

  i. 章节分析(一)综述本单元的reading部分的文章是关于"树和环境"。通过一名中学生采访科学家来了解"树"对环境保护所起的作用。"污染"问题是一个旧话题,在6b module 1the natural elements和教材后面的project 1 the environment 都谈论到环境与污染的问题;7a module 3 natural elements unit 4 forests and land中谈到了森林,实际上就是谈树的作用和用途。其中的大部分内容都是我们的学生很熟悉的,所以老师在引入新课时,可以从学生们熟悉的话题"森林"谈起,很自然的进入新课内容。本单元的listening部分也是围绕主题,通过completing a notice的形式,进一步让学生了解树的作用,从而积极投入到"植树战役"中去。language部分介绍了现在进行时(the present continuous tense)的用法。speaking部分围绕本课的主题讨论how to fight pollution? 我们可以把这部分内容放在post-reading环节,让学生进行讨论。using english部分 (the index) 老师可以告诉学生the index 与the contents page 都可以帮助我们快速了解一本书的信息,只是the index 的排版大部分在书后,而且是以字母循序排列的,有主题,比较详细而the contents page 的排版在书的前面,按页码排序。writing部分是为学校报纸写一篇有关工人们是如何建造一个sitting-out area的文章。(二)教学目标1. 知识目标1)词汇:掌握本章出现的生词。2)语法:能熟练运用现在进行时的陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句。3)功能:能和同学,老师表达自己的思想。4)话题:能谈论"抗污染"这一话题。2. 能力目标1)听:通过听录音材料来培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力。并强化自己在阅读中所获取的信息。2)说:通过看图说话,谈论话题,与同学交流,合作中反复运用语言,自己的所学来表达自己的思想,观点。3)读:通过朗读对话,快速阅读来培养学生快速捕捉信息,解决问题的能力。4)写:根据所给话题,把自己的想法,观点与同伴的交流成果写在纸上。3. 情感目标通过谈论话题,小组合作的形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣以及合作意识。强化学生自主学习的目的。指导协同努力实现自己的教学目标。(三)教学方法课文的引入和现在进行时态的训练时可使用游戏教学法。在课文教学中可采用任务型教学法,引导学生完成教学设计。合作学习法完成说和写等部分的练习。(四)重点和难点1.现在进行时: i’m reading. he is not working. are they planting trees? what’s ted doing? he’s playing volleyball with carol. is ted playing volleyball? yes, he is. / no, he isn’t. he’s _____.2.快速阅读抓住自己需要的信息。通过听力的形式对所获取的信息进行巩固加深。3.小组合作讨论如何防治污染并以对话的方式体现,并能自己阐明观点。4.记录自己本节所学。ii. 教学设计:1. readingstep 1 pre-reading1) 老师可以通过复习旧句型:what can we get from forests? 引出本单元的主题。然后让学生根据图片一问一答做 pair work,来了解 what good are trees? 当然除了老师提供的图片以外,也可以让学生根据自己了解到的知识自由发挥。2) 老师与学生一起得出结论:trees are very useful and important. 老师接着问学生:what else do you know about trees? how long do trees live? 然后让学生来做一个与树有关的quiz。通过这个quiz让学生知道 trees are pollution fighters.老师还可以充分利用教参中的notes来帮助学生进一步了解树是如何与空气污染、水污染和噪音污染作斗争的。同时帮助学生解决部分reading中的生词,如:chemical, produce, release, oxygen, nasty等等。step 2 while-reading(这是本课的重点部分)1) 第一遍阅读文章,要求学生根据上下文的内容和线索猜测词意。2) 第二遍通读全文,理解文章意思,并完成ex. d (page 18)、ex. e (page 19)。提醒学生阅读时注意阅读方法的使用。比如,在做ex. d时,使用scanning即跳读的方法寻找具体问题的答案。在做ex. e时,使用skimming即略读的方法,注意文章中的主题句和关键句。3) 听课文录音。4) 重点词汇及句式讲解。
  1. collect some facts for a class project on pollution
  2. pollute (v.) / pollution (n.) / polluted (adj.) / pollutant (n.) 污染物
  3. interview (vt.) doctor ray
  4. be interested in = be keen on / be fond of / enjoy / like 喜欢,感兴趣
  5. show (great) interest in
  6. interest (n./v.) / interesting (adj.) / interested (adj.)
