

  be afraid of …… 害怕/担心……
  be afraid to do sth. 不敢做……
  don’t be afraid. 别害怕。
  i’m afraid … 恐怕……
  12. go for a walk / swim / rest 去散步/游泳/休息
  13. no longer = not …any longer 不再
  no more = not …any more 不再
  14. push sth. out 把……推出去
  15. get sth. back from sb. 把……拿回来
  16.* take sth. away 把……拿走
  17. a group of … 一群的……
  18. a wildlife park 野生动物园
  19. after a while 过一会儿
  1.too … ( for sb. ) to do sth. 太……而不能做……
  2.sooner or later 迟早
  3.solve the problem 解决问题
  4.as soon as … 一……就……
  5.* north of the city 在城市的北面
  = in the north of the city 在城市的北面
  6.prepare sth. for one’s lunch 为午饭准备……
  7.climb about half way up a hill 大约爬到半山腰
  8.drop from …… 从……上落下来
  1.look for sth. 寻找……
  2.look behind the tree 在树后寻找
  3.look over there 在那儿仔细寻找
  4.run after …… 追着……跑
  5.run away 跑开了
  6.eat sth. up 吃光……
  7.carry sth. to sp. 把……带到……
  8.in the sunshine 阳光下
  9.* in the sea 在海里
  10. in the tree 在树上
  11. pull sth back to land 把……拉回陆地上
  12. * go on doing sth. 继续做(同样的)事
  13. go on to do sth. 继续做(另外的)事
  14. speak to sb. 跟……说话
  15. say to sb. ……
  16. sit up 坐起来
  17. at the edge of … 在……的边沿上
  18. try hard to do sth. 努力做……
  19. go down to the bottom of … 掉到……的底部
  20. break into pieces 摔成碎片
  1.buy sb. sth = buy sth for sb. 给某人买……
  2.not yet. 还没有。
  3.know about sth. 了解……
  4.teach oneself sth. 自学……
  = learn sth. by oneself 自学……
  5.have a nice weekend 周末玩得愉快
  6.have cancer 得了癌症
  have a cold / headache
  have a pain in one’s …
  7.make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
  8.think of / about sth. / sb. 想到/想起……
  9.*get sb. some medicine 给某人抓药
  1.keep a diary 记日记
  2.a page from a student’s diary 学生日记一则
  3.after lunch 午饭之后
  4.come in / out 进来/出来
  5.leave sb. by oneself = leave sb. alone 把……单独留下
  6.at first 起初
  7.wake up 醒来
  8.talk to sb. 和……交谈
  9.cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害
  10. laugh and laugh happily 高兴得笑了又笑
  11. turn on / off … 打开/关闭 ……
  12. not …any more 不再……
  13. make a face at sb. 向某人做一个鬼脸
  make faces at sb.
  14. all kinds of … 各种各样的……
  15. take good care of … 好好照顾 ……
  = look after sth. well
  16. *rush into the room 冲进房间里去
  17. go to field 上地里
  18. pick wheat 割小麦
  1.the summer holidays 暑假
  the spring holidays 寒假
  2.in the south 在南方
  3.find one’s way to s.p. 找到去……的路
  4.stand on one’s head 倒立着
  5.make a kite 做个风筝
  6.make music 作曲
  7.a plan for sth. 一个……的计划
  8.*bad luck ! 真倒霉。
  9.knock on the door 敲门
  10. carry sb. on one’s back 背着某人
  1.show sb. sth = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物
  2.in the forest 在森林里
  3.speak to sb. 对某人说话
  4.look into the river 看河里
  5.with these words 说着这些话
  6.*stop being a doctor 不当医生
  7.winter holiday 寒假
  8.a summer resort 暑胜地
  9.feel at home 感到在家里
  10. take a holiday 度假
  11. play the violin 拉小提琴
  12. make oneself a cup of tea 自己沏杯茶
  13. swimming trunks 游泳裤
  14. kick off one’s shoes 踢掉鞋子
  15. what bad luck ! 多倒霉呀!
