快好知 kuaihz



  When I read a grade a class, I was having fun with students, suddenly saw sitting on the seat Zhang Yuezheng absorbed in reading a book. I"m surprised, ran to ask her: "Zhang Yue, why we are all in play, you"re reading a book?" Zhang Yue no reply.

  The second class, I once again see Zhang Yue sitting quietly reading position. I ran to repeat a sizable once had said, and this time Zhang Yue finally spoke, she said: "because reading can let us learn a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, can make our mind to move up, turn up." Zhang Yue words, I also think reading is a very good thing, since then I became like Zhang Yue love reading. In second grade, I and Zhang Yue were named as the "king" reading by the teacher!

  Because Zhang Yue, I had the very big change, I now is becoming more and more love reading, book knowledge let me open horizon, enrich my mind, every day I swim in the ocean of knowledge. I must get to read this good habit to stick to it!





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