

  新目标八年级英语(下)unit2 what should i do?教学设计一、教学内容及分析本单元话题:谈论问题及提供建议(talk about problems and give advice),讨论学生在学校和家庭中遇到的种种问题,提供相应的建议,为他人找到合理的解决办法,评价取舍他人的建议,为自己的问题找到最佳的解决办法。由section a的 "talk about problems and give advice"到section b的向 "teen talk, a radio advice program, a newspaper advice column"寻求帮助及拓展阅读中如何 "relax yourselves"的介绍,教材始终贯穿"讨论问题、提供建议"这一主线。通过本单元的学习,使学生学会使用情态动词could/should及习惯用语 "what’s the matter? what should i do ?why don’t you …?",谈论自己的生活、学习中存在的某些问题,提出建议,并能根据实际情况及个人经验对他人的建议做出评价 "good idea./okay idea./bad idea."。通过 "writing to a newspaper advice column"及模拟"answering lonely kid’s problems",指导学生如何陈述自己的问题以及该从哪些方面考虑给对方提出建议,并通过拓展阅读 "maybe you should learn to relax"让学生了解外国学生的烦恼并学会如何缓减压力。通过本单元的学习,能培养学生主动解决问题的意识和能力,在交流中寻求帮助、坚持自己的观点、听取别人建议的能力,也发展学生与人和谐交往的技能。二、学习者特征分析学生在八年级上册第2单元 "what’s the matter?"中已学过询问病情、给出建议和情态动词should/shouldn’t的用法。本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又有亲身体验的话题,所以在学生掌握了"谈论问题及提出建议"的基本用法后就可以让他们自由谈论各自的问题或向同伴提出合理的建议。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力:1).语言技能目标(1)能运用陈述句谈论在学校或家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题;(2)能运用情态动词could / should提出相应的建议,为他人找到合理的解决办法;(3)能对他人的建议做出评价和判断(good / okay / bad idea),从而决定是否接受或拒绝他人的建议;(4)能够以各种方式,如打电话、写信、发e-mail等,向 "teen talk, a radio advice program, a newspaper advice column"等寻求帮助。2).语言知识目标(1)能掌握并运用情态动词could / should;(2)能正确运用"what should i / he / she / they / you / we do?"句型寻求帮助;(3)掌握并运用"what’s the matter? what’s wrong?"等句型询问对方遇到的问题2.过程与方法1)通过pairwork ,用得体的语言陈述问题和烦恼并能给对方提出建议;在对话交流中,培养学生与人沟通的能力以及对所提供建议的评判取舍能力;2)充分利用录音材料进行听说模仿训练,了解有关电视台、电台、报纸杂志、心理辅导及求助机构的职能,通过向以上机构写信、打电话、发e-mail等方式提高学生运用语言的能力;3)通过与同学沟通交流,对同学的建议做出推理和判断,培养学生的综合分析和判断能力;通过调查报告、指定帮助他人计划等方式,提高学生调查分析能力和解决实际问题的能力;通过听录音,提高学生抓细节信息的能力。3、情感态度与价值观:1)通过共同探讨、解决各种烦恼和困惑,帮助学生学会反思自我,体谅他人,增强合作意识,培养积极乐观的情感态度;发展学生的人际交往能力以及在实际生活中分析问题、解决问题的能力。2)了解谈论问题、寻求帮助和提供建议的基本方式,学会用得体的语言进行表述;3)初步了解英美等西方国家的学生在学习和生活中遇到的主要问题与烦恼,以及获取帮助的渠道。四、重点、难点1.教学重点(1)重点词汇: argue,could, either, surprise,except,fail, fit,include,send,themselves,freedom…(2)重点句型:what’s wrong? / what’s the matter? what should i do ? you could give him a ticket to a ball game. i think you should ask your parents for some money. why don’t you talk to him about it? (3)话题:围绕"talk about problems and give advice"展开讨论。 语法焦点在于情态动词could / should的用法。2.教学难点(1)能够运用所学知识谈论问题和困难、提出建议并做出选择;(2)"i think+宾语从句"的运用。五、教法选择与学法指导
  教学评价sectiona 1a—2cperiod 1小组合作学习任务型教学情景视听法多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源观察提问激励section a 3a--4period 2小组合作交际任务型教学情景视听法多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源观察提问激励互评section b 1a, 3a ,3b3c period 3任务型教学阅读法写作训练多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源提问谈话互评section b 4 ,self check 1,2,just for funperiod 4任务型教学阅读法归纳、整理法写作训练多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源提问互评小组评检测readingperiod 5阅读法多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源激励提问教学内容sectiona 1a—2c课时period 1教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析
