

  u3 celebration lesson 3 weddings
  teaching aims:
  to read a text for new information about weddings
  to practise using modals: have to/ not have to , can/ can’t , ought to / ought not to
  to discuss the customs about wedding in china
  teaching difficulties:
  to practise using modals: have to/ not have to , can/ can’t , ought to / ought not to
  teaching aids: computer and cassette
  teaching procedures:
  ⅰ. warming up
  t:teacher will ask the following questions about weddings to lead into the topic.
  have you ever been to a wedding party?
  who was getting married?
  how many people were there?
  what time did it start/finish?
  what did they wear?
  what did people do?
  did you have a wonderful time?
  present the vow at the wedding to arouse students’ interest of talking about the weddings and have a deeper understanding about wedding in western countries.
  do you know the meaning of the vow?
  ii. learning the new words
  do the exercise 2
  present the word matching
  match the new words with the definitions
  in order to consolidate new words teachers give pictures again and review the new words.
  ⅲ reading
  wedding customs are different in different countries. now we will read two articles : weddings in indonesia and greek weddings,try to remember what to do and what not to do.(give students time to read the text)
  enjoy the pictures about indonesian wedding
  1.present a chart showing what to do and what not to do during the wedding
  what to do:
  i can go without an invitation.
  i can attend the reception after the ceremony.
  i ought to put money into the box at the entrance of the reception.
  what not to do:
  you oughtn’t to go to the ceremony without asking first.
  you don’t have to contribute a lot of money.
  you can’t drink alcohol at the wedding reception.
  indonesian women don’t have to cover their heads.
  enjoy the pictures about greek weddings
  ask the students to give information about what happens before, during and after the wedding.
  before the wedding ceremony
  the bridegroom has to ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage.
  during the wedding ceremony
  the best man should help put crowns made of flowers on the heads of the couple.
  a long silk ribbon that links the crowns is a symbol of a long and happy life for the couple.
  after the wedding ceremony
  the guests can attend a wedding reception.
  guests can throw dishes on the floor and put money on the bride’s wedding dress for good luck.
  the party can last through the night.
  do the exercise3 true or false
  ⅳ language points
  1. even if 即使
  even if you know the secret you should keep silent.
  即使你知道这个秘密, 你也应该保持沉默。
  2. close family 近亲
  close friend亲密的朋友
  sit close against the wall. 紧靠墙坐着(指距离近)
  close 势均力敌的;几乎相等的
  a close game一场不相上下的比赛
  3. contribute (oneself) to sth.
  contribution n
  make contribution to sth/sb
  (1) 捐献、捐赠;捐(钱)
  he contributed a lot of food and clothes to the poor.
  (2) 投身于,献身于…
  he contributed himself to doing research.
  (3) 投稿,撰稿。
  he contributed poem to a newspaper.
  (4) 贡献
  he made great contribution to the country.
  he made great contribution to the invention of computer.
  4. …help put crowns made of flowers…
  = …help put crowns which are made of flowers… 动词的过去分词可后置定语,也可以转换成被动语态的定语从句
  finally they found the pot buried underground.
  =finally they found the pot which was buried underground.
  ⅴ grammar
  do the exercise 4
  find out the information of modal verbs in the text
  do the exercise 5
  students match the verbs to their meanings
  do the exercise 6
  ⅵ vocabulary
  do the exercise 7 and 8
  ⅶ language in use
  talk about the wedding customs and school rules in china using the modal verbs.
  do the exercise 9
  discuss our school rules in groups, by using the modals: have to / not have to , can/can’t , should/ shouldn’t.
  ⅷ homework
  write eight sentences giving advice to a foreigner who is going to a wedding in your town /city.