  7. the biggest and oldest living things on earth
  8. live (v.) 生活,居住 e.g. where do you live?
  (adj.) 活着,有生命 e.g. have you ever touched a real live snake?
  现场直播的 e.g. it wasn’t a recorded show, it was live.
  lively (adj.) 有生气的,活泼的,充满活力的 e.g. they are lively children.
  alive (adj.) 活的e.g. the young woman was still alive when the ambulance reached the hospital.
  he kept the little cat alive by feeding it warm milk.
  充满生机的 e.g. in the evening the town really comes alive. (名词后用alive)
  living (adj.) 活的 e.g. does he have any living relatives? (名词前用living)
  (n.) 生活 e.g. she makes a living by selling newspapers.
  life (n.) (个人的)生命 c e.g. three lives were lost in the fire.
  doctors fought all night to save her life.
  生活 u e.g. life can be hard for a single parent.
  that’s life, you can’t change it.
  exercises: 1) my family __________ in new york ten years ago.2) is your grandfather ___________?3) what is the oldest ____________ things in the world?4) policemen make our __________ safe.5) the _________ people should always look forward.6) my pet dogs are dying. can’t you make them __________?7) i make a ____________ by teaching in a middle school.
  9. what good are trees? = what is the good of trees? 树有什么好处呢?
  10. make streets more beautiful and less noisy
  11. noise (n.) / noisy (adj.) / noisily (adv.)
  12. else (adj.) 其它的 (置于疑问代词或不定代词后)
  e.g. what else can they do? do you want to buy anything else?
  other (adj.) 其它的 (置于名词前) e.g. we study chinese, math, english and other subjects.
  13. suppose (v.) = think something to be true
  e.g. i suppose you felt tired after running the marathon (, didn’t you?).
  suppose = pretend that something is true
  e.g. suppose you had a million dollars, what would you do?
  14. enjoy breathing pure, cool air (enjoy doing sth)
  15. breath (n.) [breθ]/ breathe (v.) [bri: ]
  exercises: 1) people ________ slowly when they are sleeping.2) you can see people’s ___________ on a cold day.3) i need a _________ of a fresh air.4) the doctor told me to __________ in and __________ out again slowly.
  16. thank sb for sth. e.g. thank you for your help. / thank you for helping me.
  17. natural air conditioners 自然空调 (nature / natural)
  18. take harmful gas from the air
  19. release oxygen into the air
  20. one and a half hectares of tree 一公顷半的树木
  21. produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class alive and healthy for a year
  22. trees cool the air as well as clean it.
  as well as… = besides / in addition to
  e.g. on sundays, his farm provided lunch as well as breakfast.
  it is important for you as well as for me.
  father as well as his children hasn’t been to euro disney. (远离原则)
  william shakespeare was an actor as well as a play writer. (强调前者)
  = william shakespeare was not only a play writer but (also) an actor. (强调后者)
  23. three trees can do the jobs of 15 air conditioners running (=as they are running ) almost all day.
  24. know a lot about trees
  25. attack a tree 攻击树 attract one’s attention引起某人注意
  26. warn its neighbors
  27. warn sb of sth./sb warn sb against doing sth
  e.g. the policeman warned us against running across the road.警察警告我们不要跑着过马路。 they warn people against destroying trees. 他们警告人们不要破坏树木。
  28. protect themselves by producing a chemical 通过产生一种化学物质保护他们自己
  29. chemistry (n.) / chemical (adj./n.) / chemist (n.)
  exercises: 1) 一个化学实验 a ___________ experiment2) 一个化学工厂 a ___________ factory3) 化学是她在学校时最好的科目 ___________ is her favorite subject at school.4) 奇怪的化学反应使两个人相爱了. a strange ______ makes two people fall in love.
  5) 他去药房买药。 he went to the ____________ to buy some medicine.
  30. make their leaves taste nasty 使得树叶尝起来味道很糟
  31. make + 宾语 + do sth
  32. join their roots together underground 在地下的树根盘环桓交错在一起
  33. pass food and water around
  34. pass (v.) / past (prep.)
  exercises: 1) i can ___________ a church on my way to school.2) i walk ___________ the church.3) 街道太拥挤了车无法通行。the street was so crowded that cars were unable to ________.4) 他走过那家商店。 he walked ___________ that shop.
  35. communicate with each other 互相交流
  36. be in danger
  37. danger (n.) / dangerous (adj.) / dangerously (adv.)