  本节课主要学习:谈论问题及提供建议(talk about problems and give advice),讨论学生在学校和家庭中遇到的种种问题,提供相应的建议,并为他人找到合理的解决办法,评价取舍他人的建议,为自己的问题找到最佳的解决办法。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: keep out, play, loud, argue, wrong, out of style, in style, could, should, call sb. up, ticket, surprise on the phone. ⑵ language points:want sb. to do sth. , enough money, argue with, out of style, call sb. up, the ticket to the ball game, on the phone.2. ability aims: ⑴ learn to talk about problems. ⑵ learn to give advice.3. emotion aims: learn to care others and to solve problems.三、重点、难点
  重点:1. words and expressions.2. talk about problems and give advice.
  3. learn the language points.
  难点:could / should, how to give advice.四、教法选择与学法指导采用"任务型"教学,为学生设置真实的情景、语境,使学生在思考、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。五、资源准备多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程
  设计意图task 1(5)warm up1.greeting the class2.show pictures to revise unit 2(b8a)3.ask ss questions just like:what’s the matter?.....1.look at the pictures.
  2.try to answer teacher’s questions,using"sb should/shouldn’t…"
  task 2 presentation
  show some pictures and learn 1a.ss look at the pictures and repeat after the teacher,then then give the advice.
  task 3
  finish off 1a
  show the problems and discuss which is the most serous.
  discuss which problems ss think are the most serious.让学生学会谈论问题级对问题难易程度的辨别能力。
  task 4 listen(1b)
  play the tape for ss to listen and finish off 1b
  1.listen and circle the problems.
  2.check the answers.
  task 5 pairwork
  get the ss to make conversations like this:
  a: what’s wrong/the matter?
  b: my clothes are out of style.
  a: maybe you should buy some new clothes.
  b: but i don’t have enough money.
  get some pairs to act out.
  task 6 listen and finish off 2a and 2b.
  play the tape for ss to listen
  ss listen to the tape and finish 2a and 2b1.通过听力训练,培养听能力2.培养学生熟练运用单元语言知识的能力。
  task 7 groupwork
  get ss write your problems on the paper.
  we will help to solve the problems让学生说出心中的烦恼,并培养学生解决问题的能力
  task 8 extension (拓展)
  show some pictures and get ss to say "what should we do?"
  ss say according to the pictures:what should we do?通过拓展训练,使学生热爱自然,注意文明礼貌。
  task 9 summary
  1.get ss to go over grammar focus
  2.explain:should,could 的用法
  1.learn the grammar focus by heart.
  2.learn the use of should,could让学生掌握单元语言知识
  task 10
  recite the grammar focus
  read and recite 教学流程
  情景导入——学习探究——合作交流——巩固提高——分享成果——归纳小节。七、板书设计 unit 2 what should i do? 1.keep out2.want sb to do sth3.enough money, old enough… , enough to…4.argue with, agree with , help with…5.out of style, in style6.what’s wrong?/up?/the matter?7.call sb. up8.a ticket to the ball game, a key to the door9.on the phone
  教学内容section a 3a--4课时period 2教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析
  在第一节课的基础上,进一步谈论自己的生活、学习中存在的某些问题,提出建议,并能根据实际情况及个人经验对他人的建议做出评价 "good idea./okay idea./bad idea."。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: pay for, part-time job, okay, either, bake, teen talk, tutor. ⑵ language points:pay for, either, what should i do?, may be you could/should…2. ability aims: ⑴ learn read and write the target language. ⑵ learn to give advice.3. emotion aims: learn to list problems and give advice and help others.三、重点难点
  1. language points
  2. read and write the target language.
