 __________________
  11. 使他们惊讶________________ 12. 使我们吃惊的是_______________
  13. 给她写封信 _________________ 14. 足够的钱____________ 足够简单___________
  c. 重点知识讲解:
  1. enough: 可以修饰名词,放名词前语气较强,主要表示数量、分量如:enough food/time/money; 还可以修饰形容词,放形容词后如:big/simple/bright/strong enough
  2. keep out: 别进来 danger! keep out! 危险!不要进入!
  keep sb./sth. out of… 不让某人或某物进入… keep that cat out of my room. 别让那只猫进我卧室。
  3. surprise: 动词 使某人吃惊:
  surprise sb. 使他/她/他们吃惊:surprise him/her/them
  名词 使某人吃惊的是:to one’s surprise 使他/她/我们/他们吃惊的是:
  to his/her/our/their surprise
  surprised 形容词 吃惊的去干某事:be surprised to do
  4. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的票 the key to the door 门的钥匙,the answer to the question 问题的答案,the way to school 去学校的路
  d. 掌握以下重点句子
  1. ——你怎么了?—— 我的衣服过时了。
  2. 我父母想要我每天晚上呆在家里。
  3. 我哥哥播放唱片太大声。
  4. 上周我和我最好的朋友吵架了。
  5. ——我应该怎么做?——你可以给他写封信。
  6. ——他该怎么做?——或许他该道歉。
  7. ——或许你应该给他打电话。——我不想再电话中谈论它。
  8. ——你可以给他一张球赛的票。——我没有足够多的钱。
  11. 听到那件事我很难过。
  12. 他没有足够多的时间来完成这项工作。
  1. my aunt didn’t go to the park. my cousin didn’t go there, e_________.
  2. what’s w________ with your watch? it doesn’t work.
  3. i don’t think it’s right to a_______ with your parents.
  4. jim wants to buy two t_________ to the concert.
  5. last year i _______(pay) 200 yuan for that pair of shoes.
  6. he needs _______(buy) gifts for his family.
  7. it is boring ________(listen) to him for so long.
  8. the bad news s_________ my parents, they didn’t know what to do.
  9. he _______(会) swim when he was eight.
  10. they are talking about the problem ____________(在电话上)
  11. i often see him ________(read) books under the tree. i saw him _______(read) books just now.
  12. _____you ______(come) to see me in a few days?
  13. there are kids ________(fly) kites in the playground.
  14. he ________(给我打电话) yesterday, but i wasn’t at home at that time.
  period two
  教学目标:掌握以下词组 need to do, pay for, get a part-time job, borrow…from…,lend…to…, ask sb. for sth., sell sth.to sb.,buy sth.for sb.,以及could,should 的用法。
  找一份兼职工作______________ 向某人要某物____________________
  卖某物给某人_______________ 从某人那借来某物_________________
  把某物借出去给某人_______________ 为某人买某物__________________
  加入一个俱乐部 ____________________ 与…一样__________________
  告诉某人(不要)干某事_______________ 与…不同__________________
  1.pay for: (pay paid paid ) 付钱,支付;为…付出代价 she paid for her medicine and went out. 她付了买药的钱就出去了。
  sb.pay money for sth.某人为某物付款多少钱 i paid three hundred yuan for my new bike. sb. spend money on/doing sth..某人花费多少钱在某物上 i spent 300 yuan on/buying my new bike.
  sth. cost sb. some money 某物花费某多少钱 my new bike cost me 300 yuan.
  2.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物 if you have a problem, you may ask the policeman for help.如果你遇到麻烦,你可以向警察求助。
  ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事 my mom asks me to clean my room twice a week.
  1. how much did he _________(付款) the book?
  2. our teacher always asks us ________(do) our homework by ourselves.
  3. tom is old enough ________(go) to school.
  4. i think you may______________(向你同学借那本书) your classmates.
  5. you’d better___________________(向你父母求助).
