

  a letter from a pen-friend
  period four
  teaching target
  1 learning how to use wh- questions to find out facts from a passage.
  2 asking wh- questions and giving their answers.
  3 learning how to use short answers.
  1 student"s book 8a, pages 3, 8, 9 & 11
  2 workbook 8a, pages 2 & 3
  3 grammar practice book 8a, pages 1 & 2
  a small check-up
  1 finish each sentence by choosing a suitable word from the box.
  a) yesterday i played _______ with my brother.
  b) my favourite _______ is collecting old coins.
  c) we must study _______ to learn how an aeroplane flies.
  d) my youngest brother was _______ three years ago.
  e) paul"s _______ is to take part in the olympic games.
  f) when you write to me, please _______ a photo of your family.
  2 finish the following sentences by using the phrases or words given in the box.
  a) david has a pet dog _______ rocky.
  b) my school is a big new school. it has three big _______.
  c) my father _______ in 1954 in shandong.
  d) i like sports very much. but of all i _______ basketball most.
  e) i like reading novels(小说). but i _______ detective stories most.
  f) simons lives quite near his school so he usually _______ school every day.
  g) my brother learned business at university. now he _______ a businessman.
  h) aaron kwok is quite rich and he _______ quite a lot of private cars.
  i) my _______ at school is p.e.
  j) "who is _______ in this picture?" "mary is."
  questions to the passage
  1 hand out a questionnaire to each student. each has got the following questions.
  a) where does sidney live?
  b) what colour is sidney"s eyes?
  c) what"s his favourite hobby?
  d) how old is sidney?
  e) when did the family go to britain?
  f) which grade is sidney in?
  g) what is sidney keen on?
  h) what"s his ambition?
  i) why does sidney like his school?
  j) what did sidney enclose in his letter?
  2 have students finish the questionnaire in no more than 8 minutes without looking back to their books. ask them to use complete sentences.
  3 after they have finished, ask the students to open their books and check their answers.
  a) he lives in newcastle upon tyne.
  b) his eyes are brown.
  c) his favourite hobby is playing computer games.
  d) he is fourteen years old.
  e) the family went to britain about 30 years ago.
  f) sidney is in form one.
  g) sidney is keen on sports.
  h) his ambition is to be an engineer.
  i) because the teachers are very friendly.
  j) he enclosed a photo of himself and some school friends.
  4 put the answers aside. tell students that we will use it again in later of this class.
  1 say: we use question words to ask questions. we can use question words to find out the facts that we want to know. sometimes we may want to find out some information from a person. so we may ask his several questions, such as, what"s your name? how old are you? where"re you from? etc. so mastering question words well is quite important.
  2 what, where, when, how old, and how many
  a) have students finish section a1 in language a on page 8.
  b) remind the students that they can refer the reading passage if necessary.
  c) check the answers orally.
  d) conclude the usages of these questions words by using section a2 in language a on page 8.
  what? - things
  where? - places
  when? - times
  how old? - ages
  how many? - numbers
  e) have students finish section a3 in language a on page 8.
  f) remind the students to add more words to finish the sentences.
  g) invite several students to come to front and write their answers on the board. check the answers orally.
  3 who and which
  g) who?
  we use "who" for people (somebody)
  who is your favourite singer?
  who are you?
  we can use question word "who" in two ways:
  (a) we use it as the subject.
  •who has got my key?
  •who lives in this house?
  (b) we use it as the object.
  •who are you looking for?
  •who did you meet yesterday?
  h) which + noun (things or people)
  •which train did you catch - the 9.50 or the 10.30?
  •which doctor did you see, doctor ellis, doctor gray or doctor hill?
  •which way shall we go?
  we use which without a noun for things, not for people:
  •which is bigger - canada or australia?
  4 what + noun (what colour …?/what kind of …? etc.)
  •what colour is your car?
  •what colour are your eyes?
  •what size is this shirt?
  •what time is it?
  •what make is your tv set?
  •what day is it today?
  •what kind of job do you want?
  what without a noun:
  •what"s your favourite colour?
  •what do you want to do this evening?
  [additional exercise]
  write questions with what.
  •i"ve got a new tv set.
  (make?) what make is it?
  •i want a job.
  (kind?) what __________________________
  •i"ve got a new sweater.
  (colour?) what _________________________
  •i got up early this morning.
  (time?) _________________________ get up?
  •i like music.
  (type?) ________________________________
  •i want to buy a car.
  (kind?) ________________________________
  5 how …?
  •a1:how was the party last night?
  b1: it was great.
  •a2:how do you usually go to work?
  b2: by bus.
  you can use how + adjective/adverb (how tall/how old/how often etc.)
  [additional exercise]
  complete the questions with how + adjective/adverb.
  •a:how high is mount everest?
  b:nearly 9000 metres.
  •a:____________ is it to the station?
  b:it"s about two kilometers from here.
  •a:____________ is helen?
  b:she"s 26.
  •a:____________ do the buses run?
  b:every ten minutes.
  •a:__________ is the water in the pool?
  b:two metres.
  •a:____________ have you lived here?
  b:nearly three years.
  6 short answers.
  a)say: when we talk, we usually give short answers. they are easier and faster to give, but we should contain all the facts the questioner wants to know. now, please open your books and turn to page 9. read section a4 in language a.
  b)then ask students to finish the two exercises in section a4. tell them that each number in the brackets means the numbers of words your should use in each short answer.
  c)check the answers with the students.
  [additional exercise]
  have students look back to their questionnaire they"ve finished at the beginning of this class. ask them to use short answers to finish these questions again.
  1 workbook 8a, section c on page 2, and section e on page 3.
  2 grammar practice book 8a, sections a & b on pages 1 & 2.
  3 oxford english (shanghai edition) practices and assessments series 8a, pages 4 & 5, sections a f in grammar