  16. on one’s way back 在某人回来的路上
  17. hurry down to … 急急忙忙地走下到……
  18. a room upstairs 楼上的房间
  19. around the corner 在拐角处
  20. so … that …. 如此……以至于……
  1. fall off s.p. 从……摔下来
  2.hurt oneself 伤着某人自己
  3.enjoy oneself 过得很愉快
  4.help oneself ( to sth. ) 随便吃(拿/用)……
  5.look after oneself          照顾自己
  6.wash oneself            自己洗漱
  7.dress oneself            自己穿衣服
  8.teach oneself sth.          自学……
  9.learn sth. by oneself         自学……
  10.study sth. oneself          自学……
  11.do sth. by oneself          独自做某事
  12.fall down ( from …)         (从……上)摔下来
  13.hope to do sth.            希望做某事
  hope for sth.             希望得到某物
  hope that-clause           希望……
  14.play the piano            弹钢琴
  15.play computer games         玩电脑游戏
  16.find out               查出……;找出……
  17.go upstairs              上楼
  1.listen to music 听音乐
  2.play the music 演奏乐曲
  3.was /were doing sth. when sb. did sth. 正在做……时突然……
  was / were about to do sth. when sb. did sth. 正要做……时 突然……
  4.hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做完某事
  5.hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事
  6.hear sb. oneself do sth. 听见某人亲自做某事
  7.a piece of music 一首乐曲
  8.how i wish …… 我多么想……
  9.wish to do sth. 希望做某事
  10.( can ) afford to do sth. 能担负得起做某事
  11. a ticket to the concert 一张音乐会的票
  12. say sth for fun 开玩笑着说某事
  13. knock at the door 敲门
  14. in the dim candle light 在微暗的蜡烛光下
  15. make shoes 做鞋
  16. by a table 请原谅
  17. to one’s ( great / deep ) surprise 使某人感到(非常)吃惊的是
  18. to one’s ( great / deep ) joy 使某人感到(非常)高兴的是
  19. to one’s ( great / deep ) pleasure 使某人感到(非常)愉快的是
  20. to one’s ( great / deep ) anger 使某人感到(非常)生气的是
  21. to one’s ( great / deep ) regret 使某人感到(非常)遗憾的是
  22. learn sth. by ear 听着学会某事
  23. the woman next door 隔壁的那位妇女
  24. shine in through sth. 透过某物照射进来
  25. look up to the sky 仰望天空
  26. say to oneself 心里想
  27. talk to oneself 自言自语
  28. think out loud 自言自语
  29. play a sonata to the moonlight 演奏月光奏鸣曲
  30. lose oneself in sth. 沉浸在某事当中
  31. work all night doing sth. 整夜在做某事
  32.* go to the concert 去听音乐会
  33. be surprised to do sth. 吃惊地做某事
  34. know about sth. 了解某事
  1.lots of money = a lot of money 许多钱
  2.much money 许多钱
  3.go on a trip = have a trip 去旅行
  = go out for a trip
  4.come along 一起来
  5.* keep pet animals 饲养宠物
  1.get sb. sth. 给某人拿来某物
  2.it’s time for sb. to do sth. 某人该做某事
  = it’s time that sb. did sth. 某人该做某事
  3.i’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。
  4.it’s getting late. 天色已晚了。
  5.leave sth. behind 落下某物
  6.thank you for having us. 谢谢你邀请我们。
  7.invite sb. home 邀请某人到家里来
  8.hit sth s.p. 把某部位碰到了某处上
  9.*decide to do sth. 决定做某事
  10. at the market 在市场上
  11. ask sb. for help 请某人帮忙
  12. hurry up 快一点;赶快
  1.hold a sports meeting 举行运动会
  2.have a sports meet 举行运动会
  3.on the playground 在操场上
  4.in the 100-metre race 在100米赛跑中
  5.in the 100 metres 在100米赛跑中
  6.the girls’ 400-metre metres ( race ) 女子组400米赛跑
  7.the girls’ 400 metres ( race ) 女子组400米赛跑
  8.the 400-metre race for girls 女子组400米赛跑
  9.the relay race 接力赛
  10. a team race 团体赛
  11. the high jump 跳高
  12. the long jump 跳远
  13. jump high 跳高
  14. jump far 跳远
  15. win ( in ) the race 赛跑赢了
  16. lose ( in ) the race 赛跑输了
  17. run first 跑在最前面;跑第一名
  18. run in front 跑在最前面
  19. run in first place 跑第一名
  20. run first past the finishing line 最先跑过终点线
  21. jump second 跳第二名
  22. do well in sth. 某方面做得好
  23. do badly in sth. 某方面做得不好
  24. be good in/at sth. 擅长于做某事
  25. be poor / weak in /at sth. 不擅长于做某事
  26. which sport will you be in tomorrow ? 明天你将参加什么项目?
  27. which sport will you take part in tomorrow ? 明天你将参加什么项目?
