

  unit 6 famer and fisherman
  let’s act
  language focus:
  1. using imperatives to give simple instruction
  eg. say hello to alice
  listening: locate specific information in response to simple instructions.
  speaking: use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
  materials: cassette 1b
  teaching ladders:
  ⅰ. warming up
  look at the doctor
  reading a book
  about a nurse
  and a cook
  the doctor and the book
  the nurse and the cook
  oh look. all very old
  ⅱ. pre-task preparation
  play a game of "simon says"
  open your mouth
  say "ah"
  ⅲ. while-task procedure
  1.say "hello" to the class
  t:hello, xx
  t:hello, xx
  s:hello, miss ping.
  2.ask a pair of students to come to the front.
  t:(pat on the shoulder of one pupil.)
  say hell to xx
  3.invite the her two pupils.
  t:say hello to xx
  t:what’s the chinese meany?
  4.do group with
  say hello to xx
  5.t:come with me. (to a student)
  t:what’s the chinese meaning.
  6.t:now pleas open your books.
  listen & read after it.
  7.listen it again.
  have students repeat the senterces with the appropriate yes tures
  ⅳ. post-task activity
  play a match: who is the qaickest to respond?
  let’s talk
  language focus:
  1. using formulaic expressions to identify people
  eg. you are a farmer.
  2. askky yes/no questions to identify people.particular thing
  eg. are you a teacher?
  listening: locate specific information in response to simple questions.
  speaking: use modeled sentences to commicate with other learners.
  materials: wallchart 1b
  teaching ladders:
  ⅰ. warming up
  say hello to alice
  come with me
  ⅱ. pre-task preparation
  1.revise the expression "hello, i’m ……"
  t(go to a student)
  s:hello, i’m a xx
  t:you are xx
  2.invite pairs of students to come to the front and stand facing each other.
  t:you can use "you are xx
  you are xx"
  ⅲ. while-task procedure
  1.t:(hold up the "farmer" cards.)
  (get the students repeat)
  2.repeat the process with "fisherman"
  3.press two students up as a farmer and a fisherman.
  t:(point to the "farmer")
  you are a fisherman.
  yes or no.
  4.repeat the precess with "fisherman".
  5.t:(look at the pictures)
  farmer. you are a farmer.
  your are a fisherman.
  6.t:(point to myself)
  i am a teacher.
  i am an english teacher.
  t:(point to a student)
  are you a teacher?
  t:no, you are a student.
  7.t:give the pointer to the students
  are you a teacher
  t &s:yes, i am.
  (do it with other students again)
  8.t:open your book p28
  listen & follow
  ⅳ. post-task activities
  1.invite four students to stand in the front.
  hold an object that tepresents a job
  jave the rest of the class point to them one by one and say.
  you are a ……
  2.group 1 act as a farmer
  group 2 act as a fisherman
  group 3 act as a teacher
  group 4 act as a doctor.
  (1)g 1:are you a fisherman?
  g 2:yes,are you a teacher?
  g 3:yes, are you a doctor?
  g 4:yes, are you a farner?
  (2)g 1:are you a fisherman?
  g 2:no, i’m a fisherman.
  are you a fishman.
  3.selsct graps to act out the dialogre.
  p19:listen and hang only the correct pictures onto the books.
  let’s learn
  language focus:
  1. using nouns to identify people.
  eg. farmer.
  2. using adjectives to describe people
  eg. thin
  listening: locate specific information in response to simple questions.
  speaking: 1. use modellde phrases and sentences to communicate with other learners.
  2. proumee words properly
  materials: word and picture cards 1b
  teaching ladders:
  ⅰ. warming up
  i am a ……
  (teacher, pupil)
  ⅱ. pre-task preparation
  1.put up the picture and word cards for unit 4&5 on the boaed.
  t:who will came to the front?
  put away the word.
  s:(put awey the word "teacher") pupil, doctor, nurse, cook, policeman, postman, driver, milkman, fireman
  2.ask three students to act as a teacher, aformer and a fisherman.
  t:who are you?
  s:you’re a teacher.
  (point it one by one)
  3.ask one sturent come to the front.
  t (teacher)
  the student act as a teacher
  s:are you a teacher?
  s:yes, i am.
  ⅲ、 while-task properties
  1.hold the picture cards for "farmer" "fisher enar" and "teacher" in the hanrds.
  t:xx, select are.
  put it up on the board.
  revise the word together.
  2.write the words or the blackboard.
  match the word & picture.
  3.erase them
  t:(pick out the correct word cards on the desk)
  4.invit 2 pupil "for" "thin"
  5.t:fat, thin
  (with the hand gestures)
  6.t:open your books. turn to p29.
  listen & repeat.
  ⅳ、 post-task activity
  hhide any of the word cards at you back
  t:wich word?
  ⅴ、 consolidation
  work book page 20
  listen & colour
  work book page 21
  tick the correct box.
  let’s play
  language focus:
  1.using formulaic expressiong to identify people
  eg. you are a ……
  2.using formulaic expressions to conform and dery things.
  eg. yes/no
  speaking: 1. open an interaction by eliciting a response.
  2. maintain an interaction by using formulaic expressions to acknowlgdge, agree or disagree.
  materials: picture cards 1b
  marks with pictures of people.
  teaching ladders:
  ⅰ. pre-task preparation
  1.pick up the picture and word cards for "famer, fisherman, teacher.
  match it.
  2.read the word one by one.
  farmer, fisherman, teacher.
  ⅱ. while-task procedure.
  1.invite 6 students to arme to the front.
  t:who will act as a doctor?
  t:let’s point it & say.
  you are a ……
  2.use a handkerchief to cover a volunteer’s eyes
  t:come to the front & catch them & guess "you one……"
  (1)inivite a pupil of group 1. 2. 3. 4
  (2)the rest of the class should tell him "yes. no"
  3.continve the game with other students.
  let all the students have a chance to play
  ⅲ、 post-task activities
  1.write the six adjective words "tall" "short" "fat" "thin" "young" and "old" on the board. have students draw a person that fits each descriptin.
  2.play hide and seek after dass.
  ⅳ、 condolidation
  work book page 21
  can you find the word in the pnzzle?
  colour the boxes.
  let’s enjoy
  language focus: using adecties to decrile things
  eg. thin pig.
  fat pig.
  speaking: pronunce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress.
  listening: identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.
  materials: pictures , cards 1b
  teaching ladders:
  ⅰ. warming up
  looking at the doctor.
  reading a book.
  about a nurse and a cook.
  the doctor and the book.
  the nurse and the cook.
  oh, look.
  all very old.
  ⅱ. pre-task preparation
  1.put the words cards for this armt on the board.
  t:who takes care of animals?
  who is it?
  2.make enlarged photocopies of the two pigs from student’s. book page 31
  t:which is fat?
  which is thin?
  s:it is fat. it is thin.
  ⅲ. while-task procedure
  1.t:listen to the tape.
  follow it.
  2.t:(use hand gestures)
  up, dowm
  (repeat for studeny to copy you)
  up, down.
  3.t:(use body language)
  thin, fat
  4.show fingers for "one and two"
  put hand on ehest for "i"
  point to students for "you"
  point to ceiling for "up"
  point to floor for "down"
  draw cirdes in the air for "round and round"
  5.encourage students to read the rhyme.
  6.let students do actions while reading out the rhyme
  7.invite inpidual students to act out the rhyme to the class.
  students vote for the best one.
  ⅳ. post-task activities
  have each group act out 1h rhyme.