  38. destroy our best fighters against pollutionstep 3 post-reading
  read the text again and every student must prepare at least two questions about trees in the text for other students.用这种方式训练学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。让每个学生都参与进来。不会问问题的学生可以回答别的学生提出的问题。提出问题的学生可以从其他学生那里得到问题的答案,也可以和大家一起回答自己没有想到的问题。这种活动更能体现学生的自主学习。老师只在适当的时候提供帮助。当然也可以利用课本speaking中的对话材料让学生进行讨论what can we do to fight pollution?来进一步巩固课文,提高学生的语言运用能力。最后将讨论的主题笔头记录下来,作为学生回家的笔头作业 (how to fight pollution?)。2. listeningstep 1 pre-listening 在听之前,创设情境,要求学生明确听力任务,如有生词,可以先帮助学生(recognize key words),扫清在听力材料中出现的词汇,提高听的效果。 本单元的听力材料是一段对话,话题还是跟树有关,要求学生在听了对话之后完成一个poster填写。step 2 while-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。可以让学生先将poster 看一看,然后再听。再根据所听内容完成poster的填写。step 3 post-listening 要求学生根据poster的内容进行pair work的活动。培养学生的听说能力。3. language (the present continuous tense) step 1 lead –in 1) warming up: talk about the pictures by asking and answering. e.g. a: what are they doing? b: they are planting trees. a: are they picking apples? b: yes, they are picking apples from the apple trees.2) present "the present continuous tense"tell the students what we use the present continuous tense for. (talking about what is happening now)what is the structure? am/is/are + doing first, do spelling exercises to add –ing to the infinitive of the verb. (e.g. eat---eating, sing---singing, study---studying. )show the table on the computer.for most verbs ending in…
  changeexamplesone e (except be)drop e, and add ingadvising driving using beingiechange ie to y, and add ingdying tying lyingconsonant letter + vowel letter + consonant letterdouble the last letter (except where the last letter is a y), and add ingcutting stoppingwinning puttingsayingstep 2 exerciseswrite the correct –ing form of these verbs.1. be ___________ 9. lie__________ 2. become_______ 10. load________3. begin_________ 11. pull________4. carry_________ 12. put________5. drop__________ 13. rain_______6. escape________ 14. sunbathe____7. eat___________ 15.travel________8. iron__________ 16. yawn_______common errors.1. what you are doing? ____________________________________ 2. i watching television. ____________________________________3. i’m listen to a cassette. ____________________________________put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous tense to make sentences. make the verbs with question marks into questions. add any necessary punctuation marks. the first one is done for you.1. the grade eight students (play) volleyballthe grade eight students are playing volleyball.2. richard and ping kang (camp?)____________________________________3. ye qing (shop)____________________________________4. joyce (sweep?) the floor____________________________________do the exercises to learn the differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense.他们很熟悉一般现在时,也刚刚学过现在进行时,这道练习可以对这两种时态进行区分,巩固所学,加深理解。1. i (have) my fourth cup of tea this morning. i often (not drink) so much tea.i’m having my fourth cup of tea this morning. i don’t often drink so much tea.2. it doesn’t usually (rain) at this time of year, but today it (rain) heavily.________________________________________________________3. the timetable says the last train (leave) at midnight. quick. it’s exactly midnight, and the guard (blow) his whistle.___________________________________________________________4. paul (hide) behind that tree. he (not want) to talk to us.___________________________________________________________step 3 practice(教材中的练习)4. writing这个环节是要求学生根据五幅图片和提纲为学校报纸写一篇短文,反映上星期工人们在他们家附近建了一个sitting-out area。1) 老师可以就每幅图片设计一些问题让学生讨论,这里可以用到本课的语法(the present continuous tense),进一步帮助学生巩固语法。2)questions for the pictures: what can you see in picture 1/2/3/4/5? what’s on the back of the lorry? what are the workers doing in the ground? are they planting the trees in the holes? what are the two workers doing in picture 2? what are they putting in the containers? what are the workers doing in picture 4? how are they watering trees? (with a hose) how is the area now?3) 让学生独立完成短文,这里还要特别关照学生注意时态变化和句子的完整性。4) 分小组让学生互相批改作文,纠正错误;每组派一名学生朗读作文,老师与全班同学一起来欣赏和评价作文,看哪组同学完成的最好,进行表扬和鼓励。