  28. bad luck ! 真倒霉 !
  29. good luck ! 真幸运 !
  1.take an active part in sth. 积极参加……
  2.at the starting / finishing line 在起点/终点线上
  3.on the first lap 在跑第一圈的时候
  4.in front 在最前面/在第一
  5.in first place 在第一
  6.at the same time 同时
  7.on the ground 在地板上
  8.the runner from class 3 3班运动员
  9.the class 3 runner 3班运动员
  10. far behind 在后面很远
  11. fall behind 落后
  12. fall behind sb. 落在某人后面
  13. run past sb. 跑过某人
  14. pass sth. on to sb. 把某物传给某人
  15. catch up with sb. 赶上某人
  16. neck and neck 并驾齐驱
  17. as …… as …… 和……一样
  18. ( not ) as / so …… as …… 和……不一样
  19. come on 加油;继续吧;快跑
  20. drop sth. on/onto the ground 把某物掉在地板上
  21. a moment later 一会儿之后
  22. get up 爬起来;起床
  23. go on doing sth. 继续做正在做的事
  24. go on to do sth. 接着/继续做另外一件事
  25. go on with sth. 继续做某事
  26. congratulations to sb. on sth. 祝贺 某人 某事
  1.right now 立刻;马上
  2.right away 立刻;马上
  3.at once 立刻;马上
  4.well done 做得好
  5.do one’s best to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事
  6.try one’s best to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事
  7.try hard to do sth. 尽力做某事
  8.every time 每一次
  9.*prepare one’s lesson carefully 仔细准备某人的功课
  10. in the end = at last 最终;终于;最后
  11. at the beginning 最初
  12. be full of surprises 充满惊讶
  13. the XX olympic games XX年奥运会
  14. national team 国家队
  15. plan to do sth. 计划做某事
  16. win a medal 赢得一枚奖牌
  1.in the living room 在起居室
  2.be back ( at home ) 回到家
  3.( be ) written by sb. 某人写的
  4.computer technology 计算机技术
  5.solve business problems 解决商业问题
  6.in new ways 用新的方法
  7.one of the best-sellers 最畅销的…之一
  8.on the new york times list 在《纽约时报》的排行榜上
  9.be interested in sth. 对……感兴趣
  10. become interested in sth. 对……变得感兴趣
  11. show / have / take ( an ) interest in sth. 对……感兴趣
  12. show great interest in sth. 对……很感兴趣
  13. feel no interest in sth. 对……觉得不感兴趣
  14. lose interest in sth. 对……失去兴趣
  15. be sure of / about sth. 确信……
  16. be sure to do sth. 一定 / 务必 做某事
  17. be sure that-clause 确信……; 务必……; 相信……
  18. sb. seems / seemed to do sth. 某人似乎要做某事
  19. it seems / seemed ( to sb. ) that-clause. 似乎……
  1.learn ( sth.) from …… 向某人学习……
  2.want to be …… 想要成为……
  3.be born in …… 出生在(地点/月份/季节/年/…)
  4.be born on …… 出生在(某日 )
  5.be born of a ……family 出生在(某种)家庭
  6.grow up 成长
  7.name sth. / sb. sth. after sth. 以 / 随……取名为……
  8.in the future 在将来
  9.play with computers 玩电脑
  10. at that time 在那时
  11. at this time 在这时
  12. sb. spend some time on sth. 花时间做某事
  13. sb. spend some money on sth. 花钱买某物
  14. sb. spend some time ( in ) doing sth. 花时间做某事
  15. sb. spend some money ( in ) doing sth. 花钱做某事
  16. sb. pay some money for sth. 花……(钱) 买某物
  17. it takes / took sb. some time to do sth. 某人花……(时间)做 某事
  18. sth. cost sb. some money 买某物花了某人 ……(钱)
  19. work sth. out 制定/拟出/计算出//想出……
  20. a software program 一个程序软件
  21. sell sth. for some money 把某物卖……( 钱 )
  22. buy sth. for some money 用……(钱)买某物
  23. at harvard university        在哈佛大学
  21. in one’s third year          在三年级时
  24. a book called business @ the speed of thought
  24. develop software for personal computers 为个人电脑开发软件
  25. make it + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.  使某人很…地做某事
  26. marry sb.              娶/嫁给 某人
  27. be married to sb.          与某人结婚
  28. get married ( to sb. )         与某人结婚
  1.plan to do sth.            计划做某事
  2.be pleased to do sth.         很高兴做某事
