

  8a unit 5词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语
  1去观鸟go birdwatching
  2在市场at the market
  3在入口处at the entrance
  4一个自然保护区a nature reserve
  5在中国东北in north-east china = in the north-east of china
  6世界上最重要的湿地之一one of the world’s most important wetlands = one of the most important wetlands in the world
  7一年到头;终年all (the) year round = the whole year
  8提供某物给某人provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.
  9一个生活区a living area
  10为某人/某物让出空间make space/room for sb./sth.
  11去那儿作短暂的逗留go there for a short stay= stay there for a short time
  12数鸟do a bird count=count birds
  13一年一次once a year
  14研究不同种类的鸟study the different kinds of birds
  15它们在数量上的变化the changes in their numbers
  16湿地的重要性the importance of wetlands
  17濒临灭绝的(处于危险状态的)in a dangerous state = endangered
  18一个受到保护的地区/地方a protected area
  19走很长的路walk a long way
  20采取措施做某事take action to do sth.
  21让某人做某事(使役动词用法)make sb. do sth.
  22返回come/go back = return回到学校come/go back to school = return to school
  23许多(后接复数名词)a (large) number of = many……的数目(单数)the number of……
  24一个申请表an application form
  25以……方式向某人打招呼greet sb. with……
  26把某物忘/留在某地leave sth. sw.把垃圾留在那儿leave litter there
  27乱扔垃圾drop litter carelessly
  28有……..的面积have an area of …….
  29阻止某人做某事prevent/stop sb. (from) doing sth.=keep sb. from doing sth.
  30记笔记take notes
  31加入观鸟俱乐部的申请application to join the birdwatching club
  32成为…的一个成员/加入become/be a member of = join
  33对做某事感兴趣be interested in doing sth.
  34迫不及待地做某事can’t wait to do sth. = can’t wait for sth.
  35来参加俱乐部活动come to club activities
  36尖尖的翅膀pointed wings
  37在观看(鸟)期间during the watch
  38例如for example = e.g.
  39有空be free
  40兴趣和爱好interests and hobbies
  41防止洪水(防洪)prevent flood二、重点句子及句型:www.xkb1.com1. i am going birdwatching at the market.2. which bird do you like best?3. the area is a great place for wildlife because it provides food and shelter for them..4. it is one of the world"s most important wetlands.5. more and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough space.6. some people want to change the wetlands to make space for farms and buildings.7.this means there will be less and less space for the wildlife.8. he told us not to make any noise and not to run.9. swallow flies to northern countries in summer.10. many birds live in zhalong nature reserve all year round and some go there for a short stay.11. zhalong is one of the nature reserves for these endangered birds.12. this year members of our birdwatching club are studying the different kinds of birds in zhanlong and the changes in their numbers.13.we do a bird count once a year.14.we hope this information will help them understand and make them take action to protect wildlife.15. studying zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.16. she speaks fluent french. = she speaks french fluently.17.we talked loudly until mr wu told us to be quiet.18.it has an area of more than 210,000 hectares. = it is over 210,000 hectares in area.19.zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds. 20.providing food and shelter for endangered birds is not the only reason for us to protect wetlands.21.i think it is important for me to do something to protect birds.22. you can call me on 010-5558 6390 or e-mail me at amy@sunshinetown.com.cn.23. they simply can’t wait for the party next week.三、语法: 1.识别五种基本句型结构。 2.掌握副词的构成方法及在句子中的应 8a unit 6词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语
  1自然灾害natural disasters
  2全身湿透be/get all wet
  5输掉比赛lose the game
  6好几千人(成千上万的人)thousands of people
  7猛烈地撞到…上crash into…
  8引起一场大的火灾start/cause a big fire
  9惊恐地(处于恐惧之中)in fear
  10地下的炸弹bombs below/under the ground
  11从….上掉下来/摔下来fall off = fall (down) from =drop from倒下、掉下fall down跌倒、绊倒fall over倒下come down = fall
  12朝四面八方跑去run in all directions=run in every direction
  13跑出…../跑进….run out of … / run into…
  14尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth.
  15镇定下来、平静下来calm down
  16最后finally = at last = in the end
  17结束be over = end
  18被困住be trapped
  19自言自语say to oneself
  20片刻的恐惧a moment of fear
  21(大声)求救shout/call/scream for help
  22到处everywhere = here and there
  23没有任何吃的东西have nothing to eat
  24兴奋的叫声excited shouts
  25急匆匆地去干某事be in a (great) hurry to do sth.
  26降一点点drop a little降到零下5度drop to -5
  27大约7度(be) around 7
  28变得更坏become/get worse
  29找借口make excuses / make an excuse
  30叫某人(不要)做某事tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事warn sb. (not) to do sth.命令某人(不要)做某事order sb. (not) to do sth.
  31把….搬走(代词放中间)move …away
  32精神紧张be nervous
  33经历地震后而存活下来survive the earthquake
  34听起来像…sound like….
  35天气预报weather forecast
  36锁门lock the door
  37跑下楼run down the stairs
  38将(电器)打开/关闭turn …on/off将(电器音量)调高/调低turn …up/down
  39走出教室walk out of the classroom
  40一个接一个one by one = one after another
  41一个事故报告an accident report
  42打电话给110热线call the 110 hotline
  43到达时间the time of arrival
  44(严重)受伤(系表结构)be (badly/seriously) hurt
  45着火catch fire = be on fire
  46警方(集体名词)the police
  47在风中in the wind
  48朝….外看/朝….里看look out of…. / look into…
  49继续做(同一件)事continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. =go on doing sth. = go on with sth.
  50用….将….盖起来cover…with…..….被…..覆盖起来…..be covered with …二、重点句子及句型:1.my house is all wet.2.who’s going to mop it up if you don’t come with me?3.a young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs.4.a coach crashed into a tree last night.5.at first, i felt a slight shaking through my body. 6.people looked at each other in fear.7.people ran in all directions. they didn’t know where to go.8.some people ran out of the shopping centre. i tried my best to run out to the street, too.9.people ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down. then the walls began to come down too.10.i did not even know where i was(宾从).11. "i’m trapped," i said to myself.12.a moment of fear went through my mind but i told myself to calm down since i was still alive.13.people were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.14.he survived the earthquake in 1999.15.it sounded like bombs under the ground.16.it rained heavily last night.= there was a heavy rain last night. it will be snowy tomorrow. = it will snow tomorrow.= there will be snow tomorrow.17.it took me longer to get to school.18.everybody had to hurry since there would be no buses in two hours.19.mr wu told us to go home. / mr wu asked simon to close the windows.simon advised daniel to wear a raincoat./ mr wu warned us not to run.he told us to walk out of the classroom one by one. / mr wu ordered simon to close the windows.20.the snow covers the whole place. = the whole place is covered with the snow.21.a man named su ning called the 110 hotline at 7:40p.m. using his mobile phone.22.mr su felt cold and frightened but he was not hurt. 23.i know that bad weather can be dangerous. bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters.24.there was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.25.her school caught fire because lightning hit it.26.snow continued to fall around us.27.we lost our umbrella in the wind and i nearly fell over.28.we could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.29.i looked out of the window and saw that people were in a hurry to remove the snow.三、语法:1.because, as , since 引导原因状语从句。2.用动词不定式来报告某人的命令、请求和建议。warn/tell/ask/order/advise sb. (not) to do sth.