  3. learn to help others to solve problems.四、教法选择与学法指导task-based teaching method,通过课件向学生生活、学习中遇到的难题,给出合理的建议,并对建议做出适当的评价五.资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程
  设计意图task 1(3)warm upask ss question:what problems do you have ?what should i do ?
  ss try to answer the questions and give some good advice.
  task 2 presentation
  ask ss question like:what do you think the advive?
  is it a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea?ss try to answer the question.通过对问题的回答,并对建议做出评价,从而引出本节课的在语言知识(good idea/abad idea/ okay idea?)task 3 3a
  1.show eve’s problem and try to give her some good advice
  2.show eve’s friens’ some advice and say it is a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea.1.ss try to give eve advice.2.learn about eve’s friends’ ape
  task 4
  show ss example to practice in pairs
  ss practice in pairs对所学知识的巩固与提高
  task 5
  discuss in group
  show jim’s problem(4 p12)
  ss work in group and give jim some good advice.
  task 6 practice
  show some problems and let ss give advice.
  ss give advice.
  根据已有知识,进一步巩固所学语言知识task 7 summary
  recite 3a(p12)总结所学内容
  教学流程 情景导入——学习探究——合作交流——巩固提高——分享成果——归纳小节。七、板书设计 unit 2 what should i do?1.need to do sth. i need to get some money.2.pay for. you must pay for it.3.borrow …from… i borrow a book from him.4.ask for. i ask my parents for some money.5.either/also/tooi can swim, tooi can also swim.i can’t swim, either.
  教学内容section b 1a, 3a ,3b3c课时period 3教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析
  本节课是第三课时,通过对上两节课的复习,巩固所学的语言点,同时学习我们在选购衣服时的态度,并能针对别人的困惑,给出合理的见解,还能以书信的形式写出来。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: original, comfortable, colorful, the same as, in style, nicer, haircut , except, upset, leave out, get on ⑵ phrases:the same as, in style, except, find out, everyone else, i don’t know what to do. get on2. ability aims: learn to read and write the target language3. emotion aims: learn to give advice.三、重点难点
  1.language points 2.read and write the target language.
  3.original, what to do, except/besides, leave out, get on四、教法选择 task-based teaching method;五、资源准备多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源。六、教学过程
  设计意图task 1warm up1.greeting the class2.show some problems and give some advice.
  try to anwser the questions
  task 2 presentation
  show pictures to learn language itemsss answer the question引入并学习新的语言知识task 3 practice
  show example to sswork in pairs
  task 4. practice
  get ss to work in groups and discuss
  ss discuss in group and then give the anwsers让学生根据所给话题进行情景交际,合作共同完成学习任务,培养学生的分析问题解决问题的能力
  task 5 reading(3a p14)
  1.read the passage quickly and try to answer the question "why is the boy upset and lonely?"
  2.give your advice according to the boy’s problem
  1.read and find out the answer
  2.give advice.
  task 6 practice
  get ss to write a letter to the boy
  ss write a letter and give good advice.
  通过给"lonely kid"回信,培养学生写的能力task 7 summary
  1.recite the letter (p14)
  2.finish off 3c(p14)
  get ss to finish homework after class.培养学生运用语言的能力教学流程
  情景导入——学习探究——合作交流——巩固提高——分享成果——归纳小节。七、板书设计 unit 2 what should i do?1.my friend has the same haircut as i do.2.everyone else/ what else.3. i don’t know that to do.4.everyone is here except john. besides us, all the other ss went to the movie.