  6. he ______________________(把他的字典借给我)yesterday.
  7. my cousin is ________________(和我一样大).
  8. it’s easy for a child _______(wake) up and know where they are.
  9. tony always plays his cds much________(loud) than his sister does.
  10. i need to get some money ______(buy) some flowers ______ my mom.
  11. my grandpa told me ________(not eat) junk food.
  12. the sweaters are only 30 yuan. they are __________(expensive).
  13. lily’s clothes are o_________, they look beautiful.
  14. 她花了150元买了这些花。(三种)
  period three
  掌握词组:except, left sth.地点, try to do, invite sb. to do, let’s do, the same…as, get on well with
  掌握句子:i don’t know what to do, i thought i was popular at school, i just found out i passed.,could you please give me some advice? could you please not stand here?
  1. 查明,发现______________ 2. 把某物遗忘在某地____________
  3. 让我们做某事__________________ 4.生某人的气_________________
  5. 没有通过考试__________________6.考试通过了_________________
  7. 与…相处融洽________________8. 与…打架________________
  9. 邀请某人做某事_________________ 10. 给我一些建议_______________
  11. 上体育课__________________12. 尽力风趣些________________
  b. 重点知识点拨:
  1. except 介词 "除…之外"
  she works very hard every day except sunday. 除星期天外,她每天都努力工作。
  everyone except jim was able to answer this question.除了吉姆外,大家都能回答这个问题。
  besides "除…之外还有"相当于including,其后面的事物包括在前面的内容之中。
  there are four people in the room besides the teacher.
  all the people are in the room except the teacher.
  2. i don’t know what to do. what to do 是由引导词加不定式构成的宾语。疑问代词what,which,whom 或疑问副词how,when,where可加一个不定式构成不定式短语,在句中作宾语。i don’t know how to do it. i can’t decide which watch to buy. do you know where to meet? he didn’t tell me when to go.
  1.we go to school every day e________ saturday and sunday.
  2.b_______ singing english songs, there are many other ways to learn english.
  3.i’m sorry to tell you that she f________ the exam.
  4.you should try _________(be) friendly.
  5.i ________(忘了) my umbrella on the bus.
  6.he doesn’t know ____________(要做什么).
  7.wang fei didn’t do his homework, li lei didn’t do, e_________.
  8.she often _________(听) the radio in the morning.
  9.lily ________(不能) read a book when she was young.
  10.the chair is broken. please ________(查明) who broke it.
  11.i think the new comer is easy to ____________(相处).
  12.bob didn’t do his homework again, the teacher ________________(生气) him.
  13.could you please ______________________(借张纸给我吗)?
  14.he said he _______(be) popular at that time.
  15. i thought our clothes ________(be) ____________(过时了).
  period four
  教学目标:掌握reading中的语言点:learn to do, not…until…, it’s time to do, complain about doing, nothing new, seem to do, it seems that, find it 形容词 to do. 掌握一定的阅读技巧:learn to use new words better if you use a learner’s dictionary.
  1.学习去做某事________________ 2. 直到…才_______________
  3.快速吃晚饭___________________4. 到了做某事的时间了_________________
  5. 尽可能多、快、好、大声的_________________________________
  6.taylor一家人________________ 7. 抱怨做某事____________________
  8.没什么新东西__________________ 9.一些重要的事_________________
  10. 发现干某事是怎样的____________________
  12. 一方面_________________ 13.另一方面__________________
  14. 看起来做某事_________________
  b. 难点点拨:
  1. not…until 直到…才
  he didn’t stop crying until his mom came. 直到他妈妈来,他才不哭了。
  he didn’t eat anyting until he saw the doctor. 直到看过大夫,他才吃东西。
  2. these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older. 这些孩子们长大后可能会发现独立思考很困难。 这里it 作形式宾语,不定式作真正宾语的句子。这类句子由于宾语太长,而用it 作形式宾语,把真正的宾语移至句末,使句子保持平衡。
  i found it hard to learn english well. 我发现学好英语很难。
  i think it wrong to waste time. 我认为浪费时间是错误的。
  c. 掌握以下重点句子:
  1. 或许你应该学会放松。
  2. 疲惫的孩子们直到七点才回家。
  3. 到了吃早饭的时间了。
  4. 老师们抱怨在课堂上教疲惫的孩子们。
  5. 我发现学好英语是重要的。
  6. 一方面,我们应该尽可能多的说英语。
  7. 另一方面,我们也需要时间和自由来放松。
  8. 他们需要时间靠自己做事情。
  9. 他直到完成作业才上床睡觉。
  d. 随堂练习:
  1. students need time and ___________(自由)_____________(relax).
