

  unit 1 past and present
  一. 教学内容:
  unit 1 past and present
  words, phrases and sentences
  二. 教学目标:
  掌握unit 1的词汇及词性变化和课文中的重点词组、句型的结构和用法
  unit 1 past and present
  过去,往事 past
  目前,现在 present
  (n. 现在,通常与过去、将来相对应。the past, the present and the future . 过去、现在和将来。at present. 此刻、现在: i’m afraid i can’t help you just at present. ----- i’m too busy. 很抱歉,我现在帮不了你,----- 实在太忙了。adj. 现在的。 the present day当今、现今。most young people enjoy listening to popular music the present day. )
  刚刚 just
  (just, adv. 刚才。常用于完成时态,在美式英语中用于一般过去时。)
  i have just seen john. 我刚才见到约翰了。
  i just saw him. (a moment ago). ( u. s)
  我(几分钟前)看到他的。( u. s)
  自……以来 since
  (since. 后面通常接点时间来表示一段时间。
  例如:since 1984 自从1984年一直到现在。
  since 3 days ago. 自从三天前一直到现在,也可以说成for 3 days 通常用how long提问。
  how long has your uncle lived here? since 1980. )
  南方的 southern
  到……时 till
  已婚的 married
  (marry. vt. vi marry sb. 与某人结婚;嫁或娶某人。
  jane is going to marry john.
  get married. get married to sb. 与某人结婚。
  he is married to a famous writer. 他娶了一位著名作家。)
  在……期间 over
  电影院 cinema
  变成,成为 turn/change
  (v. 改变 our city has changed a lot. 我们城市变化了许多。
  change, n. 变化 a physical change 物理变化
  a chemical change 化学变化)
  工厂 factory
  过去常常 used to
  废弃物 waste
  污染 pollute
  (pollution ,n. 污染, air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution.
  pollute, v. we must stop the river from being polluted.
  意识到 realize
  减少;减轻 reduce
  在某些方面 in some ways
  (in this/ that / another way. 用这种/那种/另外一种方法
  a new way of teaching. 一种新的教法
  a new way of playing. 一种新的玩法。
  way, n. 路。 on one’s way 在……路上on his way home.
  by the way. 顺便说一下,提一下。
  by the way, where’s jim? 顺便说一下,杰姆在哪?)
  有点儿 a bit
  寂寞的 lonely
  (lonely, alone的区别:
  lonely表示心灵内部的孤独寂寞。 alone 指单独、独自的意思。
  例如:he is alone, but he never feels lonely.
  此外 lonely 还能表示荒凉的、偏僻的、偏远的
  a lonely village 一个遥远的村庄)
  尤其,特别 especially
  丈夫 husband
  采访;会见 interview
  (n. 会见 ,含有面试、采访、面谈等多种意思。
  例如: i asked for an interview with my boss.
  i never give interviews. 我从不接受采访。
  v. 进行面试、采访的意思
  we interviewed 20 people for this job. 为了这份工作我们对20人进行了面试。
  interview the president bush. 采访布什总统。)
  不健康的 unhealthy
  倒霉的 unlucky
  (lucky , adj. luck, n. good luck with your english study. 祝你英语学习好运。
  luckily, he passed the exam. 幸运的是,他考试及格了。
  how lucky he is! 他多么走运啊!)
  (pleasant. adj. 同根词 pleasure. n. with pleasure.
  it’s my pleasure to help you with your english.
  pleased, adj. 通常描述人。he is pleased.
  pleasant , adj. 通常描述环境、地方、行程的舒适愉快。
  a pleasant trip. 一次愉快的行程)
  修补 repair
  句子 sentence
  近来 recently
  did she have a party recently? 她最近举办过聚会吗?
  they’ve recently bought a new car. 他们最近买了一辆崭新的汽车。)
  世纪 century
  曾经 ever
  拥有 own
  环境 environment
  新鲜的 fresh
  发展 development
  借给 lend
  服务 service
  放松 relax
  感受 feeling
  ( n. a feeling of hunger 饥饿的感觉
  a feeling of joy. 快乐的感觉
  a feeling of danger. 对危险的预感
  have no feeling for others . 对别人漠不关心。
  feelings (复数)感情
  you’ve hurt my feelings. 你伤了我的感情。)
  字典 dictionary
  最近的 recent
  描述 describe
  塔 tower
  独自(短语)by oneself
  实际上 in fact
  1. i’m not hungry. i’ve e_______.
