

  完形填空考查主要以动词、 名词 、形容词、副词为主,并且以实词为主,虚词为辅。动词和名词占60%。
  mom was a teacher most of her life.when she wasn`t in the __1__she was educating her own 2 :correcting grammar;
  1. a classroom b neighborhood c office d house
  2. a friends b classmates c students d children
  【关注首句】:首句一般是完整的句子,而且不会设置空。它一般是短文的窗口,给我下文的提示,有利于我们了解全文大意。本句首是说:妈妈做了一辈子的老师。所以很容易让我们在第一题里想到教室。第二句说:当她不在教室时,教育的当然是自己的孩子而不是同学或者学生,她是老师,因此更不是朋友。故此,1选择a classroom 2 选择d children
  after several minutes our conversation was 12 by a muffled sound coming from across the room. we stopped 13 and looked at mom.
  12.a interrupted b kept c disturbed d troubled
  13 a. discussing b saying c crying d talking
  【词语辨析】:完形填空中部分试题是同义词与近义词辨析。因此在学习中要注意同义词与近义词在不同语境中词义的内涵。12 选择a 因为几分钟后我们的谈话是被打断而不是打扰、扰乱,故此disturb和trouble不对。13 d 我们停止谈话而不是停止讨论,哭和讲话。故此cry say 和discuss 不对。
  about ten years ago,a young and very successful manager named josh was traveling down a chicago neighborhood street. he was going a bit fast in his 21 car.
  21 a old b expensive c second-hand d slow
  he was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars._22_ his car passed, no child rushed out, but a brick did and whump! it _23_ his shiny black side door! josh _24_ out of his car, grabbed the kid
  22 a since 高 考资源网b after c as d so long as
  23 a struck b destroyed c wiped d harmed
  24 a climbed b stepped c got d jumped
  【注重语境】根据语境选择符合全文大意的词语。22空前后句语意为:"他看着孩子们从停的车中间跑出来。当他经过时,没孩子跑出来。"故选 c。.23空前 it指砖,小孩子用砖砸了他的车门,故此选a 。车被砸,故他跳出车,因为他很生气,而不是爬出,走出。故24空选d。
  and pushed him up _25_ a parked car. he shouted at the kid, " what was that all …
  25 a against b on c with d toward
  高 考资源网 e
  it was a long and slow walk back to his expensive car. josh never did fix the side door of his jaguar.he kept the damage to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. pay 40 to the bricks of life coming at to you
  40 a love b interest c attention d respect
  【词语搭配】注意语境搭配词语。25.空push sb against the car.40.空固定搭配,pay attention to.
  the u.s. bought alaska from russia about 100 years ago.the u.s._1__ less than two cents an acre.one alaska island is only two miles __2___a russian island.the nearest state is washington, 500 miles away.
  alaska in more than twice big as texas.it has many _3___kinds of weather.in some areas the _4__can go as low as 57  below zero.it can also go as high as 38  __5_zero.
  alaska has a longer coastline than all the __6 states together.the ocean bottom is __7__in sea life. alaska`s fish each is one of the biggest __8_all the states.__9_of the land there is still _10___by the u.s. government ---not by people __11_businessmen.
  alaska the _12__state, but it has the fewest people.towns are _13_apart.long roads __14___a lot to build in _15_-wild country so there aren`t many roads.many people use _16__to travel in the state._17___travel in boats along the coast. rivers freeze in winter, but __18__travel on them when summer comes.
  many people go to alaska to _19__big and small animals.fishermen and skiers and people who _20__beautiful country visit the state too.
  1a.spent b.took c paid d. sold
  2.a.from b.on c.into d. down
  3.a.the same b different c. similar d same
  4.a.climate b degree c weather d. temperature
  5.a. above b below c over d under
  6.a else b other c another d whole
  7 a filled b.poor c rich d low
  8 a.for b about c in d of
  9 a more b most c.little d less
  10.a got b bought c sold d owned
  11 a or b and c but d nor
  12 a poorest b.biggest c. coldest d. smallest
  13.a near b. separate c far d opposite
  14.a took b spent c. paid d cost
  15. a.so b such c.just d thus
  16.a cars b.trucks c.ships d.planes
  17.a.another b.other c.many d.others
  18 a trains b buses c.boats d.bikes
  19.a search b.enjoy c find d.hunt
  20.a like b.see c.know d.understand
  as christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. parents are filed with 1 jobs of hidden presents from 2 young children. if the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real 3. on christmas eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable.they are 4 between the wish to go to bed early so that father christmas will 5 their presents quickly, and the wish to stay up late so that they will mot miss the fun. the wish for gifts usually proves 6. but though children go to bed early, they of-ten lie awake in bed for a long time, hoping to 7 father christmas.