  3.be pleased with sth./ sb. 对(某事/某人)感到满意/高兴
  4.be pleased at sth.   对某事 感到高兴
  5.hundreds of …            几百的……
  6.thousands of …           几千的/成千上万的……
  7.millions of …            几百万的……
  8.tell sb. the truth          讲实情/讲事实
  9.give sb. some advice         给某人提建议
  10. decide to do sth. 决定做某事
  1.make sb. do sth.           使某人做某事
  2.be made to do sth.          被迫做某事
  3.play a joke on sb.           跟某人开玩笑
  4.make a joke              开玩笑
  5.say sth. in joke = say sth. for fun    开玩笑着说某事
  6.laugh at sb.              嘲笑……
  7.a friend of one’s           某人的一位朋友
  8.travel on a train           乘火车旅行
  9.lie on the floor            躺在地板上
  10. everyone in the train         火车里的每个人
  11. give sb. a lecture           给某人做报告
  12. in the first row            在第一排
  1.try to do sth. 尽力做某事
  2.try doing sth. 试着做某事
  3.quite a nice elephant 一头很好看的大象
  = a very nice elephant 一头很好看的大象
  1.get on (well ) with sb. / sth. 与某人相处得很好/融恰
  2.the man upstairs = the man from upstairs 楼上的那个男人
  3.in the city of moscow 在莫斯科城
  = in moscow city 在莫斯科城
  4.take sth. off opp. put sth. on 脱下某物 (反:穿上某物)
  5.at this time 在这时
  6.  sb. find it + adj. + to do sth. 某人觉得/发现做某事(怎样)
  7.be angry with sb. 对某人生气
  8.be angry at sth. / sb. 对某人/某事生气
  9.be angry about sth. 对某事生气
  10. be angry to do sth. 生气地做某事
  11. knock at / on sth. 敲门
  12. there is a loud knock at the door. 有人很使劲地敲门。
  13.= someone is knocking at the door heavily. 有人很使劲地敲门。
  * the doorbell is ringing. 门铃在响。
  14. with a smile 微笑着
  15.   every time + clause 每一次……
  16. come back 回来
  17. get back 回来
  18. come (back)home from work 下班回(到)家
  19. wake sb. up 叫/吵 醒某人
  20. as usual 象往常一样
  21. read a newspaper 看一份报纸
  22. get to sleep 入睡
  fall asleep 入睡;睡着
  go to sleep 睡着;入睡
  22.* in the daytime / day 在白天
  at night = in the night 在晚上(的时候)
  at midnight 在半夜的时候
  at noon 在中午
  1.at noon yesterday (在)昨天中午
  2.have a pe class 上一节体育课
  3.work in the chemistry lab 在化学实验室里工作
  4.  sb.hear the sound of sb. doing sth. 某人听见某人做某事的声音
  5.look out of the window 看出窗外
  6.* from the beginning to the end 从开始到结束
  7.the moon moves (a)round the earth. 月球绕着地球转。
  8.the chinese history museum 中国历史博物馆
  9.there is a lot of rainfall in south china. 中国南方雨水很多。
  = there is much rain in the south of china. 中国南方雨水很多。
  1.drive a truck to s.p. 开车去某地
  2.teach history 上/教历史课
  3.be fed up with sb./sth. 对某人/某物厌倦
  4.borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物
  5.* sweep the floor 打扫地板
  6.do some cleaning 打扫卫生
  7.( light ) go out (灯)熄了
  ( light ) go dark (灯)暗了
  8.lie in bed 躺在床上
  9.sleep in bed 睡在床上
  10. write / send an email 写/发一封电子邮件
  11. stand in the lift going upstairs 乘电梯上楼
  12. the house next door 隔壁房子
  13. ask / say sth. in a sleepy voice 困乏地问 / 说 某事
  14. ask / say sth. in surprise 吃惊地问/说某事
  15. say sth. proudly 骄傲地说某事
  1.watch video tapes 看录相
  2.make a dress 缝制一套衣服
  3.review one’s lessons 复习功课
  4.write a diary 记一则日记
  5.ride a motorbike 骑摩托车
  6.ride a bike in the street 在街上骑自行车
  7.read a novel 看小说
  8.look tired 看上去疲劳累了
  9.feel tired 感到疲劳/累了
  10. be tired of sth./sb. 对……感到厌倦
  11. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
  12. forget ( doing ) sth 忘记(做过)某事
  13. had better ( not ) do sth. 最好 (不)做某事
  14. have an accident 出事故
  15. what happened ( to sb. ) ? 某人 发生什么事 ?