  教学内容section b 4 ,self check 1,2,just for fun课时period 4教学对象八年级学生一、教材内容分析
  本节课是本单元第四节课,通过复习、归纳本单元语言知识,给据所给情景给别人写封信,帮助他人解决问题,突出单元情感态度和价值观---关爱他人。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: fail, get on, didn’t=did not, couldn’t=could not. ⑵ language points:invite sb. to do sth, talk about, be angry with, say to sb. fail the exam, pass the exam. the same age as, have a fight with, give advice., get on well with…2.ability aims:revise the words and the target language.3.emotion aims: learn to give advice.三、重点难点
  1. language points 2. read and write the target language.四、教法选择与学法指导 task-based teaching method五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程
  设计意图task 1(5)warm up1.greeting the class2.show pictures to talk about the problems and give advice3.ask ss questions just like:what’s the matter? what should he/she do?1.look at the pictures.
  2.try to answer teacher’s questions
  task 2
  show a picture of ann and mary1.get ss to compare ann to mary2.show mary’s problem 通过图片,对比ann 和mary 的共同点,并提出mary的遇到的难题,为阅读做准备。task 3 reading
  show the reading materialgive mary some good ideas.
  task 4. writing
  help ss to write a letter to mary
  get ss to write a reply to mary and give her some good advice通过写的训练,培养学生的写作能力
  task 5 revision
  1.fill in the blanks with the words given.
  2.make sentences
  get ss to finish off
  self check 1
  task 6
  just for fun
  read just for fun
  get ss to read just for fun and say what happened
  培养学生关爱他人,不盲从task 7 summary
  write your own letter to an advice column. your problem can be real or imaginary.
  finish the letter教学流程
  情景导入——学习探究——合作交流——巩固提高——分享成果——归纳小节。七、板书设计 unit 2 what should i do?be angry with get on well with,have a fight with, the same age as,give some advice教学内容reading课时period 5教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析
  本单元是第五节课,通过阅读教材,让学生学会:1.学会本单元的阅读策略。2.在紧张的学习生活之余,做适当的户外活动是有益的。3.学会减压。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1. knowledge aims: ⑴.words: until, fit, as much as possible, pressure, complain, include, pushy, send, all kinds of, compare, crazy, themselves, adult, on the one hand, on the other hand. organized ⑵ language points:not until, fit, include , send, by themselves, it’s time for…/to…,as much as possible, take part in, see… doing, compare with, on the one/other hand.2. ability aims: learn to use new words better after they use a learner’s dictionary. 3. emotion aims: learn to relax and plan things for themselves..三、重点难点
  1. language points 2. reading and writing.四、教法选择与学法指导task-based teaching method,通过任务链,让学生了解阅读策略,培养学生阅读能力。五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程
  设计意图task 1 warm up1.greeting the class2.free talk
  get ss to answer the questions
  task 2 presentation(before)
  ask question:what do you usually do after class?discuss the question通过问题讨论,为新课的导入做好准备task 3 learn the strategy
  show the two strategiesget ss to understand the strategies
  task 4
  reading(while 1)
  show the question:why are the children under
  too much pressure?
  get ss to read the passage as quickly as possible and find out the answer to the question.用学习策略指导阅读
  task 5 reading (while 2)
  read again and answer more questions:
  get ss to read it carefully and answer the questions
  task 6
  1.when do you feel under pressure2. what should you do to relax?
  get ss to discuss and give the answers to the questions
  task 7 language items1.explain the difficulty points in the passage.2.listen to the tape and read it
  1.listen to the teacher carefully and try to understand the difficult points.
  2.listen to the tape and read after the tape讲解重点难点,然后让学生在理解的基础上听录音,熟读课文。通过模仿,让学生形成正确自然的语音,语调。
  task 8 homeworkfinish off 3c
  get ss to write a letter to cathy教学流程
  情景导入——学习探究——合作交流——巩固提高——分享成果——归纳小节。七、板书设计1.what do you usually do after class?2.why are students now under too much pressure?3.when do you feel under pressure?4.what should you do to relax?
