

  unit 3 travelling in garden city 教案
  unit 3 travelling in garden city 花园城市的交通
  重点词汇air-conditioner空调conductor售票员double-decker双层fare-box投币箱 flyover立交桥 park停车场
  语法聚焦1.限定词none of等的用法; 2.副词nowadays, perhaps等的用法;
  3.一般将来时的用法; 4.形容词比较级fewer等的用法。
  look and read
  in the past, many people liked travelling by bus. all passengers had to buy tickets. there was a bus-conductor in each bus. he collected money from the passengers and put the money in a bag. passengers do not buy tickets now. they put their money in a fare-box instead. in the past, there were only single-decker buses. none of them was a double-decker bus. in the past, travelling by bus was not very comfortable. there were no air-conditioners in the buses.nowadays, most buses have air- conditioners. most of the bus-drivers are men, but some of them are women. however, in the past, none of the bus-drivers were women . all of them were women .
  过去, 多数人喜欢乘公交车出行。所有乘客必须买票。每辆车上有一名售票员。他从乘客手中收钱,然后放入包中。现在乘客不必买票了。取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。过去只有单层公交车。没有一个是双层的。在过去乘公交车旅行不太舒服。车内没有空调。现在,多数公交车有空调。大多数公交车司机是男的,但也有一些是女的。然而,过去没有一名公交车司机是女的。他们都是男的。
  answer true or false
  1 .nowadays, none of the buses are double-decker buses. 1. 现在,没有双层公交车。
  2. nowadays, some of the bus-drivers are women. 2. 现在,一些公交车司机是女的。
  3 .in the past, all of the buses had a fare-box. 3. 在过去,所有的公交车都有投币箱。
  4. in the past, some of the buses were air-conditioned. 4. 在过去,一些公交车带空调。
  look and say
  what will travelling in our city be like in 10 years" time? perhaps there wili be more roads. perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams. perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer. perhaps more people will travel by taxi. think about what travelling in your city will be like in 10 years’ time. look at the tables below, and then discuss with your classmates.
  十年后我们城市的交通将会是什么样? 也许会有更多的路. 也许交通堵塞会很少. 也许我们不再乘渡船了. 也许更多的人乘出租车出行. 想一想十年后你们城市交通将是什么样? 看下表,和你的同学讨论一下.
  s1: what will travelling in our city be like in 10 years’ time? s1: 十年后我们城市的交通将是什么样?
  s2: perhaps we won’t travel by any longer./ perhaps more people will travel by ./ perhaps there will be more/fewer…也许我们不再乘 出行了/也许将有更多的人乘 出行/也许会有更多/更少…
  1 . all passengers had to buy tickets.所有乘客必须买票。
  在表示"必须"这个意思时,must和have to很接近。只是must强调主观看法,have to强调客观需要,若用来指现在,两者可以换用。不过用have to的场合较多,尤其是在口语中,have to有时可说成have got to.另外,have to能用于多种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时。如:
  ①i have to get home to do my work.. 我得回家干活。(可能时间或客观情况不允许我再呆下去。)
  ② we must clean our room every day. 我们必须每天打扫房间。(作为一种义务,无论干净不干净。)
  用于否定句时,mustn"t表示"决不可""千万不能",而don"t have to表示"不必",相当于needn"t. mustn、和don"t have to在意义上有很大的不同。如:
  1)we mustn"t tell her about it.这件事我们决不能告诉她。
  2)we don"t have to tell her about it.这件事情我们不必告诉她。
  3)you mustn"t be late again next time.你下次千万不能再迟到了。(不能用don"t have to)
  2. they put their money in a fare-box instead.取而代之的是他们把钱放进投币箱中。
  instead与instead of辨析
  instead是个副词,它后面不能跟名词、代词或动名词,而只能作动词的状语或句子的状语,而instead of是复合介词,其后应跟名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。如:
  1) if you don"t want to go, i"ll go instead.你要是不打算去,我就替你去好了。
  2) i will go instead of you.我将代替你去。
  3. none of them was a double-bus。它们中没有一个是双层巴士。
  none of之后除可接可数名词之外,也可以接不可数名词。如:
  1) none of the milk can be used.这牛奶一点也不能用。
  2) none of the rooms are ready.没有一个房间准备好。
  4. perhaps we won’t travel by ferry any longer. 也许我们不再乘渡船了.
  no longer 与 not any longer
  no longer 与 not any longer的词义是相同的, 它们的区别主要表现在词序上. no longer常位于实义动词之前,连系动词、助动词和情态动词之后, 而any longer在否定句中总是放在句尾. 如:
  ① he’s no longer at school. 他不再上学了.
  ② i can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了.
  unit 4 making a model 做模型
  quilt被子 reel 卷轴 straw吸管size大小,尺寸 tape 胶带 wallpaper墙纸tool工具 wardrobe 衣柜
  语法聚焦1.形容词比较级的用法;2.时间副词then, finally用法;3.祈使句的用法。
  look and learn
  cardboard boxes 纸壳箱
  a cotton reel 线轴
  matchboxes 火柴盒
  pieces of cloth 布料
  wallpaper 墙纸
  straws 吸管
  read,think and write
  this is kitty and ben"s model house. it is very small.they made it two years ago. they are going to make a new one. 这是基蒂和本的房子模型。房子非常小。是两年前做的。他们打算做一个新的。
  making a model house 做个房子模型
  we will possibly need: 我们可能需要:
  .some brushes •一些刷子
  .a bottle of glue •一瓶胶水
  .some tape •一些胶带
  .a pair of scissors •一把剪刀
  .some paint •一些颜料
  .a matchbox •一个火柴盒
  .a ruler •一把尺子
  .a pencil •一支铅笔
  .a rubber •一块橡皮
  .some paper •一些纸
  let"s start collecting things.wait.let me think what we"ll possibly need…
  让我们开始收集东西. 等一下. 让我想一下我们可能需要…
  look and learn
  curtains 窗帘
  quilts 被子
  wardrobes 衣柜
  think and match
  what do we use these cotton reels for? 我们用这些线轴干什么?
