

  taskreporting school activities
  as we all know, there are various school activities for students to attend. what school activities do you often have? can you name some? this section consists of a series of activities which provide you with opportunities to practise your language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. it is pided into three steps, and each step is preceded with a skills building activity. through the three steps, you will learn to solve a practical problem in your daily life--how to talk about school activities and how to write a notice about a school activity.
  skills building 1: understanding a programme
  suppose you are monitor of a class and you are to plan and arrange a class meeting for parents to visit your school. what will be informed your classmates of about the class meeting? that is to say, what will be included in your plan?
  here you can find out what a programme usually includes when you read the guidelines and you will know what you should notice when you are listening to someone talking about a programme.
  1. read the five points in skills building 1 on page 12. write down the names of months and the seven days of a week in abbreviations. for example, 2nd/2 feb; 5th/5 mar; 3rd/3 aug; 21st/21 oct; 30th/30 nov; mon; wed; tue; fri; sat
  2. listen to the tape and finish the timetable on page 12.
  reporter: good morning, mr gu. what’s your programme like for next week?
  scientist: on the twenty-first of october, that’s monday, i will visit your school, datong high school, at nine thirty in the morning, i will give a talk to the whole school. at a quarter to one in the afternoon on the twenty-second, i will attend an important school assembly at guanghua high school, and i will go to the school concert at xiangming high school at six p.m. on the twenty-third.
  reporter: wow. you are really busy. i look forward to seeing you again on monday.
  21st oct
  22nd oct
  23rd oct
  9:30 a.m.
  12:45 p.m.
  6:00 p.m.
  datong high school
  give a talk
  attend an important school assembly
  go to the school concert
  step1: completing a timetable for a school programme
  this part is designed to help you develop your listening skills by listening to a talk given by the headmaster about a school programme. complete the programme according to what the headmaster says. identify the times, venues, subjects of some talks and who the speaker is.
  1. read the guidelines on page 13 to know what you’re to do and then read the timetable to get a general idea about the talk.
  2. listen to the tape and complete the timetable inpidually. we’ll then check the answers.
  headmaster: next month we are going to have several talks. we have invited eight people with
  different jobs to give us talks on different subjects. each class can choose up to five talks according to your class timetable. monitors, you have to make sure you understand when and where each talk is to be given. you also have to be sure about the subjects and who the speakers are and then report to your class. first of all, we have a famous writer coming on friday, the eighth of october. he is going to talk about how to read a novel. the talk will be held in room two-o-one, building four, beginning at one twenty in the afternoon.
  at two fifteen on monday afternoon, the eleventh of october, a fireman is going to talk about fire prevention, in room five-o-three, building three. a student from the usa is going to talk about school life in the usa on wednesday, the thirteenth of october. the talk will be held at three p.m.
  we have invited ...
  monitor 1:excuse me, mr liu, where is the talk about school life in the usa going to be held?
  headmaster: oh, yes. it’ll be held in room four-o-four, building one.
  mornitor 1: thank you.
  headmaster: ok. on tuesday, the nineteenth of october, we have invited a scientist to talk about outer space in room one-o-five. building two, at eight o’clock in the morning.
  monitor 2:that’ll be interesting.
  headmaster: i’m glad you like that idea. now, let’s carry on. a doctor is going to talk about fighting aids at half past two in the afternoon on thursday, the twenty-first of october, in room three-o-six, building four. a newspaper reporter from football weekly is going to talk about famous football players, at one twenty p.m. on friday, the twenty-second of october in room two-o-four, building three.
  monitor 3: is it about football players in china?
  headmaster: not only that. it is about football players around the world.
  monitor 3: great!
  headmaster: now let’s go on. a policeman is going to talk about traffic signs at ten past ­­__on the morning of wednesday, the twenty-seventh of october, in room four-o-one, building two. now the last talk. the subject is australian pop songs. it’ll be given by a famous singer at ten a.m. on friday, the twenty-ninth of october, in room three-o-three, building four. is everything clear?
  monitors: yes!
  8th oct
  1.20 p.m.
  room 201,
  building 4
  how to read a novel
  famous writer
  11th oct
  2.15 p.m.
  room 503,
  building 3
  fire prevention
  13th oct
  3 p.m.
  room 404,
  building 1
  school life in the usa
  usa student
  19th oct
  8 a.m.
  room 105,
  building 2
  outer space
  21st oct
  2.30 p.m.
  room 306,
  building 4
  fighting aids
  22nd oct
  1.20 p.m.
  room 204,
  building 3
  famous football players
  newspaper reporter
  27th oct
  10.10 a.m.
  room 401,
  building 2
  traffic signs
  29th oct
  10 a.m.
  room 303,
  building 4
  australian pop songs
  famous singer
  skills building 2: comparing information
  you’ll learn here how to compare information before you make decisions. compare all the information in a list to find the name of a history book after reading an e-mail.