  2. mrs chen is very k_______. she often helps us.
  3. mr green is an e_______ teacher from the usa.
  4. last night, o__ 5000 thousand people were at the concert.
  5. i didn’t know it was you. you have c______ a lot.
  6. uncle wang has lived in this city s_______ he was born.
  1. it has been in __________(工作,服务)since XX .
  2. he is a _________(不诚实的) boy . he often tells lies .
  3. now the air and water ________ (污染) in this city is getting worse and worse .
  4. have you heard about any exciting news _______(最近)?
  5. nothing is _______(不可能的) if you put your heart into it .
  6. my parents got ______(结婚) twenty years ago .
  7. the _____(环境) in nanjing is more beautiful than before .
  8. don’t _______(倾倒) waste here .
  9. mr. dong has been _______(die) for over two years.
  10. ______you ______ your lunch yet (have)?
  11. the train ________(arrive) just now. it ________(leave) in a few minutes.
  12. he has no friends and often feels l______.
  13. we will never forget the past and treasure the p_____.
  14. my grandparents have lived in the small village s_____ they were born.
  一、1. enough 2. kind 3. excellent 4. over 5. changed 6. since
  1. service
  2. dishonest
  3. pollution
  4. recently
  5. impossible
  6. married
  7. environment
  8. dump
  9. dead
  10. have , had
  11. arrived , will leave
  12. lonely
  13. present
  14. since
  1. in fact 实际上
  2. get married to sb. / marry sb 与……结婚/ 嫁给(娶)某人
  3. move to / into / out of … 搬到/进/出……
  4. in the past (two years) 在过去(的两年中)
  5. turn into a park 变成一个公园
  6. miss my old friends / miss the train 怀念我的老朋友/错过火车
  7. play cards and chinese chess 玩牌和下中国象棋
  8. the closing of the old airport 旧机场的关闭
  9. take off / land safely 安全地起飞/降落
  10. in some ways / in a way 从某种意义上/程度上讲
  11. feel a bit lonely from time to time 时不时地觉得有点孤独
  12. change a lot 改变许多
  13. have an interview with sb. /interview sb. 访谈某人
  14. hear about / of 听说
  15. in service/ in use 投入使用
  16. changes to lantau island 大屿山的变化
  17. go on holiday 去度假
  18. be surprised by the tall buildings 惊讶于周围的高楼
  19. over the years 几年来
  20. on one’s own 独自
  21. agree with sb. /agree to do sth. 同意某人 /同意做某事
  22. bring many benefits 带来许多利益
  23. cause many problems 导致许多问题
  24. win many awards 获许多奖
  25. have the same feeling 有同感
  26. used to do sth 过去常常做某事
  27. from time to time 时不时
  28. hear from 收到来信
  29. think of 想起某人
  1. we used to _____(swim ) every day when we were children .
  2. would you like ________(have ) some more beef , andy ?
  3. his mother agreed ________(buy) him a new computer.
  4. the plane landed __________(safe) at last and everyone were happy.
  5. tom ________ mary last year. they ________ for a year. (marry)
  from time to time turn into in the past live in change a lot
  ____1____, 30,000 people lived in sun city . we had our own chinese medicine shops , dentists and some restaurants . now it has __2__. the place i ___3___ has ___4___ a park . i often meet old friends there . but pollution is a problem , many people have moved to other cities . so i feel lonely ___5____.
  1. i came to school on my own.
  i came to school _______ ________.
  2. sometimes, i enjoy chatting with my friends after class.
  i enjoy chatting with my friends after class _____ _______ _________ _________.
  3. it was often the home of wild animals.
  it _______ ________ be the home of wild animals.
  4. hong kong has changed a lot over the years.
  there _______ ______ a lot of changes in hong kong over the years.
  5. they no longer have a good environment.
  they don’t have a good environment _______ _________.
  (not…any more 不再
  people often ask me to spell my name and now i don’t want to spell my name any more.
  1. 现在去大屿山很快捷。
  now it is _______ ____ get to lantau island.
  2. 这曾经是野生动物之家。
  it_______ ________ be _______ _______ _______ wild animals.