  we use them for making tables. 我们用它们做桌子。
  tools and materials 工具和材料
  a pair of scissors 剪刀
  b glue and tape 胶水和胶带
  c paint and brushes 涂料和刷子
  d matchboxes 火柴盒
  e cardboard boxes 纸壳盒
  f straws 吸管
  g cotton reels 线轴
  h pieces of cloth 布料
  i wallpaper 墙纸
  .making the cupboards and wardrobes(d) 做碗柜和衣柜
  .sticking things together(b) 粘东西
  .making lamps(f) 做电灯
  .making tables(g) 做桌子
  .cutting things(a) 剪东西
  .painting the walls of the model house(c) 刷墙
  .decorating the walls of the model house(i) 装饰墙壁
  .making the model house(e) 做房子模型
  .making curtains, rugs,sofas and quilts(h) 做窗帘、小地毯、沙发和被子
  look, read and write
  this is kitty and ben"s old model house. this is their new model house.what are the differences?
  • size of the model houses
  • size of the rooms/number of rooms
  • colour of the outside/inside of the
  model houses
  • things/furniture in the rooms
  • number of windows
  • number of floors
  the new model house and the old model house
  the new model house is bigger than the old one.however, the rooms in the new model house are smaller.there are four rooms in the new one .there are four windows in the new one.the outside of the old model house is blue.the outside of the new model house is brown.
  make and play
  let us show you how to make a model house.让我们向你们展示一下怎样做房子模型。
  1 .first, use some glue to stick the cardboard boxes together.首先,用胶水把纸壳盒粘起来。
  2.next,cut a piece of cardboard to make a roof for your model house.接着,剪下一块纸板为你的房子做屋顶。
  3 .then make some windows,and paint the outside of your model house.
  4 .finally, stick wallpaper onto the walls of the rooms.最后,把墙纸粘到房间的墙上。
  1.they are going to make a new one.他们打算做一个新的。
  对于将要发生的事,或打算,计划,决定要做的事情,都以be going to十动词原形的句型来表示,其中be动词是否用am, is,are决定于主语。如:1)he is going to be back soon.他不久将回来。
  2)i am going to buy a new bike.我要买一辆新自行车。
  此处one用作不定代词,它可指代刚提到的人或可数的物,也可泛指人们或一个人,但不可指代不可数名词。如:1)i have a red pen, and he has a blue one。我有支红钢笔,他有支蓝钢笔。
  2)one could see that he was very happy.人们能看得出他非常高兴。
  2. let"s start collecting things.让我们开始收集东西吧。
  a. let用于祈使句,表示"请让" "做……吧"。如:
  1)0k, let me try!好,让我试一试吧!(省略了主语you的祈使句)
  2)let me have a look.请让我看一看。(省略了主语you的祈使句)
  3) let"s do it together.咱们一起做吧。(祈使句)
  4)let"s begin our class.我们开始上课吧。(祈使句)
  b. let用于第三人称作宾语的句子中,表示"让"。如:
  1)let him think about it for a minute.让他考虑一会吧。
  2)let them feel it场hand.让他们用手摸一摸。
  c. let用于不省略主语的句子中,表示"允许""让"。如:
  1)after my explanation, she let her da回lter go with her classmates.
  2)the father let his son have a rest before moving to lesson nine.
  3 . first,…next, then... finally,…首先,……接着,……然后……最后,……
  在汉语中,我们常用"某人先做了某事,然后作了某事,最后做了某事"来表示某个人做事情的先后顺序。在英语中,我们也可以在句子前加一些表示先后顺序的词语来表示动作的先后顺序。常用的词语有first...then…, finally/in the end...。如:
  1)let"s first get everything ready. then we will read the directions. finally/in the end, we must do it very carelly.
  2)what a shame!first he gave me the book as a present. then he got it back from me. and finally/in the end, now, he said he would give it to me again. i will never take his things, never.
  more practice
  the four season四个季节
  spring is an exciting time of the year.the weather starts getting warm. the wind blows gently. it always rains, so it is wet everywhere. plants start growing. leaves start growing on the trees. the animals which sleep in winter start waking up. easter is in spring.it is nice to celebrate this festival by giving each other chocolate eggs.
  summer is full of fun. the weather starts getting hot. there are a lot of flowers. the sun shines brightly. it is nice to have an ice-cream in summer.
  many people love going to the beach. they swim happily in the sea. the children build sandcastles on the beach. sometimes it rains heavily. sometimes there are typhoons. the wind blowes a lot. it is dangerous to go outside in this weather.
  autumn makes the countryside look very different. leaves start falling from the trees. some leaves become brown, red or yellow. there are dry leaves everywhere. the weather starts getting cooler. the wind becomes a little stronger. some birds start flying to warmer places. some animals start eating more food in autumn because they will not eat anything in winter. they will just go to sleep in winter.
  many people love going on picnic in autumn because the weather is warm and dry. it is nice to have a barbecue, too. children like flying kites on windy days.
  in winter, the weather starts getting cold and dry. some animals go to sleep. they will not wake up until spring comes.people put on thick coats,scarves and boots.
  christmas is in winter in many places of the world. people buy christmas presents to give to other people. children start thinking about their christmas presents, it is fun to have christmas parties with our friends.