  1.read the two points about comparing information on page 14 before making decisions. (words on the blackboard: read all the information carefully. make as many comparisons as possible.)
  2.read the guidelines to make sure you know what to do. read the list of the seven books.
  (words on the blackboard: the title:the price:the year: the writer:)
  compare the list of the seven books and the information given in the letter to find the clues needed.
  3. fill in the form on the blackboard.
  the title: with the word dynasties
  the price: having the figure 8
  the year: after XX
  the writer: a famous professor
  can you find the book now?
  7-8976-9374-8/k :
  step 2: reporting to your class teacher
  the activities in this part are designed to improve your speaking skills after you have compared the class timetable in this part with the school programme on page 13.
  choose five talks according to the class timetable. then work in pairs to make a dialogue about the talks you’ve chosen.
  1. read the guidelines in part a, and point out what classes you can skip to attend the talks. compare the timetable with the one on page 13, so that you can find the talks to attend.
  a. talks that we can attend:
  1. fire prevention 2. outer space 3. school life in the usa 5. australian pop songs
  2. read the guidelines in part b on page 15 and work in pairs talking according to the programme timetable on page 13 and the notes in part a.
  b sample answers
  class teacher: hey monitor, there will be quite a few talks next month in our school. have you chosen some for our class?
  monitor: yes, i think we can attend as many as five talks.
  class teacher: good. when is the first talk for our class?
  monitor: the first one will be at 2.15 p.m., 11th oct. it’s monday that day. we can skip games to attend it.
  class teacher: what is the subject of the talk? who is giving the talk?
  monitor: fire prevention by a fireman.
  class teacher: where is the talk to be held?
  monitor: in room 503 building 3.
  class teacher: what about the second talk? when will it be held? and what is it about?
  monitor: i think most of us will be very interested in this talk. it’s about school life in the usa. it will be give on 13th of next month. the time is 3 p.m.
  class teacher: hm, it’s our self-study period. the talk is sure to be given by a usa student, right? where shall we go to listen to it?
  monitor: the talk will be given in room 105, building 2.
  class teacher: on tuesday morning we have our chinese library class. is there a talk for our class?
  monitor: certainly. on the morning of 19th, that’s tuesday, there is a talk about outer space at 8 a.m. in room 105, building 2. this subject is very popular these days. many of us are eager to know more about outer space.
  class teacher: what about the fourth one?
  monitor: it’s on thursday, october 21st. the subject of the talk is fighting aids. it’ll be given by a doctor in room 306, building 4.
  class teacher: ok. now the last one. when will it be?
  monitor: it will be at 10 on friday morning. the date is 29th. it’s our class-meeting period. and i think everyone in our class will be interested in it.
  class teacher: what’s the subject?
  monitor: australian pop songs. it’ll be given by a famous singer.
  class teacher: where will it be held?
  monitor: in room 303, building 4.
  skills building 3: writing a notice
  here you’ll read about what a notice is and what you should pay attention to when you’re writing a notice. you’ll read a notice by a school librarian and find all the important information in it.
  1. read the first part in skills building 3 to learn what a notice is and pay attention to the three points when writing a notice.
  2. read the notice given by the school library and point out the important information in the notice.
  the important information:
  event:library closed
  time:next wednesday to friday, 16th to 18th november
  reason:for the sports meeting
  when to reopen:next saturday, 19th november
  the new opening hours:monday--friday: 8 a.m.--6 p.m. saturday & sunday: 10 a.m.--5 p.m.
  public holidays:closed
  person that gives the notice:zhong shengxiao, a staff member of the school library
  3. talk about how to make a notice attractive. (written in big and colour letters, and use one or two pictures or photos, etc.)
  step 3: informing your classmates
  in this part you are asked to write a notice to inform the class about the talks you’ll attend.
  1. read the guidelines in step 3 on page 17, so that you know what to write in the notice.
  2. write a notice about talks in october.
  possible version
  talks in october
  i am happy to inform you that in october we are going to attend five interesting and instructive talks. i think we will learn a lot of information. read the following to get some detailed information about the five talks.
  11th oct
  2.15 p.m.
  room 503,
  building 3
  fire prevention
  13th oct
  3 p.m.
  room 404,
  building 1
  school life in the usa
  usa student
  19th oct
  8 a.m.
  room 105,
  building 2
  outer space
  21st oct
  2.30 p.m.
  room 306,
  building 4
  fighting aids
  29th oct
  10 a.m.
  room 303,
  building 4
  australian pop songs
  famous singer