  2. this shirt f________ me very well.
  3. why don’t you _______(give) him __________________(两张音乐会的票)?
  4. i find it interesting ________(read) this book.
  5. lucy’s dream __________(come) true at last.
  6. they learned to swim by t___________.
  7. it’s time _________(have) supper.
  8. i don’t have enough time ____________(spend) with her.
  9. they enjoyed t___________ at the party last night.
  10. tom need __________(wash) his clothes first.
  11. we _________(visit) old people’s home next sunday.
  12. everyone should _________(be) polite to old people.
  13. mrs jenny gave us _______________(一些建议) on how to learn english well.
  14. ——must i write all the words down now?
  —— no, you _______.
  15. he is upset because he f________ his test.
  16. on _________(星期三) james ______ his history book ________ ________.(忘在家里了).
  e. 综合训练:
  1.books _____ only _____ on computers, not _____ paper. (书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。
  2.there will _____ _____ (更多的)trees and _____(更少的)pollution in the city in future.
  3.sally _____ _____ primary school five years _____. ( 五年前萨莉还在上小学。
  4. _____ do you think your friend will _____ _____ ten years? ( 你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?)
  5. they _____ go camping. (将不) they _____ come to our party, i’m sure. (将会)
  6.today he is in ________ (上大学), but(两年后) ____two years he will a doctor.
  7.she says that she’ll live _____a _______ station . 7. (在太空站)
  8.are you _____ on _____with your classmates ? ( 和…相处地好)
  9.they _____ stop talking ______their teacher came into the classroom. (直到…才…)
  10.he often_____ mother ______the housework. ( 帮助…干…)
  11. no one knows what will happen  the  (在将来).
  12. these things were invented  (数百)years ago.
  13. when i work for a long time, i’ll  (感到厌倦).
  14. i still don’t have a computer of  (我自己的).
  15. when she was 20,her dream to be a singer  (实现)
  unit two 测试题
  1.stop _____(争论) with your sister about the problem.
  2. to our _____(惊讶), the little girl can play the piano so well.
  3. this skirt is out of s____. she doesn’t want to take it.
  4. everyone is here e_____ li gang. where is he now?
  5. the boy is old enough to d______ himself.
  6. the m______ goes round the earth.
  7. i hope _________(一切事情) goes well.
  8. i hope my dream will come t______ one day.
  9. in autumn, the leaves fto the ground.
  10. he lives a___ in the large house, but he doesn’t feel lonely.
  11. if you become a professional player, you’ll be (能) to make a living by doing things you love.
  12. he f__ in love with the city of beijing as soon as he saw it.
  13. he _(付款) twenty yuan for this book.
  14. will people l___ to be 100 years old?
  15. when you become famous, your fans will follow your e.
  16. it is very difficult to pthe future.
  17. it  (似乎;好象) that he is very angry with you.
  18. he will ffrom new york to london tomorrow
  19. my job doesn"t _________(包括)making coffee for the boss.
  20. i’m sorry to tell you that you f_________ the test.
  1.when i grow up, i_______(be) a famous pilot.
  2. --- ________ (be) you at school yesterday evening?
  --- yes. we had an exciting party.
  3. --- do you think it ________(be) rainy tomorrow?
  --- no, it ______.