  last christmas, my wife and i 8 managed to hide a few large presents in the storeroom. i 9 the moment when my son, jimmy, would ask me where the new bike had come from, but 10 he did not see it.
  on christmas eve, it took the children hours to go to sleep. it must have been nearly 11 when my wife and i went quietly into their room and began 12 stockings. then i 13 in the bike for jimmy and left it before the christmas tree. we know we would not get much 14 that night, for the children were sure to get up early. at about five o’clock the next morning, we were 15 by loud sounds coming from the children’s room they shouted excitedly! 16 i had time to get out of bed, jimmy came 17 into our bedroom on his new bike, and his sister, mary 18 close behind, pushing her new baby carriage. early the baby arrived. he moved on the 19 and knees into the room dragged a large balloon behind him. suddenly it 20 .that woke us up completely. the day had begun with a bang.
  1. a. busy b. tiring c. ordinary d. difficult
  2. a. anxious b. curious c. happy d. content
  3. a. matter b. question c. business d. problem
  4. a. puzzled b. troubled c.torn d.disturbed
  5. a. provide b. bring c. give d. offer
  6. a. weak b. strong c.weaker d.stronger
  7. a.get a look at b.get in touch with
  c.get along with d.get together with
  8. a.hurriedly b.hopefully c.busily d.successfully
  9. a.expected b.doubled c.feared d.wondered
  10. a.hardly b.surprisingly c.possibly d.fortunately
  11. a.morning b.midnight cdaybreak d.evening
  12. a.mending b.wearing c.sewing d.filling
  13. a.pushed b.dragged cpulled d.knocked
  14. a.break b.sleep c.rest d.drink
  15. a.woken b.shocked c.troubled d.frightened
  16. a.before b.until c.as dafter
  17. a.running b.laughing c.climbed d.rushed
  18. a.walked b.followed c.climbed drushed
  19. a.kegs b.feet c.hands d.arms
  20. a.exploded b.opened c.burst d.lost
  a friend in need
  brownie and spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. like pairs of dogs you 1 find in most any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played 2 so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses.
  one evening, brownie’s family 3 that brownie hadn’t returned home. they went looking for him with no 4 .brownie didn’t appear the next day, and, despite their 5 to find him, by the next week he was still missing.
  curiously, spotty 6 at brownie’s house alone, barking. busy with their own lives, they just ignored(不理睬)the 7 little neighbor dog.
  finally, one morning spotty 8 to take"no"for an answer. spotty followed ted about, barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say " 9 me!it’s urgent!"
  finally, ted followed the anxious spotty. the little dog led the man to a 10 spot a half mile from the house. there ted found his beloved brownie 11 , one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leg hold trap. horrified,ted now wished he’d taken spotty’s earlier requirement 12 .then ted noticed something quite remarkable.
  spotty had done more than simply 13 brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. in a circle around the 14 dog. ted found some dog food---which was later 15 as the remains of every meal spotty had been fed that 16 !
  spotty had been visiting brownie 17 , in a single-minded quest to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. spotty had obviously stayed with brownie to protect him from being hurt, snuggling(依偎) with him at nigh to keep him 18 and touching him gently with its nose to keep his spirits up.
  brownie’s leg was treated by a veterinarian and he re-covered. for many years afterward, the two 19 watched the faithful friends frolicking(嬉戏) 20 chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.
  1. a. must b. should c. con d.need
  2. a.together b.wildly c.separately d.happily
  3. a.watched b.heard c.feared d.noticed
  4. a.hope b.success c.failure d.information
  5. a.wishes b.demands c.efforts d.worries
  6. a.showed up b.showed off c.turned out d.turned off
  7. a.nervous b.eager c.angry d.clever
  8. a.decided b.refused c.wanted d.pretended
  9. a.love b.hit c.forgive d.follow
  10. a.beautiful b.distant c.wild d.clean
  11. a.alive b.dead c.brave d.sleepy
  12. a.immediately b.seriously c.directly d.honestly
  13. a.asked b.ordered c.informed d.led
  14. a.injured b.defeated c.fightened d.worried
  15. a.regarded b.determined c.recognized d.showed
  16. a.month b.day c.evening d.week
  17. a.particularly b.regularly c.usually d.especially
  18. a.fearless b.well c.warm d.hopeful
  19. afamilies b.parents c.neighbours d.friends
  20. a.but b.or c.so d.and
  people used to say "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world "and "1 every successful man there is a woman."both these 2 mean the same things.men rule the 3 , but their wives rule them.