  16. pick sth. up 捡起某物
  17. pick sb. up (用车)顺便接某人
  18. give sth back to sb. 把某物还给某人
  = return sth. to sb. 把某物还给某人
  1.leave school 放学回家; (中学)毕业
  leave the school 离开这所学校
  2.come/go round the corner 从拐弯处过来/去
  3.shout to sb. 对某人大声喊
  shout at sb. 冲着某人大声叫
  4.move sth. out of …… 把某物搬出某地
  5.carry sth. to s.p. 把某物搬到某地
  6.the man on the motorbike 骑摩托车的人
  7.not……until…… 直到……才……
  8.stop the traffic 阻拦车辆
  9.let the traffic go 让车辆通行
  10. it’s nice / kind / good of sb. to do sth. 谢谢/难为 某人做某事
  11. it’s clever / polite / foolish / wrong / 某人做某事 是 聪明/礼貌
  careless / silly / rude of sb. to do sth. /愚蠢/错误/不细心/傻粗鲁
  12. don’t mention it. 不用谢;不客气
  = you are welcome. = that’s all right. = not at all.
  13. crowd round s.p./sb. 围着……
  14. as ……as sb. can/could 尽可能地……
  as ……as possible 尽可能地……
  15. hurry up = be quick. 赶快
  16. hurry off to do sth. 匆匆忙忙地去做某事
  17. hurry off sp.. to s.p. 匆匆忙忙地走出……到……去
  18. hurry away ( to do sth. ) 匆匆忙忙地出去(做某事)
  19. hurry over ( to s.p. ) 匆匆忙忙地过来(到某处)
  20. hear about sth. 听说某事
  1. the ending of the story 故事的结尾
  2.get help from sb. 从某人那儿得到帮助
  3.travel past the corner 从拐弯处过来
  4.a moment later 一会儿之后
  5.obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则
  1.a 38-year-old woman 一位38岁的妇女
  2.drive to work 开车去上班
  3.than usual 比往常
  4.be worried about sb./sth. 对……担心
  5.worry about sb./sth. 担心……
  6.pass s truck 超车
  7.turn one’s steering wheel 打方向盘
  8.at once 马上;立刻
  = immediately = right away = right now / right then
  9.pull sth. out of s.p. 把……拖出……
  10. give sb. mouth-to-mouth breathing 给某人做人工呼吸
  11. come to oneself 苏醒; 恢复知觉
  12. * put out the washing 把衣服挂出去
  13. bring the washing in 把衣服收进来
  14. lose one’s balance 失去平衡
  15. knock over sth. 把某物撞倒
  1.rob sb./s.p. of sth. 抢夺/抢劫 某人/某地 某物
  1.set off ( for a place ) 出发 (去某地)
  = start ( off ) ( for a place ) 出发去 (某地)
  2.on its first trip 在进行首次航行中
  3.here and there = everywhere 到处;处处
  4.on watch 在值班
  on duty 在值日
  on holiday 在度假
  on a visit to … 在参观…
  on sick leave 在休病假
  5.look out ( for sth. ) 小心;当心
  = take care ! 小心 ! 当心!
  6. in front ( of …) 在(……的)面前
  in/at the front ( of …) 在(……的)前部
  7. come to a stop = stop
  8. be the first ( one/ones ) to do sth. 第一个/批做某事
  9.make room for sb. 为某人腾出地方
  10. take one’s place 就座; 代替某人
  take the place of sb. 代替某人
  11. be married 结婚了
  12. get married 结婚了
  13. join sb. in sth. 和某人一起做某事
  14. more than = over 超过
  15. no more than + ( num. ) 仅仅……
  16. lose one’s life 失去生命;丧生
  opp. save one’s life 挽救某人的生命
  1.it is + adj. + to do sth. 做某事很……
  2.sink into the sea 沉入海底
  3.it is one’s turn to do sth. 该轮到某人做某事
  4.all the year round 一年到头
  1.what’s another way of saying sth. ? 另外一种说……的方法是什么?