  4. --- what ______ you ______(do) this sunday? there ______(be) a football match.
  ______ you ______(go) with us?
  5. he _______ (want) to see them three days later.
  6. hurry up, the train  in a few minutes. (leave)
  7. my mother  me a new bicycle two years ago. (buy)
  ( )1. —i predict that there will be fewer trees in our hometown.
  a. i hope not! b. that will be bad for the earth.
   c. that’s a bad idea. d. all of the above are ok.
  ( )2. your sweater is out _____ style. maybe you should buy a new one.
  a. off b. for c. to d. of
  ( )3. —will people live to be 300 years old?—_________.
  a. no, they aren’t b. no, they won’t
  c. yes, they were d. yes, they do
  ( )4. do you like playing ________ football or playing _______ violin?
  a. the ; / b. / ; / c. / ; the d. the ; the
  ( )5. _______ tourists visit the great wall every day.
  a. hundreds of b. hundred of c. hundreds d. hundred
  ( )6. it’s said that there __________ an english report tomorrow afternoon.
  a. will have b. is going to be c. is going to have d. has
  ( )7. —do you think i could borrow your dictionary?
  a. no, you could b. yes, you couldn’t
   c. yes, help yourself d. yes, i’m sorry
  ( )8. ____ lily ____ lucy can go to the cinema with me because i have only two tickets.
  a. either, or b. neither, not c. both,and d. not, but
  ( )9. —is your father the same age ____ your mother?
  —no, my father is ____ older than my mother.
  a. like; two years b. as; two-years
   c. as; two years d. like; two-year
  ( )10. work hard,or you will ______ the exam.
   a. pass b. like c. fail d. know
  ( )11. the window is broken. please ____ who broke it.
   a. looked b. found c. find out d. look at
  ( )12. you should speak english as _____ as possible.
   a. many b. much c. more d. most
  ( )13. —i can’t find mr wang. where is he?
  —sorry, i don’t know. maybe you should ____.
  a. call up he b. call up him c. call he up d. call him up
  ( )14. all of the classmates went to the park ____ lewis. he had to look after his sick mother at home.
   a. only b. beside c. besides d. except
  ( )15. —do you think there will be rain tomorrow?
   a. yes, i think b. yes, there will
   c. no, it won’t d. i don’t know
  ( )16.do you like playing ______ football or playing    violin?
  a.the, the b.the, / c. / , the d. / , /
  ( )17.his mother    in a village five years ago.
  a.lives b.lived c.is living d.will live
  ( 18. i think that england    next time.
  a.will win b.won c.is winning d.wins
  ( 19. kids will study at home ______ computers in ten years .
  a.at   b.for  c.on   d.in
  ( )20.most people will ____100 years old .
  a.live to be b.live c.have d.can live to
  ( 21.i have    homework to do than you.
  a. much less b.much c.very little d.fewer
  ( )22. there ______a football game this evening .
  a. will have b. will be c. is going to have d. are going to be
  ( )23. i will be a teacher ______.
  a. after ten years b. five years later c. five years ago d. five years from now
  ( )24.i think there will be ______people and _____pollution .
  a. less, few b. fewer ,less c less ,more
  ( )25. what will the weather _____tomorrow?
  a. like b. is like c. be like
  ( )26.my father was    than he is now.
  a.thinner b.thin  c.less   d.few
  (  )27.the boy    off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday.
  a.fall b.fell c.falls d.will fall
  ( )28. there are many different _____ pets.
  a. kinds b. kind of c. kinds of
  ( )29. i found out it’s difficult ______this question .
  a. to answer b. answer c. answering
  (  )30.   seems very hard to work out this problem.
  a.that b.this c.i d.it
  1. 昨晚我直到十二点才上床睡觉。
  3. 除了jim,我们班上绝大多数的学生都参加课外活动小组。
  4. 为什么不给他写封信呢?
  5. 老师告诉我别再把作业忘在家里。