  4 of the american women like making their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want 5 for themselves.they want good 6 when they work they want to 7 better paid.they want to be as 8 as men.
  the american women`s liberation 9 was started by women who don`t want to 10 behind successful men.they want to stand beside them, with the same 11 for success.they don`t want to be told that certain jobs or 12 are closed to them.they refused to work side by side with men who do the 13 work for higher pay.
  a liberation woman must be 14 of being a woman and have confidence in herself.if somebody says to her, "you have come a long 15, baby",she will 16 and answer, "not nearly as 17 as i am going to go, baby ".
  this movement is quite 18, and many american women do not agree. 19 it has already made some important 20 in women`s lives.
  1.a.before b.near c.behind d.beside
  2.a.sayings b.words c.letters d.writings
  3.a.family b.society c.earth d.world
  4.a.most b.few c.all d.none
  5.a.nothing b.something c.anything d.everything
  6.a.jobs b.clothes c.food d.houses
  7.a.be b.have c.make d.receive
  8.a.good b.wonderful c.successful d.much
  9.a.activity b.movement c.affair d.incident
  10.a help b.co-operate c.work d.stand
  11.a.work b.job c.position d.chance
  12.a.offices b.schools c.shops d.places
  13.a.better b.same c.less d.important
  14.a.proud b.afraid c.fond d.tired
  15.a.place b.walk c.way d.journey
  16.a.cry b.smile c.laugh d.sob
  17.a.long b.far c.soon d.much
  18.a.new b.good c.important d pleasing
  19.a.so b.and c.but d. or
  20.a.progress b.improvement c.decisions d.changes
  the private automobile has long played an important role in the united states.in fact, it has become a(n) 1 and important part of the american way of life.in 1986, sixty-nine percent of american families 2 at least one car and thirty one percent had 3 one.by giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has 4 them from having to live near their workplace.this has encouraged the growth of the cities, but it has also 5 traffic problems.
  for farm families the automobile is very 6.it had made it 7 for them to travel to town very often for business and 8, and also to transport their children to distant schools.family life has been 9 in various ways.the car helps to keep 10 together when it is used for picnics, outings and other shared 11.however, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents cannot 12 them.there is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, or 13 by speeding or breaking down traffic laws.mothers of victims of such accidents have formed a(n) 14 called madd(mothers against drinking driving).these mothers want to 15 further tragedies.they have worked to 16 the government to limit the youngest drinking age.students have formed a 17 organization, sadd and madd are spreading the same 18 among their friends.
  for many americans the automobile is a necessity.but for 19, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a(n) 20 of becoming an adult.altogether, cars mean very much to americans.
  1.a.necessary b.interesting c.wonderful d.happy
  2.a.changed b.owned c.borrowed d.hired
  3.a.less than b.rather than c.more than d.now that
  4.a freed b.stopped c.prevented d.kept
  5.a.devoted to b.looked forward to c.contribute to d.resultedto
  6.a.dangerous b.impossible c.obvious d.helpful
  7.a.possible b.important c.necessary d.true
  8.a.with pleasure b.for pleasure c.in pleasure d.by pleasure
  9.a.interesting b.moved c enjoyed d.affected
  10.a.families b parents c.children d.friends
  11.a.improvement b.confidence c.experiences d.feelings
  12.a.call attention to b.keep an eye on c.take a notice of d.throw right on
  13.a showing off b.putting off c keeping off d.setting off
  14.a.company b.school c.organization d.hospital
  15.a.prevent b help c.keep d.protect
  16.a.upset b forbid c. discourage d. encourage
  17.a.similar b.same c.unusual d.ordinary
  18 a.news b.message c.report d.tale
  19.a.some b another c.other d.others
  20. a.signal b.appearance c.sign d.decision
  1.答案:c 解析:美国买了阿拉斯加,所以付钱。pay money ;spent money on sth.