  3. 大屿山的变化带来了很多利益也引发了很多问题。
  the changes ____ lantau island have _____ many ___ but they have also _______ ______ ______.
  4. 我很高兴听说你很快要来度假了。
  i am glad to hear that you ______ _______ _____ ________ holidays soon.
  5. 自从那时起,他们就搬到加拿大了。
  _______ ______, they have _______ _______ canada.
  一、1. swim 2. to have 3. to buy 4. safely 5. married, have been married
  二、1. in the past 2. changed a lot3. lived in4. turned into5. from time to time
  三、1. by myself 2. from time to time 3. used to
  4. have been 5. any more/longer
  四、1. fast to 2. used to, the home of 3. to, brought ,benefits caused many problems
  4. are going to spend 5. since then,moved to
  1. i have known the place for many years.
  2. has the place changed a lot?
  3. there was once an old airport near the kowloon walled city.
  4. it has become difficult to see my old friends.
  it + be +形 + (for sb) to do sth. 某人干某事怎么样……
  it’s nice to have open space and pretty garden.
  it’s good to drink a cup of water after you get up in the morning.
  5. we haven’t seen that film yet.
  6. eddie has lived with millie since she was born.
  i have known it since i was very young. 自从我很小时我就熟悉它。
  i have heard of liu huan since i was very young. 自从我很小时就听说过刘欢。
  7. john has been to the usa a few times.
  8. i have never read this story.
  9. there have been many changes in hong kong.
  10. things have changed a lot over the years.
  11. it used to be the home of many wild animals.
  he used to be a history teacher.
  he used to live in the country.
  1. what are you doing at __________(现在)?
  2. air_____________(污染) today in our country is very serious.
  3. have you been to the school library ____________?( recent)
  4. it’s i_________ to laugh at others when they are in trouble.
  5. d________ are the persons who look after our teeth.
  6. when was the new airport in chek lap kok in ______(被使用,服务)?
  7. i lived in yangzhou and ___________(搬到) to nanjing in 1998.
  8. teachers are often strict to us. __________(实际上) they love us very much.
  9. we had a school trip last week and enjoyed the f_______ air in the country.
  10. when the old people saw the plane landed s________ they got excited.
  1. present 2. pollution 3. recently 4. impolite 5. dentists
  6. service/use 7. moved 8. in fact/actually 9. fresh 10. safely
  ()1. the old city has turned ______ a beautiful park.
  a. on b. in c. off d. into
  ()2. hurry up! the play ________ already!
  a. has begun b. will begin c. begins d. began
  ()3. ----where is your mother? ----she _______ the supermarket to buy some food.
  a. went to b. has gone to c. has been to d. had gone to
  ()4. a: where’s jim? b: he ______ to london.
  a. went b. has been c. has gone d. will go
  ()the environment ________ in our town recently.
  a. improved b. improves c. has improved d. is improving
  ()6. ----could i have a look at your new bicycle?
  ----sorry, i ________ it to alice. she _______ to borrow it this morning.
  a. have lent; came b. lend; was coming
  c. had lent; came d. have lent; will come
  ( )7. amy _________ a book at this time yesterday.
  a. was readingb. readc. is readingd. has read
  ()8. i’m sorry but i __________ my book at home.
  a. forgotb. forgetc. leftd. leave
  ( ) 9. _________ you ever ___________ the great wall?
  a. have; gone to b. have; been toc. did; go tod. will; go to
  ( ) 10. my father has worked there ___________.
  a. since five year b. since 1990 c. for five years agod. five years
  ( ) 11. sanrio purloined is ___ big that you need a ____ day to visit it.
  a. so; whole b. such; whole c. such; all d. so; all
  ( ) 12 they don’t want to lose their _________ area .
  a. lives b . life c. living d. lively
  ( )13 he’s an american , but he knows ________ chinese .
  a. a little b. a bit c. a few d. little
  ( )14 when did your father ______ your mother ?
  a. married b. marry with c. get married d. get married to
  ( )15 ---what did see in your hometown ?
  ---oh, it has changed ________. i saw ______ new buildings.
  a. a lot, lots b. a lot of, lots of c. a lot, lots of d. a lot of, a lot of
  dabcc aacbb acadc