  2.stay in bed 躺在床上
  lie in bed 躺在床上
  3.ask for ( two days’ sick ) leave 请(两天的病)假
  4.a note for leave 一张请假条
  5.a day or two 一两天
  6.all around = everywhere = here and there 到处
  7.all the time 一直; 始终
  8.most of the time 在大部分的时间里
  9.lay an egg 下蛋; 生蛋
  10.stand on one’s toes 踮着脚趾
  11. hold one’s head high 高昂着头
  12. in the air 在空中
  *12. beg sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事
  13. change one’s mind 改变主意
  14. look deep into one’s eyes 深情地看着某人的双眼
  15. arm in arm 臂挽臂
  expressions for book iii junior
  1.have / has got sth 有……
  2.a cd player 一台激光唱机
  3.a book about math = a math book 一本数学书
  4.on the shelf 在架子上
  5.at the moment = now = up till now 现在 / 到现在为止
  6.there he is ! 他在那儿。
  7.* a mobile phone 移动电话
  8.a moment ago = just now 刚才
  9.it must be still there. 它一定还在那儿。
  10. i still can’t find it. 我还是找不到它。
  1.ever 曾经; 到底
  2.sb. borrow sth. from sb./s.p. 某人从某人/某处借来某物
  3.sb. lend sth. to sb. 某人把某物借给某人
  4.a library book 一本图书馆的书
  = a book from the library 一本图书馆的书
  5.used to do sth. (过去)经常做某事
  6.usedn’t to do sth (过去)经常不做某事
  7.didn’t use to do sth. (过去)经常不做某事
  8.did sb. use to do sth. ? (过去)经常做某事吗?
  9.some books on many different subjects 一些有关许多不同主题的书
  10. sth. give sb. much knowledge (某物)给某人许多知识
  11. sb. learn much knowledge from sth. (某人)从某物中学到了许多知识
  12. in the schoolyard 在校园里
  13. put sth. down = take sth. down 把(某物)放下来
  14. walk a few steps 走了几步
  15. for a while = for a minute = for a moment 一会儿
  16. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
  17. forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事
  18. leave (s.p.)for s.p. 离开(某地)去某地
  = start out for s.p.= set off for s.p. 前往某地
  19. be worried about sth. 对某人/某事感到担心
  20. several days later 几天之后
  21. some more books 再一些书本
  22. not yet. 还没有。
  23. sooner or later 迟早
  24. what was worse. (情况)更糟糕的是
  25. sb. pay some money for sth. (某人) 付 (钱)买某物
  26. sb. spend some money on sth. (某人)花 钱 买某物
  27. sb. spend some money in doing sth. (某人) 花 钱 做某事
  28. sth. cost sb. some money (某物) 花去了(某人)一些钱
  29. come up with an idea 想出一个主意
  = think of an idea = find an idea 想出一个主意
  30. the borrowed books 借来的书
  31. return sth. to sb. / s.p. 把某物还给某人/某处
  32. give sth. back to sb./ s.p 把某物还给某人/某处.
  33.* so far 到目前为止
  1.think of … 想到 / 想 / 想起
  2.think of doing sth. 打算做某事
  3.think about sth. 想(到) 某人/某事;考虑……
  4.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
  5.pick sth. up 拾起;捡起;学会;(顺便)买
  (顺便用车)来接; 好起来
  6.speak to sb. 跟某人说话
  7.travel on a plane 乘飞机旅行
  8.make one’s bed 整理床铺
  9.* keep the book ( for ) a week 借书借一周
  10. this idea works well. 这个主意很有用。
  1.a video tape 录像带
  2.find sth. on the computer 在电脑里找到……
  3.wait ( for ) a minute./a moment./a while. 等一会儿。
  4.*a shopping list 购物单
  5.at once = right away =right now = immediately 马上
  right then ( 过去某时 ) 马上
  6.break open 摔下裂开
  1.what’s …like ? 你觉得 / 认为 ……怎么样?
  what’s the surfing like ? = what do you say if we go surfing today ?
  = what do you think of surfing today ?
  = how do you like / find / enjoy / feel surfing today ?
  = what / how about going surfing today ?
  = shall we go surfing today ?
  = would you like to go surfing today ?
  = let’s go surfing today, shall we ?
  2.have / has been to s.p. (曾经) 去过 某地
  3.have / has been in s.p. (for some time / since …)
  来到 / 住在某地(多久了
  4.have / has gone to s.p. 已经去了某地
  5.learn sth. from sb. 向 某人 学习……
  6.in the world 在世界上
  7.have a try = take a try = try 试一下
  8.don’t be afraid. 别害怕。
  9.show sb. how to do sth. 教某人做某事
  10. * sports daily 体育日报
  11. write a report on sth. 写一篇有关……的报道
  12. take part in sth. 参加……
  13. train future olympic champions 培养未来的奥林匹克冠军(运动员)