  2.答案:a 解析:离俄罗斯的岛屿两英里。
  3.答案:b 解析:后面讲述不同种类的天气。
  5.答案:a 解析:above zero ;below zero 温度高达38度。因此是零上。
  6.答案:b 解析:比其他州所有的海岸线加起来都长。
  7.答案:c 解析:根据后面句子可知。海底有丰富的生物。
  8.答案:d.解析:of 表示部分。
  9.答案:b 解析: 大部分的陆地属于被政府所有。
  11.答案:a 解析:or "也不"不被人民拥有,也不被商人拥有。
  12.答案:b 解析: 最大的州,可是人口最少。
  13.答案:c 解析:相互离的很远。
  15.答案:b 解析: country 这里表示乡下。不可数。
  18.答案:c 解析:上文提到船。
  20.答案:a 解析:喜欢乡间风景的人们。
  4.本题考查固定结构:be torn between 意为"在西种矛盾情绪之中"
  2.解析:play together"在一起玩",由下文so often 和踩出道来得出。答案:a
  4.解析:with no success此处指找狗没有找到。答案:b
  5.解析:one’s efforts to do"努力干某事",还是指寻找狗一事。答案:c
  6.解析:短语show up相当于turn up,"也现",此处指邻居的那只狗来了。答案:a
  7.解析:nervous"紧张的;不安的",用来修饰邻居家的这只小狗,朋友被困,情况危急 ,一时又难使主人明白。答案:a
  9.解析:follow me 意为"跟我来",要带他到出事地点,下文有"情况紧急"。答案:d
  10.解析: wild此处意为"荒芜的;荒凉的",小狗被困在一处人迹罕至的地方。答案:c
  13.解析:lead sb. to"把某人带到某处"指邻居家小狗把受伤小狗的主人带来。答案:d
  14.解析: injured修饰dog正合适,"受伤的狗",因为它正被钢制捕捉器卡住了后腿。答案:a
  15.解析: recognize…as"认出是……,把自己的食物搬来给被困的朋友吃。"答案:c
  18.解析:在晚上和它依偎在一起,是为了使得受伤的朋友温暖keep him warm。答案:c
  19.解析:指两只小狗各自的主人,即the two families。答案:a
  1. 解析:此句是常言,句意是:"每个成功的男人身后都有一个女人"故此答案:c
  2. 解析:sayings 意为:"常言,俗语",指上面说到的常言。故此答案:a
  3 解析:有前面谚语可知道,此句意思为:"男人统治世界,女人统治男人。"故此答案:d
  4. 解析:根据上文和常识可推出。答案为:a
  5. 解析:根据后面的三个want 可知,她们想要东西。故此答案:b
  6. 解析:根据下句,when they work 可知,答案为:a
  7. 解析:此句意思为:"他们想得到很高的报酬"是被动语态,故此答案为:a
  8. 解析:此句意思为:"她们想和男人一样成功"故此答案为:c
  9. 解析:此处为"美国妇女解放运动",activity活动;affair 事件 事情;incident事件。故此答案:b
  10. 解析:根据下一句they want to stand beside them ,由此可知答案为:d
  11. 解析:此处意思为:"有同等的获得成功的机会" 答案为:d
  12. 解析:本句子讲的是求职的事情,因此答案为:a
  13. 解析:妇女希望和男人同工同酬,故此答案为 b
  14. 解析:解放了的妇女应该是很自豪,be proud of "以……而自豪";be fond of"喜欢";be afraid of"害怕";be tired of "厌倦"因此答案为:a
  15. 解析:上下文可推出答案为:c
  16. 解析:根据have confidence in herself 可知,是微笑而不是哭泣。答案为 b
  17. 解析:as long as只要;as soon as 一…..就….; as far as 那么远. 答案为 b
  18. 解析:许多美国妇女不赞成这一运动,因此答案为:a
  19. 解析:从逻辑上看,上下句有转折关系。因此答案为:c
  20. 解析:make changes发生变化;make progress取得进步;make decisions做出决定。 答案为:d
  1. 解析:.私家车长久以来在美国发挥重要的作用,它变成了人们生活的必要部分,故此答案为:a
  2. 解析:从下文可知道,美国每家都有汽车,故此答案为:b
  3. 解析:有的家庭有不止一辆车。故此答案为:c
  4. 解析:让人免除生活中的不便。free sb from doing故此答案为:a
  5. 解析:此处为导致,用contribute to ;lead to ;result in.而devote to 致力于;look forward to 期盼,故此答案为:c
  6. 解析:汽车给人带了很好处。故此选d
  7. 解析;有了汽车,人们常常去成立就成为可能,故此答案为:a
  8. 解析:人们去城里是为生意或者娱乐,for business为生意;for pleasure为娱乐。故此答案为:b
  9. 解析:根据上文可知,汽车在很多方面影响了我们的生活。故此选d
  10. 解析:汽车可以使全家一起出游。故此答案为:a
  11. 解析:全家一起交游,野餐和分享经历,故此答案为:c
  12. 解析:keep an eye on 留意;密切注意;父母对他们失去了监管。故此答案为:b
  13. 解析:show off炫耀;put off推迟;keep off让开;set off出发,这些孩子故意破坏交通规则炫耀自己有本事。故此选a.
  14. 解析:从括号里的解释可知道,妈妈们成立了组织。故此答案为:c
  15. 解析:妈妈们的组织是为了防止悲剧的发生。故此选a.
  16. 解析:妈妈们劝告政府限制年轻人喝酒。故此选d
  17. 解析:sadd 和madd是一样的组织。故此选a.
  18. 解析:两个组织传递同样的信息。故此答案为:b
  19. 解析:选a.
  20. 解析:对于年轻人来说那是成熟的标志。故此答案为:c
